“It is better to talk to the Tianlong people about etiquette, justice and integrity than to talk about the morality of the world with pirates!”

Apu hated Trafalgar Law to death at the moment. He ran away first by himself without saying hello in advance. No one else could have endured it!

However, Apu had not yet recovered from Trafalgar Law’s betrayal. Rom’s little giant-like body was right in front of his eyes. On that day, Apu was shrouded in the fear of a giant!

Rom looked at the frightened Apu with disdain on his face, slowly raised his right hand and slapped him.


A slap the size of a basketball instantly sent Apu flying, crashing directly through a house, and then he fell unconscious.

Roma→_→: “Is this the most evil generation?”

Roma→_→: “I would have sent a pacifist if I had known.”

After taking care of Apu, only Drake was left, and the three of them slowly walked towards Drake.

GROSS: “You’re the only one left, fallen Major General X. Drake!”

Rom: “I heard that your Devil Fruit is an ancient species of the animal type, so it should be stronger than them!”

Messia: “Hey, it’s my turn!”

The three of them waited for Drake to attack, but unexpectedly, Drake raised his hands and said, “Actually, I am an undercover!”

Rom Σ(⊙▽⊙"a!

Messia Σ(⊙▽⊙"a!

Grouse Σ(⊙▽⊙"a!

Rom: “He said he was an undercover agent. Do you believe it?”

Messia: “He was indeed a rear admiral before.”

Gruss: “Why don’t you ask General Li Yi?”

Gruss immediately pressed the button of a circular device worn by his ear. This was a communication device invented by Vegapunk’s clone Edison, which could communicate with each team member in real time at any time.

Gruss: “Hey, General Li Yi, I’m Gruss and I want to ask you a question.”

Li Yi: “What’s going on?”

Gross: “The Drake we want to arrest says he is an undercover agent. Is he really one of our own?”

Li Yi: “I forgot to tell you that Drake is indeed an undercover agent and a member of our Blade Team.”

After receiving Li Yi’s answer, the three of them immediately relaxed their guard and stepped forward to shake hands with Drake.

Gruss: “Thank you for your hard work!”

Drake: “For justice, no matter how hard you work, it’s worth it!”

Gruss: “Now that the Shampoo Islands are surrounded by us, you’d better leave first!”

Drake: “I heard from Kidd and Trafalgar Law that the legendary pirate Hades Rayleigh appeared at the auction.”

Drake: “According to both of them, Hades Rayleigh helped the Straw Hats escape.”

Messia: “Pluto Rayleigh is indeed an extremely powerful man, but General Li Yi’s strength is almost godlike!”

Messiah is a die-hard fan of Li Yi, and Li Yi is almost a god in his heart.

Although Derek had never seen Li Yi in person, he could see Li Yi’s powerful figure from Messia’s admiring eyes.

Drake briefly exchanged information with the two and then left in a hurry. After all, he was still a pirate, so standing with the two marines was very conspicuous.

After Drake left, Gruss called a few navy soldiers and put all the half-dead evil generations on the ground into a pair of sea-stone handcuffs.

At this point, the battle in Area 21 ends, and at the same time, the battle in Area 24 begins.

One of the most evil generations, Hawkins, known as “Huo Banxian”, is a stable one. Facing the arrival of the peacock, he is extremely calm and activates his Devil Fruit ability to perform divination.

There is a group of pirates surrounding Hawkins, all of whom are members of his pirate group.

As for the big stomach king Bonnie, she has long since disappeared, but under the perception of seeing, hearing, and color, there is a breath quietly hiding nearby.

“Basil Hawkins, with a bounty of 249 million Baileys, Superman has a straw fruit and is good at divination.”

Peacock looked at Hawkins strangely. At the same time, his hand had already grasped the hilt of the sword, and his breath was firmly locked on Hawkins.

At this moment, Hawkins looked solemn, because at the moment when Peacock held the knife, his divination results showed that the defeat rate was as high as 70%, but the mortality rate was zero.

Peacock: “It seems that the result of the divination is not good for you. In this case, surrender obediently!”

Hawkins: “Although the failure rate is very high, beautiful navy lady, how can you know the real result if you don’t give it a try!”


Before he finished speaking, the peacock’s whip-like blade stabbed out instantly, and Hawkins was stabbed in the chest.

However, there was no trace of blood on Hawkins’ body. Instead, a pirate behind him suddenly spurted blood from his chest and then fell down.

“This is your devil fruit power!”

Peacock looks at Hawkins

No damage appeared after the attack, and he was immediately reminded of his Devil Fruit.

There is information about Devil Fruits in Vegapunk’s laboratory on Eggjian Island, and Hawkins’ Straw Fruit is mentioned among them.

This straw fruit has as many as six abilities. The first is the divination ability, which can predict oneself or others with a very high accuracy.

The second creation ability is through this ability to create weapons made of straw.

The third ability is to transfer damage. Hawkins can transfer the attack damage received to the people around him, so Hawkins will have a large group of subordinates around him to help him every time he fights.

These pirates do not have great power, they are just shields used by Hawkins to block bullets.

The fourth ability is to save one’s life. It is known that cats have nine lives. But Hawkins, who possesses the straw fruit, has ten lives. The scarecrow he created houses the soul and life of each of his subordinates, which can withstand fatal blows for Hawkins.

The fifth ability is to control others. Why can Hawkins make the people under him willing to die and be injured for him? Could it be that he treats the pirates under him very well, like brothers?

This is too much to think about. In the eyes of Hawkins, they are just his tools. The ability of the straw fruit can also control others and become his own puppets!

The sixth ability is to summon the Conjurer, which is Hawkins’ final move. A giant scarecrow made from all the life-saving scarecrows. It holds a huge wooden stick with spikes and can spit extremely lethal nails in the air.

Peacock: “Nice fruit ability!”

Peacock: “But at the same time, there is a fatal flaw. As long as the people around you are eliminated at once, you will have no one to help you resist the harm.”

Hawkins: “Beautiful Navy lady, there are hundreds of pirates behind me, how can you solve them all at once?”

Peacock: “Whether I can do it or not, you can do some divination!”

Peacock: “But I’m afraid you don’t have time.”

Peacock: “Because I won’t give you time!”

“The breath of love, the shape of two, the troubled love”

He moved at high speed, waving the whip-like blade in his hand, and shuttled back and forth among the crowd of pirates. Wherever he went, the sword light flashed, and the pirates fell one after another.

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