Li Yi (¯﹃¯): “Sister, you are so beautiful today!”

Huang Yuan→_→: “Hey, my mouth is watering. You are now a general. Please pay attention to your image, okay?”

Li Yi╮(╯▽╰)╭: “I can’t help it. I blame Sister Taotu for being too beautiful. I can’t control myself now.”

Kizaru (ΩДΩ): “It’s really scary!”

At this party celebrating Li Yi’s promotion to general, not only Taotu dressed up beautifully. Others like peacocks and skylarks are also beautifully dressed.

“Dong dong dong”

At this time, there was a knock on the door. As the lowest-ranking military officers present, Kerby and Kruber acted as temporary waiters and opened the door.

The door opened and five figures entered, Zefa wearing sunglasses, Smoker holding a cigar in his mouth, Dasqi holding a knife in both hands, Ain wearing a short skirt and silky clothes, and finally, wearing a red dress Tina appears in a long skirt.

Li Yi (¯﹃¯): “Wow, Tina seems to be pretty good too!”

² Li Yi╮(╯▽╰)╭: “But Ai Yin is also very good!”

Kizaru→_→: “My nephew listened to my uncle’s advice. It’s hard to chase girls from the headquarters. You can’t control them!”

Li YiΣ(⊙▽⊙"a

“Welcome Teacher Zefa!”

Seeing Zefa arriving, Li Yi stepped forward to greet him. Without Zefa’s guidance, Li Yi would not have achieved what he has achieved now.

“The kid is very good. He has made me proud. I must fulfill my responsibilities as a general seriously in the future.”

“Don’t be like some people who go to work at a snail’s speed and clock out at the speed of light!”

Zefa seemed to be saying this to Li Yi, but his eyes─━_─━✧looked at Huang Yuan.

Kizaru o(╥﹏╥)o: “Teacher Zefa, you are wrong to say that. Among your students, I have the best professional ethics!”

Zefa→_→: “You are the laziest among all my students, bar none!”

Kizaru(╥╯^╰╥): “Heart-piercing!”

Smoker: “Congratulations on becoming an admiral, the youngest admiral in the history of the Navy.”

Li Yi: “You’re not bad either, you’re already a brigadier general now!”

The two of them sat on the sofa, raised their wine glasses and drank deeply. After entering the new world, Smoker’s strength improved rapidly, and the aura displayed on his body was much stronger than before.

Li Yi: “How do you feel about being in the headquarters?”

Smoker: “It’s okay. After performing various tasks in the new world, I realized that staying in the East China Sea was a waste of time.”

Li Yi: “It’s not too late!”

Smoker: “I heard you almost caught Straw Hat Luffy?”

Li Yi╮(╯▽╰)╭: “It’s not that easy. There is a powerful and terrifying grandpa behind him!”

“Hahahahaha, Li Yi, are you talking about me?”

With a “bang”, the door was violently pushed open, and Garp and He both arrived. Garp put a hand on Li Yi’s shoulder and said, “I heard that you are preparing a lot of daily circles here!”

Li Yi-_-||: “Eat with confidence, the quantity is large and the amount is sufficient, I guarantee that you will eat until you break the record.”

Garp^_^: “Not bad!”

Garp: “Isn’t this Smoker? Did he just return to the headquarters?”

Smoker: “I just finished the mission and came back to hand it over.”

Garp: “You are a very good boy. I heard that you are very familiar with my grandson!”

Smoker: “I’m not familiar with that idiot!”

Garp: “That guy Luffy has caused trouble for you, haha, please be patient.”

Smoker: “Don’t worry, even if it’s your grandson, I won’t show mercy.”

Garp: “Hahaha, it depends on whether you have the strength!”

With the arrival of Zefa and He, the house suddenly became lively. Garp, Zefa, He and Kizaru sat together and chatted, and the younger ones also sat around.

Everyone raised glasses to celebrate Li Yi becoming a general, and the atmosphere of the party became more and more intense.

The music started playing, and at this moment Li Yi walked directly in front of Taotu, bent down and made an invitation to dance together.

Taotu stretched out her white jade hand and took Li Yi’s hand, and the two walked into the hall hand in hand like a couple in love.

Li Yi held Tao Tu’s slender waist with one hand, and held Tao Tu’s jade hand with the other. Tao Tu put his hand on Li Yi’s shoulder. The two danced to the music, dancing back and forth in the hall like elves, and their graceful dance deeply attracted everyone.

Li Yi, who owns the West Sea Social Dance King, is a superb dancer. Under his powerful dancing skills, Taotu was completely impressed physically and mentally, and naturally put his head on Li Yi’s shoulders.

“It’s over, Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit has been completely defeated!”

“Niuban Glass, General Li Yi will know if there is one as soon as he takes action!”

“Three minutes of silence for the extra score!”


Russ, Rom, Kerby, and Kruber, all the young navy soldiers howled like wolves, looking at Li Yi with envy and hatred as he danced with the peach rabbit in his arms.

Suddenly, Grus looked at the peacock on one side and immediately invited him. Peacock didn’t agree at first, but after seeing Taotu and Li Yi’s performance in the hall, he agreed.

However, it is obvious that Grus’s dancing skills are far behind Li Yi’s, and he often steps on peacock’s feet.

Peacock(•́へ•́╬): “Asshole, can you dance?”

Grus ̄□ ̄||: “It doesn’t seem possible!”

Peacock(•́へ•́╬): “Asshole, go to hell!”

The angry Peacock pulled out his knife and slashed at Grus, causing the hall to burst into chaos.

When the music ended, Li Yi was so addicted to the charming fragrance of Peach Rabbit that he couldn’t extricate himself. He originally wanted to perform a more passionate salsa dance, but seeing He’s protective look on his face, he thought about it.

“Hey, why are you still drinking here!”

“Didn’t you see that Tina is dressed so beautifully tonight? It’s actually because of you!”

After a hot dance, Li Yi sat next to Smoker.

Smoker: “I can’t dance!”

Li Yi^_^: “So you still don’t know how to do it.”

Smog→_→: “Eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, proficient in everything!”

Li Yi (ΩДΩ): “Hey, I’m suing you for defamation in public places.”

Li Yi: “You don’t like women, do you?”

Smoker: “Women only affect the speed of my punches!”

Li Yi^_^: “That’s right. It does affect speed. Generally speaking, the more beautiful the beauty, the faster I can draw my sword!”

Smoker (ΩДΩ)

The party lasted until late at night, and everyone left drunk. Garp even broke his own donut record.

Taotu drank a lot, and Taotu, who usually looked mature and steady, turned out to be a drunkard.

What made Li Yi even more exclaimed was that Taotu looked the most charming when he was drinking. His red face and pursed lips were extremely sexy.

As a gentleman, of course he has to send the lady home in person, but unfortunately this idea was seen through by He. So I could only watch her leave with tears.

However, Peach Rabbit still gave him a sweet kiss before leaving, and the print of his lips on his face caused a howl.

The next day, all members of the Blade Team assembled and took a warship to the location of the scientific force, Bega Punk’s research base, and the high-tech future city of Eggjian Island.

Danjian Island is located near New World East Island, but don’t think that it is actually an island covered by icy weather.

With the high technology of Vegapunk, this island is like spring all year round, with dense forests on it, and various technologies that surpass this era.

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