Skylark’s hands were shaking after firing a shot. It wasn’t because she was afraid of Rayleigh, but every time she used this Titan Destroyer, she would tremble a little.

For no other reason than because the bullets used in this sniper rifle are so terrifying. The bullets that are larger than ordinary bullets look like extremely powerful bombs to Skylark.

This super-heavy sniper rifle called the Giant Destroyer is a large-caliber sniper rifle, weighing 30KG and 1200mm long, with a magazine of 8 bullets.

It uses a specially made and powerful bullet, and the manufacturing cost of one bullet is as high as 3W Bailey.

At first, Li Yi looked at the research funding details handed over by Lilith, the second clone of Vegapunk, and thought that he had been deceived by Lilith.

A bullet costs 30,000 Baileys, why the hell don’t you go rob the Celestial Dragons?

Lilith responded angrily. Because Li Yi originally requested to design an extremely powerful sniper rifle, Lilith designed the sniper rifle according to Li Yi’s conditions.

The embarrassing thing is that no bullet can match this sniper rifle, and ordinary ammunition cannot maximize the capabilities of this gun.

So in order to develop this kind of ammunition, Lilith found a material to replace the conventional gunpowder.

“Dynamite Rock!”

Lilith was so crazy that she found something banned by the world government as gunpowder for bullets.

The dynamite rock is known as a weapon with the same destructive power as the three ancient weapons. Although it is currently unknown how destructive the three weapons are, the power of the dynamite rock is really comparable to that of a nuclear bomb.

Vegapunk once calculated that if dozens or more explosive rocks detonated a volcano, the power produced would be enough to destroy the new world.

Such terrifying power was immediately listed as a prohibited item by the World Government, and heavy troops were deployed to guard it.

Only Lilith got a piece of explosive rock in the name of research.

Explosive rock will explode as soon as it comes into contact with oxygen. In order to make dynamite rock into sniper bullets, Lilith almost blew up the research laboratory on Danjian Island.

Finally, in an oxygen-free environment, Lilith cut the explosive rock into countless small pieces and put them into the bullets of the sniper rifle. After firing them through the Giant Destroyer sniper rifle, a terrifying explosive force erupted the moment it hit the enemy.

Although it is less powerful than a complete dynamite rock, in the bullet head, the dynamite rock is mixed with other liquid explosives, and the power of the explosion is enough to blow through the city wall, and it is terrifying enough to kill even giants.

Skylark almost killed Rayleigh with one shot, but unfortunately Rayleigh was not a vegetarian in terms of knowledge, knowledge and color. If it had been anyone else, he would have turned into a scumbag.

With a shot fired from Wei’s hand, Skylark immediately activated the invisibility function of his battle suit, and his figure immediately disappeared without a trace.

Today’s Blade Team not only has powerful weapons made by Vegapunk, but is also equipped with combat uniforms with the same capabilities as Germa.

Its defensive ability can block cannonballs, and the cloak with the word “Justice” printed on its back also has the ability to fly, and its invisibility is not a problem.

Rayleigh, who had dodged the fatal shot, was sweating profusely. He stared in the direction of Skylark. He sensed a breath from the sight, but the breath was quickly hidden.

Rayleigh did not take any action at this moment, nor did he go to assist the Straw Hats and the Revolutionary Army, because Rayleigh knew that once he made any move, the hidden navy would fire a fatal shot.

Suddenly the battle situation fell into a stalemate again, with Rayleigh being restrained by Skylark, Messia and Sabo fighting inextricably, and Karas being restrained by Rom and Grus.

The remaining Zhan Taowan commanded Seraph S and the bear fought inextricably. What made Li Yi speechless was that Zhan Taowan would just stand and give directions blindly. Can’t you also fight together?

Did you grow up watching Pokémon, or does Seraph still digitally evolve?

Kebi and Melube faced off against the Straw Hats, and Kebi faced off against Straw Hat Luffy. The two fist bumped and went back and forth, and they were all smiling.

You two are just having fun, can you be more serious?

Merub’s performance was slightly worse. Even with high-tech equipment, he was suppressed by Sauron. It was really deceiving.

Long: “I didn’t expect you to have such a terrifying sniper gunner. Such a powerful firearm must have been made by Vegapunk!”

Li Yi→_→: “Don’t you know if you ask Bega Punk yourself?”

Li Yi→_→: “Aren’t you very familiar with each other!”

Long (⊙o⊙): “How did you know!”

Li Yi(ˉ▽ ̄~) Che~~: “Long, do you think you two are hiding well?”

Li Yi(ˉ▽ ̄~) Che~~: “According to world politics

According to the government’s plan, Bartholomew Bear was eventually completely transformed into a weapon, erasing all emotions and personality consciousness. ”

Li Yi (ˉ▽ ̄~) Che~~: “But now he is able to betray the World Government’s order to rescue Straw Hat Luffy. Logically speaking, the bear who has completed the transformation plan has no emotion and personality consciousness.”

Li Yi (ˉ▽ ̄~) Tsk~~: “The only explanation is that Vegapunk has done something wrong, and only Vegapunk can make the bear retain consciousness!”

Li Yi (ˉ▽ ̄~) Che~~: “The bears are your members, and Vegapunk is your ally.”

Long listened to Li Yi’s analysis and his murderous intent surged. Xiong’s identity was very secret among the revolutionary army, and few people knew about his relationship with Vegapunk.

Long planned everything so hard to break into the World Government and obtain Vegapunk’s technological power. With Vegapunk’s technological power, the strength of the revolutionary army will be greatly enhanced.

Li Yi: “Don’t look at me like that. I didn’t tell the World Government about your relationship with Vegapunk.”

Li Yi: “After all, I also need Vegapunk’s power!”

Dragon: “I’m sorry, you know too many secrets, so please die!”

Li Yi: “I’m so scared. It’s up to me whether your son can leave here today!”

The dragon full of killing intent raised its cyan dragon claw, and a cyan flame appeared on the dragon claw. The cyan flame flew towards it with a wave of the dragon claw.

“Dragon Flame!”

From the battle in the West Sea, Li Yi always thought that the dragon’s fruit power was the natural wind fruit, but he never expected that it also had the power of fire.

It is not difficult to guess that Ryu is not a natural Devil Fruit user at all, but a Phantom Beast Fruit user. No wonder this guy’s body is so strong, not as brittle as Kizaru!

Weird green dragon flames flew towards Li Yi. Facing the unknown power, the golden lightning around Li Yi condensed into swords of thunder and lightning and attacked the green flames.


The golden lightning sword collided with the green flames and made a loud roar. The power of thunder and lightning exploded into green flames. Dots of flames fell from high altitude and landed on the Arqiman mangrove tree.

In an instant, the Arqiman mangroves burned, and the blazing heat caused nearby houses and buildings to catch fire!

Li Yi (⊙o⊙): “I didn’t expect that you are not a natural type, but a fantasy beast type person!”

“Dragon fruit, phantom beast species, storm dragon!”

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