Warring States Office of the Navy Marshal looked at the documents in his hands, never expecting that the World Government would make an exception and promote Li Yi to the rank of general, directly promoting him from major general to general.

You must know that although Taotu and Cha Dou are qualified to become generals, due to the three-general system, there are only three generals.

The two can only become general candidates, waiting for the general position to become vacant. However, the current world government has promoted the fourth general when there are no vacancies among the three generals. This news is expected to cause a shock in the sea.

The day after the Golden Lion incident ended, there was still a heated discussion about Straw Hat Luffy’s life experience in the sea. However, with the latest newspaper delivered by Seagull Bird, Straw Hat Luffy’s news was completely taken away from the headlines by the latest news. , has become the latest topic of discussion in Dahai.

“The fourth general of the navy, the thundering swordsman Li Yi!”

This is the title of the latest newspaper headline. Because Straw Hat Luffy’s life experience was exposed, Morgans was almost stewed on the order of the Five Old Stars.

However, seeing that the World Government still needs Morgans to work, Wulaoxing gave a stern warning and told Morgans to do a good job in reporting this time.

To suppress the exposure of Straw Hat Luffy’s life experience with such a big momentum is a bit like using one more explosive news to suppress another news, making the people who follow it forget the previous news and focus on the other news instead.

The fourth general was shaken by the sea. The world government broke the original system of three generals and promoted the fourth general in an unusual way. All forces were shocked.

It is not surprising to all parties that Li Yi can become a general, as his strength is sufficient for the position. But what makes all parties surprised is that the World Government actually broke the system of the three generals. Does this mean that the World Government wants to strengthen its navy?

All forces are worried that more general-level experts will appear in the navy.

In King Dexrosa’s Heights, Doflamingo was furious when he saw the content on the newspaper headlines. That guy became more and more powerful, and the five old guys from Marigio actually promoted him to a general.

This is obviously not a good signal. Those five old guys actually broke the three-general system, which means that the balance between the Shichibukai, the Yonko, and the Navy will be broken soon.

Based on the current attitude of various countries towards the Shichibukai system, those five old men will definitely agree to abolish the Shichibukai system.

Although Doflamingo is not the best in the sea, he is talented when it comes to making money and cooperation, and he has already thought of a way out.

Even without his status as King Shichibukai, relying on his relationship with the Kaido Alliance and his past as a Celestial Dragon, the world government and navy will not easily touch him.

In the Kingdom of Garcia in the West Sea, the beautiful Queen Sothea is wearing a red dress in the royal palace and castle, holding the newspaper just delivered by the seagull in her hand.

Looking at the increasingly handsome face in the newspaper, my heart wanted to fly to my lover immediately.

Alabasta, the capital of Aruba. King Kobra also read the newspaper and was shocked by what was reported in the newspaper.

That young rear admiral was able to break the system of three generals in the navy and become the fourth general. For a moment, Cobra thought of the Kingdom of Garcia, which he supported, and made up his mind to form an alliance with it.

There is a fourth general in the navy, and the four emperors of the new world have different attitudes, but most of them are afraid of Li Yi’s strength.

Especially Whitebeard looked at the newspaper with a nonchalant look on his face, and his sons also looked disdainfully praising their father as the strongest in the world, and didn’t even pay attention to the fourth general.

However, only Whitebeard knew in his heart that his body was no longer at its peak like the golden lion when he got old. I am extremely worried about the emergence of a fourth general in the navy.

Although the Whitebeard Pirates have a large number of people, only Marco and Foil Bista are the only ones who can fight against the general. But the strength of the two of them has not reached the imperial level at all, and they are no match for the fourth general.

Whitebeard was worried about his son, while Marine Fando at the Navy Headquarters was completely detonated by the news. Li Yi once again became a man of the hour in the navy, his reputation soared again and he became the idol of all young navy soldiers!

He became a naval admiral at the age of only nineteen, and his dazzling record was on par with the naval hero Garp. Male sailors regard him as an idol target, and female sailors regard him as a dream lover.

Now when Li Yi walks in Marineland, he is greeted warmly by female navy soldiers. The mailbox where he lives is full of stuff, and some even ask him out for supper in the middle of the night.

This is simply outrageous. Am I, Mr. Li, such a person? Thousands of flowers and grasses pass by without even a single leaf touching my body!

The generals in the Navy Headquarters had different reactions to Li Yi becoming a general. Some believed that he was well-deserved, while others believed that his qualifications were too junior.


No matter what, the World Government’s notification has spread all over the world. The Warring States Period has decided to hold a general appointment ceremony tomorrow and officially appoint Li Yi as the fourth general of the navy.

next day

The sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly. Navy soldiers were neatly arranged in the square of Marineland. The generals of the headquarters were lined up at the front. The three generals and the navy marshal stood on the high platform that had been built.

This time the appointment ceremony was broadcast live all over the world and could be watched by people from all over the world and the New World.

When the time came, Warring States walked to the microphone and began to give a speech. Of course, he talked about Li Yi’s series of achievements. In short, it was just a wave of bragging.

The navy soldiers lined up below burst into warm applause and shouted.

Shocking shouts resounded across the sky, and the Warring States Period summoned today’s protagonist.

“Now, let’s invite Major General Li Yi to come to the stage to accept the appointment!”

Amidst a burst of solemn music, Li Yi walked slowly towards the high platform with steps that he did not recognize his relatives. He exuded a kingly domineering attitude that made the coat of justice move without any wind.

With his blond hair and handsome face, Li Yi seemed to be shrouded in dazzling light at this moment. His powerful aura and good looks immediately provoked a group of female sailors into a state of madness, just like those idiot fans of idols.

“General Li Yi is so handsome!”

“General Li Yi, I want to give birth to a monkey!”

“General Li Yi, I love you like a mouse loves rice!”

“Li Yida will not marry anyone other than you in this life!”

Seeing the wolfish words uttered by a group of female sailors, all the generals in the headquarters were stunned, and the three generals were also shocked.

Although they were respected as generals, they were only in awe based on their strength and rank. They could not understand the mindless admiration that the young sailors had for Li Yi, which was close to being an idol.

Suddenly, a male sailor shouted loudly from below: “Oops, someone fainted!”

Because they were so excited and excited, some female sailors shouted and fainted from excitement.

On the high platform, Warring States and the three generals saw everything, and the four of them looked at each other as if they were talking.

Warring States: “Are you so exaggerated? Can you control yourself?”

Qing Pheasant: “I never expected this kid to be so charming!”

Akainu: “What a joke!”

Kizaru: “It’s terrible. My eldest nephew is so charming and liked by so many girls. I guess he will be better at fishing than me in the future!”

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