Bai Jing and Onesel went straight through several buildings of the navy and came to the navy's training ground.

When Onesel saw everything on the training ground, his eyes were briefly absent-minded.

Bai Jing saw this scene and felt that it was reasonable.

On the field, all the navy had already laid down, and nearly half of the tens of thousands of navy were stunned by Ace's domineering aura.

As for the others, I don't know how many were blown away by the indiscriminate attack of Little Oz, and they had completely lost their combat effectiveness. Some lay on the ground wailing, and some had died directly.

As for the five lieutenant generals and 12 major generals, they had already been knocked unconscious.

There was a sword mark on the bodies of the five lieutenant generals, and it was that sword mark that deeply showed the flesh and bones.

I think this should be because Longma still held back, otherwise the five lieutenant generals would have died.

As for the twelve major generals, some died and some fainted. The Golden Emperor was not Longma, and he was not so easy to talk to.

All the navy on the field were dealt with, even those on the city wall were dealt with, and no navy could stand on the training ground.

Long Ma and Golden Emperor Tezoro nodded when they saw Bai Jing coming out, and looked at the man with strange clothes and pink baby headdress behind him without saying anything.

Just a glance, then retracted his gaze, the pirate world is full of wonders.

Little Oz and Ace just glanced at Onesel, and also retracted their gaze. They didn't ask too much about the people saved by Bai Jing.

Because they were all resurrected by Bai Jing, or Bai Jing had done them a favor.

Bai Jing smiled and said to Onesel, "Let's go."

Onesel nodded, his eyes were a little solemn. Although he didn't know Long Ma because he was a figure hundreds of years ago, he knew Little Oz and Ace.

Didn't they say they died during the war at the top?

Why did they appear in front of him now?

And they were still alive!

What's more, there is the Golden Emperor. Who is the Golden Emperor? He controls 20% of the world's berries, and he is rich enough to rival a country.

But now he is working for Bai Jing, which makes him more curious about Bai Jing.

The four people waited for Bai Jing in the same place. If Bai Jing didn't move, they wouldn't move.

Bai Jing paused, walked slowly forward with a calm expression, and Onesail followed behind him.

When Bai Jing walked to the front, Longma slowly followed, followed by the Golden Emperor, and finally Ace and Little Oz at the same time.

Onesail seemed to have seen the order, and chose to stay at the end without Zan Yue.

Bai Jing admired Onesail very much. In the anime, he valued friendship and sympathized with the weak. He was a tough guy who was not good at cheating.

Although he was under the brutal Doflamingo, he did not change his true feelings.

Even if the family acted many times, it was according to what he thought in his heart.

Coupled with his love for his lover and his infatuation, Bai Jing's admiration for Onesel increased to a higher level.

What kind of man is this, who can ignore the eyes of others and do his own thing.

What kind of man is this, who can decorate his life for the dress that a woman loves.

If Bai Jing asks himself, he certainly can't do it.

The group left the Navy Headquarters. How many people survived, how many were unconscious, and how many died in the Navy Headquarters, it is not known for the time being.

After that, this news will surely spread throughout the entire pirate world again.

That is the crazy pirate Bai Jing, who took the initiative to attack the Navy Headquarters and kidnapped Onesel.

Everyone walked out of the gate and came to the Golden Continent.

According to common sense, if the Golden Emperor did it, it would not be possible to turn this sea water into this state because of the fruit ability touching the sea water.

Because as long as the Golden Emperor turns the items into gold, they will return to their original state when they touch the sea water.

But Bai Jing is not afraid of sea water, which means that the items transformed by his ability are not afraid of sea water either.

All this makes sense.

Bai Jing jumped onto the boat, and everyone behind him jumped onto the boat one by one. Stella breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the Golden Emperor was safe and sound, but she still couldn't help but worry about the Golden Emperor.

Hua Zhiyin rolled her eyes at Bai Jing's carefree state. He was the most relaxed of all.

Bai Jing laughed and said nothing more.

Corazon on the boat always felt familiar with the slightly fat man, as if he had seen him somewhere, but couldn't remember it for a while.

But Onesel knew Corazon, a cadre of the family before, who was shot dead by Mingge because he betrayed Mingge.

"I believe you two also know each other, so I don't need to say more, Onesel, Don Quixote Rossilandi."

BaiJing looked at the two of them and smiled, and introduced them.

Then he said, "Sail, destination, Dressrosa Kingdom, after the Golden Pirate Ship is replaced, we will start sailing again."

Stella nodded and went to steer the ship with Hua Zhiyin. Hua Zhiyin and Stella were learning to be navigators, learning sea skills, and understanding sea maps.

Little Os, Ace, Longma, and Golden Emperor looked at Bai Jing, as if waiting for Bai Jing's next words, introducing where this Onise came from?

Why did they spend so much effort to come to the Navy Branch to rescue him.

Onise took a deep look at Corazon, then retracted his gaze and said no more.

For him, although Rosinante's betrayal was a betrayal of the family, he had already died once.

Although he didn't know why he was alive again, the hatred had disappeared with that death, and everything turned into a past mist.

Now the two of them are like strangers, without hatred or resentment.

"My purpose of rescuing you is very simple. It doesn't matter whether you get on the boat or not, but only by rescuing you can you meet the woman you love."

"As for whether she will forgive you, I have my own way."

Bai Jing stared at Onisel and said.

"The woman you love?"


Onisel was confused. He didn't understand what Jing meant. He only had one person in his life.

Corazon knew that Onisel's lover was only Lucien, but he didn't know what happened later. He listened quietly to what Bai Jing said.

Seeing Onisel's face full of questions, Bai Jing slowly opened his mouth and told the story word by word.

"I know you have many questions, but you will know if you listen to me telling the story of a boy and a girl."

"As for the day of meeting I said, believe it or not, everything has you. If you believe it, then it may happen."

"If you don't believe it, nothing will happen."

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