Monkey·D·Luffy, you dare to challenge Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, for your friends.

You are not on the same level as Crocodile now. It would be better if you were as strong as your friend Lynch.

I saw in Lynch's eyes his determination to protect his friends. I saw in you, Monkey.·D·Luffy saw the same thing in his eyes.

What does a partner mean to you? Does it mean protecting him at the cost of your own life? ?

If you can still live, maybe I will join you. This bucket of water is left to you. Whether you can survive depends on your luck.

The way Lynch and Luffy fought Crocodile undoubtedly touched Robin's heart.

Since Robin was 8 years old, the Navy Headquarters has offered a high reward of 79 million berries for Robin on the grounds of"destroying six navy battleships".

After O'Hara was destroyed, Robin became the only person in the world who could decipher ancient characters.

So the World Government offered a reward of 79 million berries. In order to survive and inherit the legacy of her mother and O'Hara scholars.

The 8-year-old Robin can only betray her partners constantly to avoid the pursuit of the navy and bounty hunters.

Robin just escaped from O'Hara and tried to live in the homes of ordinary residents, but everyone wanted to exchange her for money.

So she began to join some pirate groups. Those pirates bullied her as a handyman and wanted to hand her over when they met the navy. Robin has learned to betray since then.

Robin did not enjoy any childhood happiness when she was young. Her childhood was spent in pain. She was trying to survive every moment. She was in danger of being caught by the navy every moment. It was not until she found Crocodile and was reused by Crocodile that her life became a little more stable.

Luffy used his amazing willpower to resist falling into a coma.

In a daze, he heard a bang and something fell to the ground.

When he opened his eyes again, there was a full bucket of water in front of him.

He used all his strength to pick up the bucket of water. At this time, this bucket of water was his water of life.

Gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp!!!

Gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp!!!

After just a few gulps, the bucket was empty and Luffy's dry body returned to normal.

It was just that his abdomen was injured by Crocodile's poison hook, and he felt a stinging pain from time to time.

This was Luffy's first battle with Crocodile, and he failed.

But the most important thing is that through this battle, he knew Crocodile's weakness.

"Ah, it hurts so much."

Luffy will not die here, he has the protagonist halo given by Oda.

His health bar is always manually filled by Oda.

Bell, known as the strongest warrior of Alabasta and one of the king's guards, is the user of the falcon form of the Bird-Bird Fruit of the Animal System.

Like Ikarem, he is loyal to Alabasta and has always protected Princess Vivi and the kingdom.

Flying in the sky, he found Luffy lying in the desert, and Luffy was saved.

The King of Alabasta, Vivi's father, received news that Princess Vivi, who had disappeared for many days, might have appeared in the rain.

So he sent Bell Bell went to look for Vivi, hoping that he could bring Princess Vivi back safely.

At this time, the king had received Vivi's letter and knew that Crocodile was the mastermind behind all this.

Bell was still a step too late. When he arrived at the rainy land, Vivi and Luffy had already left.

Bell, who was flying in the sky, saw Luffy lying in the desert.

Luffy also found him. Bell saw that Luffy's abdomen was bleeding.

He asked worriedly:"What's wrong with you? I'll take you out of the desert."

Luffy, who was struggling on the ground, saw the bird flying in the sky and turned into a human.

Holding Bell's leg, Luffy was sweating profusely and shouted:

"Meat, I want to eat meat, meat......"

Luffy urgently needed delicious meat to recover his strength. He really regretted it now. He didn't take more braised meat with him when he left the villa.

If only Lynch was here, he could have a delicious braised meat feast.

But Luffy wouldn't think that Bell was a walking braised meat, right? ? ? ? ? ?......

Under Crocodile's arrangement, his digital agents guarded the various checkpoints in Albana.

Stop Princess Vivi and the Straw Hat Pirates and disrupt their plans.

Mr.1 is the user of the Quick Slash Fruit, and his partner is Miss. Two Fingers, the user of the Thorn Fruit.

The two blocked the way for Nami and Zoro.

When Mr.1 saw them, he turned his arm into a blade. Zoro saw it and thought, interesting, interesting, this must be my opponent.

As the ship tyrant in the Straw Hat Pirates, Nami is rampant on the Merry, but once she encounters an external enemy, our Nami becomes a member of the Straw Hat Pirates' escape trio.

Seeing Miss. Two Fingers, Nami also ran away quickly according to her previous performance.

But is our ship tyrant for nothing? She is the most intelligent person in the Straw Hat Pirates. At critical moments, she can always defeat the enemy with her wisdom.

Besides, this time he also has the weapon developed for him by Usopp, the Weather Rod.

Miss., who was chasing behind, saw Nami stop with her two-handed sword. She laughed at her:

"You keep running."

She underestimated Nami. Was Nami running away?

She was just waiting for the right moment to defeat the enemy with one move.

Miss. Double Fingers grew sharp spikes all over her body and turned into a ball of needles, attacking Nami.

Nami actually blocked the attack with her feet, and her feet were pierced by the spikes, bleeding profusely.

Nami endured the piercing pain, but her whole body was shaking.

She gathered all her strength in her feet and kicked Miss. Double Fingers away.

Then she actually laughed, and her laugh made Miss. Double Fingers shudder.

Nami held the weather stick in her hand and smiled:

"Be careful above you"

""Just above"

Miss. I looked up with my fingers and saw that it was a thundercloud....Crackling, a bolt of lightning hit her exactly


"I fainted so easily."

"Baroque Works' agents are just like this."

"I still have other tricks that I haven't used yet, hehe."

Nami looked very proud. If Lin Qi was here, he would definitely brag about himself.

Thinking of this in her heart, she began to worry about Lin Qi's safety again.......

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