The three of them work together so well that even after many years, the three of them can understand the meaning in each other’s eyes.

Ace’s main attack is with his fruit ability fully activated, his whole body burning with blazing flames, his fists burning with red flames and Akainu’s fists constantly colliding.

Straw Hat Luffy on the side activated second gear and attacked Akainu from behind.

But how could a dignified admiral let you attack from behind so easily? When Straw Hat Luffy’s attack came, Akainu’s back was elementalized, and magma dog heads attacked.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Sabo took action to block Akainu’s attack. The three formed a perfect offensive and defensive formation, with Ace as the main attacker and Straw Hat Luffy as the assist. Sabo was on the side from time to time to prevent Akainu from delivering a fatal blow to the two.

For a moment, the four people were fighting inextricably. Everyone on the battlefield was shocked. He was a naval admiral, the highest combat power in the navy!

“Hey, have people all over the world seen it?”

“Under the guidance of the great god Buggy, the three Straw Hat Luffy brothers fought back against the hateful Admiral Akainu!”

“Wow, that damn Akainu doesn’t have eyes. The lava almost hit me!”

Bucky, who was flying in mid-air to commentate on the battle between the three brothers and Akainu, was almost hit by the lava generated by the battle. Fortunately, Bucky’s fruit power was so powerful that he split into countless pieces in an instant and was able to escape the lava.

Bucky was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat after escaping the lava. He cursed and cursed at Akainu. Unexpectedly, Akainu turned around and gave a look that scared Bucky into not uttering a word.

“Made, live streaming is risky!”

Just as Bucky was about to slip away, he heard Straw Hat Luffy yell: Rubber shield!

Then a pair of hands reached high into the air and grabbed Bucky. Bucky was pulled in front of Straw Hat Luffy before he could react.

Bucky: Damn Straw Hat Luffy, don’t come over here!

Bucky (ÒωÓױ): Idiot, don’t mess around!

Bucky: Straw Hat, you bastard, I’m going to kill you!

When Bucky was confused, Straw Hat Luffy used Bucky as a shield and threw him at Akainu!

Akainu was also stunned for a moment. He had never seen such a trick before, but what’s the use? He turned into ashes with one punch!

Bucky: “Akainu, you bastard, there’s no way you can kill me!”

Seeing Akainu’s magma fist getting closer and closer, Bucky finally gave up and showed off his strength.

“Look at my new ability of the Split Fruit, elemental splitting!”

Bucky stretched out his fingers towards the lava fist that was blasting towards him, and a ray of white light shot out and collided with Akainu’s magma fist. In an instant, Akainu’s magma fist was broken into countless small fireballs.

Akainu: “Something capable!”

Bucky (▼へ▼メ): “Seeing that there is no magma bastard, this is my strength. Now let me show you my invincible invention!”

Bucky: “Special Bucky bullets, eight rounds!”

There is a red round bullet between his ten fingers. The special Bucky bullet is a smaller version of Bucky’s original invention. Don’t look at the small red bullet. Bucky relies on the special Bucky bullet. Killed the Jailer Beast in Impel Down City.

Eight special Bucky bullets were fired at Akainu. Akainu looked at the so-called special Bucky bullets with disdain, and punched the hell dog out!

“Boom boom boom boom”

“Boom boom boom boom”

Eight huge explosions sounded in a row, and the power of the special Bucky bomb overwhelmed Akainu. For a moment, fire and smoke enveloped Akainu!

After the fire and smoke dissipated, Akainu appeared uninjured, but the red suit and the coat of justice on his back became tattered!

Akainu did not expect that a small projectile could be so powerful. Although damage of this level of power did not pose a threat to him, but seeing that his red suit and justice coat were destroyed, and his whole body was in tatters like a beggar, Akainu felt it was very insulting but not very hurtful.

Akainu: “Damn Bucky!”

Luffy: “Awesome, Bucky is quite capable.”

This scene was seen by the prisoners that Bucky brought out from Impel Down City. Their eyes were wide open and they were shocked. Lord Bucky actually fought with the navy admiral.

Suddenly, the admiration of all the prisoners for Bucky was as endless as the sea water in Twin Points, and their eyes were crazy and they shouted loudly: Bucky!

People from all the islands watching the live broadcast also looked in disbelief that this clown-like pirate was so powerful.

Bucky^_^: “Hahahaha, you guys, have you seen this? This is my strength.”

Akainu: “Damn pirate, go to hell!”

The angry Akainu punched Bucky. Upon seeing this, Bucky hurriedly hid behind Straw Hat Luffy and shouted: Hey, Straw Hat boy, hurry up and fuck me.

Warring States on the other side received the news of Bucky’s live broadcast and almost fainted.

Originally, the live broadcast of this war was to promote the strength of the navy and combat the arrogance of pirates.

Well now, a pirate suddenly took over the camera, attacked the admiral in front of the whole world, and destroyed the admiral’s clothes and coat of justice. It was simply a great shame for the navy!

Warring States: “Immediately, immediately, catch that guy!”

“Kulala, this is ridiculous, the lava imp can’t even handle three imps!”

“That’s not the red-nosed kid on Roger’s boat. He did a good job and didn’t embarrass Roger!”

While Whitebeard was fighting Li Yi, he was constantly checking Straw Hat Luffy’s situation, and burst out laughing when he saw Akainu being surrounded by three people.

Li Yi: “Whitebeard, can you concentrate on fighting!”

Whitebeard: “Oh, I’m sorry about the Thunder Imp, but the Magma Imp’s performance was so hilarious!”

Whitebeard: “The highest combat power of your navy can’t even defeat three brats. It’s really shocking!”

Li Yi: “If Akainu hadn’t been beaten and injured by you first, he would have pushed the three brothers to the ground and rubbed them in minutes!”

Whitebeard→_→: “If I were younger, I would push you to the ground in a minute!”

Li Yi→_→: “Tsk, who can’t tell lies!”

Li Yi: “You don’t have much time, Whitebeard!”

Whitebeard: “Yeah, I don’t have much time, but it’s enough to defeat you!”

The Congyunqie on Whitebeard’s hand is wrapped with a layer of vibrating power, which is blasted out with slashes between swings.

The space shook, and a crack was torn out on the ground.

“Breath of thunder, shape of eight, thunder dragon tail!”

With a swing of the sword, the golden thunder and lightning sword energy turned into a golden dragon, baring its teeth and claws, and collided with Whitebeard’s shocking slash.


The two attacks collided with a loud noise, and the golden thunder dragon’s tail swept away Whitebeard’s shocking slash.

Seeing this, White Beard swung Cong Yunqie again, and launched several shocking slashes in succession to attack the golden thunder dragon!

For a moment, Whitebeard kept waving Cong Yunqi to attack the golden thunder dragon, and the golden thunder dragon did not dare to show weakness. The dragon’s tail kept sweeping, driving away the slashes!

Finally, the tail of the golden thunder dragon swept towards Whitebeard. Whitebeard caught it with one hand and threw it to the ground. He held down the golden thunder dragon with one hand and the shock force exploded and shattered the golden thunder dragon into pieces!

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