At this moment, the entire palace square burst into thunderous applause, and everyone Araba said she had tears in her eyes. They had been waiting for this moment for too long, and the continuous drought and poverty had tortured them for several years.

Today, the days of suffering are finally over. Crocodile, the culprit of all evil, has been arrested, and the country is finally free from the clutches of this evil pirate. Countless people shouted loudly, and some shed tears silently, because their relatives died in this turmoil.


Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, the sound of thunder sounded, and then it started to rain heavily. It seemed that the sky was shedding tears for this unfortunate country at this moment.

Seeing the cheers and joy of the people, Li Yi turned around and left silently. The figure wearing the coat of justice is deeply imprinted in the hearts of the people of Alabasta. The word “justice” on the coat of justice seems to be shining brightly at the moment, and the firm steps symbolize the determination to face the darkness!

As the saying goes, when it’s time to show off, just brush off your clothes and hide your merit and fame! After a perfect performance, the stage was handed over to Kobra. As a king, of course he must comfort the people and encourage them. If you work hard, life will get better and better!

It rained continuously from day to night, as if God was making up for the lack of rain. At this time, the palace was brightly lit, the palace chef was busy preparing dishes for the palace banquet, and all the servants were nervously setting the table.

Tonight, King Kobra hosted a banquet in the palace for Rear Admiral Li Yi, Grand Zosmog, Staff Sergeant Dasqi and other naval officers, giving the highest-level dinner to the hero who saved Alabasta.

Soon it was time for the dinner to begin, and Li Yi took Smoker and Dasqi to the palace where the dinner was held.

There King Kobra and Princess Weiwei received them in their best attires. Kobra welcomed Li Yi with a brand-new king’s clothes, while the dress of Princess Weiwei next to him made Li Yi’s eyes shine and he almost drooled. .

Princess Weiwei is extraordinarily beautiful tonight. She is wearing a long white dress that reveals her white shoulders. Her deep V neckline shows her increasingly mature and proud figure. She is wearing a pair of white high heels and her beautiful legs are even paired with black silk stockings. , with long blue hair falling around her waist, her noble temperament is undoubtedly revealed. In Li Yi’s heart, there are only two words for perfect!

The unscrupulous gaze made Princess Weiwei’s face turn red. How could the young girl resist the killing look of the old driver?

Smog→_→: “Hey, you guy, pay attention to your current image. You now represent the image of the navy. Show off the temperament you have for today’s speech!”

Li Yi╮(╯▽╰)╭: “What are you doing? Can you blame me? The princess is too beautiful. You understand me. I generally have no immunity to beautiful women!”

Dasqi→_→: “Sure enough, no man is good, especially those who use swords!”

Li Yi(ΩДΩ)

Seeing the arrival of Li Yi and his party, Kobra and Princess Weiwei stepped forward to greet him. Kobra walked towards Li Yi and extended his right hand. However, he never expected that Li Yi walked up to Princess Weiwei first, knelt down on one knee and held his hand. He picked up Princess Weiwei’s hand and kissed it gently.

Kobra (キ`゚Д゚´): I was careless, I didn’t expect this kid to not follow the routine!

Smoker (ΩДΩ): There is a reason why Akainu wants to beat you to death, you bastard!

Dasqi (✿◡‿◡): “No wonder the Major General’s eyes looked weird when he saw me practicing yoga last time!”

After a simple kiss, he turned around and saw Kobra’s face as dark as a casserole. He immediately said with a serious expression: “Thank you very much, the king, for the banquet tonight!”

His face changed so quickly that even Cobra was shocked. After inviting the three people to sit down, everyone toasted to celebrate Alabasta’s rebirth.

Cobra: “Thank you Major General Li Yi for coming. Without your help, Alabasta would probably fall into the hands of vicious pirates like Crocodile.”

Li Yi: “It’s shameful to say that our navy should have appeared earlier, but because of the unreasonable system of the King’s Shichibukai, the king and the people have suffered a lot. It’s really shameful!”

Cobra: “Although we know that the system of the Shichibukai is unreasonable, we have no way to abolish it!”

Cobra now deeply hates the Shichibukai system. What Crocodile has done over the years has caused the entire country to stagnate. People’s livelihood has withered and cannot develop at all. The entire country is so poor that only the desert is left!

Li Yi took a sip of the wine in the glass and said calmly: “It’s not that there is no way, but what can you do with your own strength?”

Cobra: “Major General Li Yi has the ability to abolish the Shichibukai system?”

Li Yi: “Are you kidding me? I’m just a navy man. I can abolish

Only you, the kings of the franchised countries, have this power in this system! ”

Cobra: “But in the current sea, which country dares to propose the abolition of the Shichibukai system!”

Li Yi: “I think Alabasta can make contact with the Kingdom of Garcia in the West Sea. Queen Sosia is actually opposed to the Shichibukai system.”

Guan Bula was shocked when these words came out. The Kingdom of Garcia is a newly born kingdom. Although it has just been established not long ago, it is growing extremely fast. It has stepped on the great country of the West Sea and the Kingdom of Flowers to become the number one power in the West Sea. It will definitely become the overlord of the West Sea in the future. .

The supporter behind this country is the rear admiral in front of him. According to rumors circulating on the sea, this rear admiral has been chatting with the queen of the Kingdom of Garcia every night. The confusing relationship between the two is one of the headlines discussed every day in Xihai entertainment newspapers.

Li Yi’s words actually showed that he also opposed the Shichibukai system and revealed the opportunity to establish an alliance with Alabasta.

Cobra: “But just two countries speaking out is not enough to abolish the Shichibukai system.”

Li Yi: “So you have to look for more countries like Alabasta that are persecuted by the Shichibukai!”

Li Yi: “Like Dressrosa!”

Cobra looked at Li Yi in shock after hearing this. Dressrosa was originally ruled by King Riku, but the Don Quixote family, the royal family of the original Dressrosa that had disappeared for many years, appeared and overthrew King Riku’s rule in one fell swoop. .

But in fact, everyone knows that the Don Quixote family is a pirate group, and Doflamingo is just a pirate. He dares to overthrow the regime of a country by relying on the rights granted by the world government. The Alabasta incident was like a replica of Dressrosa. Unfortunately, Crocodile met Li Yi, so he was destined to fail.

What the two of them said in just a few words was enough to change the world structure, and the other three did not dare to show their serious expressions.

Seeing the solemn atmosphere, the palace chef immediately arranged for the dishes to be served. One after another delicious food was delivered to the table, and everyone began to enjoy the food!

Tila Gotan has 30 years of experience in cooking and has first-class cooking skills. Every delicacy was delicious, and even Li Yi, who was used to eating palace cuisine, also praised it.

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