At this moment, after reading all the information about Alabasta, the five old stars in the power room started a heated discussion as usual!

The bald five old stars holding the first-generation Onei Tetsu looked angry at the moment, and were very angry at Li Yi for openly saying in Alabasta that the Shichibukai system was unreasonable.

This is tantamount to publicly slapping the world government in the face. The world government has no face! You, a Rear Admiral and a wage earner from the World Government, actually dare to question the decision of the top management. Have you been a little distracted recently and want to have an arm-wrestle with the five of us old men?

Bald Five Old Star: “It’s unreasonable. That brat dares to say that the existence of the Shichibukai system is unreasonable. This is a slap in the face of the World Government. It must not be tolerated. He will be immediately deprived of his military rank and arrested.”

The five-old star with blond hair in a red suit said: “According to the information sent back by CP0, the brat fought against Crocodile in an overwhelming manner. Crocodile was defeated without any resistance in his hands.”

The curly-haired Five Old Star: “That brat already has the qualifications to be king. Judging from his performance in Alabasta, he has already reached the level of the Four Emperors. He has reached this stage with just swordsmanship and physical skills. What a terrifying talent. !”

White Bearded Five Old Stars: “That boy’s power is enough to affect the balance of the world, we can’t let him leave the navy!”

Long-haired Five Old Stars: “Im-sama has already spoken about that brat. He is qualified to be the king. Even if he questions the decision-making of the World Government, so what, he has the qualifications!”

Bald Five Old Star: “Now let’s discuss the matter about Crocodile. Now that there is a vacancy in the King’s Shichibukai, should we recruit a powerful pirate to serve as the Shichibukai?”

The curly-haired five old star: “Judging from the current pirates in the sea, there are not many candidates who are qualified for the Shichibukai, and none of them can reach the level of the Shichibukai.”

White Bearded Five Old Stars: “Actually, we should be discussing whether the Shichibukai system will continue to exist?”

Bald Five Old Star: “Do you think the Shichibukai system has no reason to continue to exist?”

The five old stars in red suits and blond hair said: “According to the intelligence feedback from New World CP0, Doflamingo has been moving frequently these days and has been in contact with Kaido.”

The bald five-star: “The kid from the Don Quixote family is getting more and more arrogant. If it weren’t for the fact that he was originally from the royal family and that he secretly seized the power of Dressrosa, he should have been dealt with long ago. ”

The white-haired Five Old Star: “In the final analysis, pirates are a group of wolves that cannot be fed enough. They are just tools in our hands.”

The white long-haired five old stars: “Today’s Shichibukai actually has no effect on the world government. What is the use of pirates like Doflamingo who have no use value to the world government?”

The Shichibukai were originally the tools of the World Government, used to maintain the balance of the world. When recruited by the World Government, they had to assist the navy in catching pirates. But the Shichibukai are not obedient tools. Except for the undercover “Tyrant Bartholomew Bear” and the rest of the Shichibukai, like Hawkeye, they just want to hone their swordsmanship without being harassed by the navy. The Empress wants to Recognized and legally plundered by the World Government.

Doflamingo uses the power of the Shichibukai to expand his own power, and for the same purpose as Crocodile, Kaisha Jinbe joins the Shichibukai only to protect Fish-Man Island. As for Moria, Kaido was killed in the new world. After being defeated, they returned to the first half of the Grand Line and just made a name for themselves. In short, the Shichibukai were either laborers or a group of guys who went to make money under the banner of the World Government.

The curly-haired five-star: “Should we formulate a new strategy? Will Crocodile’s fall cause a chain reaction? That kid’s speech will cause a huge sensation within the navy.”

White long-haired Five Old Stars: “Form an elite team, a force that is not controlled by the navy and has independent execution rights. This team can solve any incident, and it must have a team that can match the strength of the Yonko Pirates.”

Bald Five Old Star: “With independent execution power, does that mean that you can not even obey the orders of the World Government? Such a team is a sharp sword that can hurt you at any time.”

The Five Old Stars with White Beards: “Then it depends on who will control this elite team. Based on the current selection of the navy, I think Li Yi, the brat, can be the leader of this team.”

The five old star with blond hair in a red suit said: “Judging from the areas currently responsible for the various combat forces of the navy, this kid is the only one who can spare the time to serve as the leader of this team.”

White long-haired five-old star: “Then the vote is to raise your hands to agree that kid Li Yi will be the captain of the sword team!”

The five old star with blond hair in red suit: “Agree

Bald Five Old Stars: “Agree”

Curly-haired Five Old Stars: “Agree”

White Bearded Five Old Stars: “Agree”

The decision of the five old stars tonight is destined to affect the situation of the sea in the future. An elite team comparable to the Yonko Pirates in the future is officially born, and the decision on this plan has been passed to Sengoku’s office the next morning. , and at the same time, news about Alabasta spread to all parts of the world through Newsbird, and the world was suddenly shocked.

In the castle of King Dressrosa’s Highlands in the New World, after watching the reports on the news, Doflamingo angrily smashed everything in the room to pieces, blue veins on his forehead popped out, and his domineering aura exploded and spread around. , the entire King’s Heights seemed extremely oppressive under Brother Ming’s domineering aura, and all the cadres and members of the Don Quixote family did not dare to express their anger.

Crocodile was actually deposed as a Shichibukai. Although the stated reason was to subvert the regime of Alabasta, Ming Ge knew that the real reason was that Crocodile wanted to find the ancient weapon Hades, and then use the ancient weapons to establish a military power. This has already been Touching upon the ground of world government.

This is also equivalent to a dangerous signal. The World Government may take action against the Shichibukai System, and that hateful guy dares to question the unreasonable existence of the Shichibukai System. This clearly means that he wants to cause trouble. To put it bluntly, he wants to mess with him. Tenyasha Doflamingo.

Morgans, who loves to hype big news, even gave Li Yi a new title, “Shichibukai Terminator!”

Naval Headquarters Marineford

The atmosphere at the Navy Headquarters today was extremely unusual, and the reason was Li Yi’s speech in Alabasta. All the navy soldiers did not expect that someone would openly question the World Government and say things that the navy did not dare to say. At this moment, many young naval soldiers in the naval headquarters regarded Li Yi as their idol, which brought Li Yi’s reputation in the navy to a new peak.

In particular, the famous sentence “Justice may be late, but it will certainly not be absent” shocked all naval soldiers and ignited the passion of young soldiers. This is something that can only be said by those who firmly implement the path of justice.

Those who are familiar with Li Yi’s advice are very helpless: Even to death, I don’t believe that that hateful evil kid could say such a thing. It’s absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible!

As one of the three generals, Akainu rarely praised Li Yi, and even bluntly said that this is what the younger generation of naval soldiers look like!

In the Marshal’s Office, Civil War, He and Garp gathered together and were discussing the formation of an elite team.

Warring States: ‘That little bastard caused trouble again, but he performed well this time! ’

Crane: “That kid is so arrogant. He dares to openly question the rationality of the Shichibukai system. What does he want to do?”

Garp^_^: “The broken system of the Shichibukai is inherently unreasonable and should have been abolished long ago.”

Crane: “Our navy has no such right at all, so we can only let these people make waves in the sea. Ambitions like Crocodile should have been sent to Impel Down City long ago.”

Garp: “It’s better to capture the rest to save yourself trouble in the future.”

Warring States: “Shut up, Garp. I haven’t settled the score with you yet. Your grandson Monkey D. Luffy has gone to sea and participated in the world of Alabasta. The bounty has reached 100 million Baileys.”

Cap was stunned for a few seconds and then laughed loudly: “He is indeed my grandson.”

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