
“How about it, Ace.”

“Isn’t my plan perfect? ​​Ace join my pirate team!”

“I have always admired you, join my pirate team and be my vice-captain!”

I have to say that Marshall Teach Blackbeard’s brain circuit is really different from ordinary people. He said in front of his brother that he wanted to arrest his younger brother, and also invited others to participate. What a special talent.

“Tikki, how dare you try to hurt Luffy!”

“I will never allow my family to be harmed!”

“So I decided to be here!”

“Kill you!”

After Ace finished speaking, Van Oka from the Blackbeard Pirates below took a pre-emptive strike. The sniper rifle in his hand fired continuously, and several bullets were quickly fired at Ace.

“Bang bang bang bang bang”

The bullet shot quickly and hit Ace directly. The bullet passed through his body but did not spurt out any blood.

Van Oka’s shooting did not cause any damage to Ace. Ordinary bullets cannot cause damage to natural devil fruit users, and the elemental body can ignore all physical attacks.

“Asshole, who told you to attack!”

The members under his command did not follow the instructions and attacked without permission. Blackbeard was very angry and yelled at them.

At this time, Ace had already begun to fight back, stretching out his hands to hold a pistol.


Flames emerged from his fingers like bullets and fired at the members of the Blackbeard Pirates below.

“Peng Peng Peng Peng Peng”

The flame bullets were fired continuously, and the power of the burst was stronger than that of firearms.

In a hurry, Fan Oka could only dodge quickly, while Fan Oka was avoiding Ace’s attack. Shabas also launched an attack, lifting up a small house and smashing it onto Ace.

“Fire Ring. Fire Pillar!”

A circle of flames appeared around Ace, and then more flames erupted into a pillar of fire that reached the sky. The raging flames instantly engulfed the entire small house.

“You are no match for him at all, don’t take action without permission!”

The crew members disobeyed orders one after another, which made Blackbeard very angry. Blackbeard knew very well how strong Ace was, and Van Oka and others were no match at all.

“fire punch!”

After using Flame Ring and Fire Pillar to defeat Bashas’ attack, Ace punched out, and huge flames spurted out from his fist.

With one punch, the entire Blackbeard Pirates were blown away, and all members of the Blackbeard Pirates were covered in blazing flames.

Although Ace’s punch was powerful, the crew of the Blackbeard Pirates did not suffer much damage. After being knocked to the ground, he immediately stood up and patted the flames on his body. Instead, only Teach, the captain, lay on the ground and howled.

“It hurts!”

Teach’s fat body was burning with flames, and the side effects of the Dark Fruit were manifested at this moment, and the pain and damage suffered doubled.

The members of the Blackbeard Pirates immediately walked up to him and put out the flames on Teach.

Ace walked step by step, bathed in blazing flames, like a god of fire, looking at Tikki with an expressionless face but cold eyes.

Teach looked at Ace who had murderous intent in his eyes and laughed loudly: “Ace, you must really want to kill me now, right?”

“No wonder, after all, killing a companion is a felony!”

“I was indeed the one who killed the fourth captain, Sachi!”

“There is nothing I can do about it. He got the fruit I wanted.”

“But according to the rules on the ship, whoever finds it first will eat it.”

“I clearly remember the shapes of all the fruits in the illustrated book. When the fruit appeared on Sachi’s hand, I recognized it instantly.”

“That is the fruit of my dreams. I stayed on the ship for so long just to find this fruit!”

“If I were unlucky, I would have accepted it, but this fruit happened to fall into Sachi’s hands, so I had no choice but to take action.”

Teach shamelessly defended the crimes he committed and understood them according to his magical brain circuitry.

Although Sachi was the first person to get the fruit, he had no idea what kind of fruit it was.

And Tiqi discovered at a glance that the fruit was the Dark Fruit, so according to the rules, the fruit should belong to him. There is nothing wrong with this understanding.

“So this is the reason why you killed Sachi and took away the fruit!”

Ace asked coldly, his eyes extremely cold.

Tiqi responded proudly: “This is just a coincidence. No matter whether Sachi gets the fruit first or not, the fruit must be mine in the end.”

“Because this fruit chose me, I got the strongest fruit.”

“In the future, I will replace Whitebeard and become the strongest in the world!”

Teach laughed wildly and emitted countless black smoke from his body. The black smoke rose into the sky and blocked the sun. The entire Banaro Island seemed to be swallowed by darkness.

“Ace, your ability is fire!”

“And I am the darkness that devours everything!”

“So I will not be killed by you, because darkness swallows everything, including fire!”

Seeing that their captain was finally taking action, the members of the Blackbeard Pirates evacuated the scene at the same speed as flying.

“Dark cave!”

Teach pressed his palms tightly to the ground, and endless darkness emerged to cover the entire town. Seeing this, the residents of the island ran away as hard as they could.

The next moment, the entire town was sucked into the dark cave of Tiqi’s palm, and the entire town disappeared in an instant. Immediately afterwards, a column of black smoke rose into the sky, and what spewed out from it was the remains of the town.

“Did you see that, Ace!”

“This is the power swallowed by the Dark Fruit!”

Tikki laughed loudly and showed off the ability of the Dark Fruit, but he didn’t notice at all that there were several tiny flames like fireflies floating around him.


Ace gave an order, and those firefly-like flames attacked Teach.

The unsuspecting Tikki was instantly swallowed up by the flames erupting from the fireflies. The doubled pain made Tikki roll on the ground, but the flames were soon swallowed up by the black smoke coming out of Tikki’s body.

“This is what you call the strongest fruit!”

Ace looked at Tikki with disdain and sneered at Tikki’s embarrassed look.

However, he couldn’t laugh anymore the next second. Tiqi stretched out his palm and the black smoke condensed into a vortex, and a powerful suction force spurted out from the vortex.

“Dark Water!”

Eston immediately felt his body being sucked in front of Teach uncontrollably, and Teach grabbed his arm with one hand.


Teach punched Ace hard, knocking Ace away with one punch, and hit the wreckage of the house hard, causing smoke and dust to fill the sky, and blood flowed from his mouth.

“How can it be?”

“Why can’t my body be elementalized!”

Ace stood up from the wreckage of the house and looked at Teach in shock. The moment he was caught by Teach, he wanted to elementalize his body to avoid the attack, but he was shocked to find that he could not use his devil fruit ability at all.

“Ace, are you surprised?”

“Why can’t you use your devil fruit powers?”

“This is the power of the Dark Fruit. Not only can it attract enemies to you, but it can also absorb the enemy’s Devil Fruit abilities!”

“When I touch your body, you won’t be able to use your devil fruit powers.”

“Whether it is natural type, animal type, or superhuman type, it is impossible to defend against my dark fruit ability!”

Teach proudly explained to Ace.

Ace wiped the blood from his mouth and said, “As long as you don’t catch me, your ability will be ineffective against me.”


“Then do it again!”

“Dark Water!”

Teach stretched out his palm again, and a black vortex emerged and a powerful suction force struck again.

With the experience from the last time, Ace quickly threw out two flames with his hands when he was about to get close to Teach.

The flames instantly pierced Tikki’s body like a spear. Tikki endured the huge pain while slashing at Ace with a hand knife.

Ace was knocked back to the ground by Tikki again, and Tikki was rolling on the ground in pain.

Teach: “Ace, I don’t want to kill you. It would be a pity to kill you!”

Teach: “Join my pirate team!”

Ace smiled slightly: “If you surrender to power, you will be a man for nothing.”

Ace: “I will never let myself have any regrets!”

Teach: “The one who survives in this world is the winner!”

Teach: “It’s such a pity that Ace died in the darkness!”

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