If I remember correctly, according to the current plot, Smoker should be catching up with us soon, leading the navy.

We will probably meet him on the next island.

The person Smoker hates the most right now must be me.

After all, I transformed into his appearance in Rogue Town and robbed his office.

All the good wine, his small treasury, and various seastone weapons were taken away by me. When he found out, I guess he was so angry.

He is considered to be a decent person in the navy, but he is too difficult to deal with, and his fruit ability is also troublesome and time-consuming to deal with.

Now we must race against time to get to Alabasta and can't waste any more time.

Although Ace will fight him on the next island to help Luffy out of trouble.

But I thought to myself, this is a good opportunity for Usopp to exercise his courage, and he can't miss it.

With the seastone weapons I gave him, Usopp can easily take him down.

Lynch thought to himself.

"Oh, by the way, Usopp, we will meet that Smoker on the next island."

"That's the naval captain from Rogue."

"According to my intelligence, he will arrest us after we land on the island.

Usopp was stunned when he heard Lynch's words. Why did you tell me this?

If I meet him, I will just follow my usual routine and run away.

"Oh, Lynch, then you can deal with him. You defeated him easily last time."

Usopp replied while eating dinosaur meat.

But Lynch's next words made him even more confused.

"I want you to deal with him." As soon as

Lin Qi said this, everyone who was scrambling to eat the dinosaur meat stopped what they were doing.

The table was suddenly quiet.

Usopp's two big eyes blinked quickly.

He pointed at himself.:

"Lynch, are you talking about me, I'm going to deal with Smoker?"

"Did I hear correctly?"

He didn't quite believe what Lynch said, and he even picked his ears to hear more clearly.

Zoro's eyebrows twisted into the shape of a"川" character, and he looked at Lynch who was sitting opposite him with some worry.

At this time, when Zoro heard Smoker, he thought more of her subordinate, the innocent Tashigi.

This woman who looks exactly like his best friend is really difficult to deal with.

Thinking of their meeting in Rogue Town, he still feels weird. He doesn't know whether he should be happy or sad to meet her again. Forget it, if he meets her, he will hide if he can. Sanji took a deep puff of cigarette, and he almost slammed the table and stood up.

It would be better to let Usopp commit suicide than to let him deal with Smoker. I really don't understand Lynch's operation.

"You must be lying, Lin Qi."

Nami's words broke the quiet atmosphere at the table.

"You asked Usopp to deal with Smoker, the Marine Captain?"

Lynch raised the wine glass with ease, put it to his lips, and took a sip.

"That's right, it's the Navy Captain of Rogue Town, Smoker."

Usopp heard every word very clearly this time.

He frowned and waved to Lynch.:

"Lynch, are you kidding me?"

Usopp was still trying to deny this fact.

Lynch said in a deep voice:

"I'm not kidding, I'm serious, Usopp."

Hearing this, Usopp opened his eyes wide, his face full of surprise:

"How could I possibly beat a Marine Colonel?"

"He is a devil fruit user."

"Luffy was defeated by him last time in Rogue Town."

Usopp became more and more excited as he spoke. At the end, he stood up.

He clenched his fists and said in a trembling voice:

"Lynch, why are you doing this to me?"

Chopper saw that he was about to cry, and quickly handed him a tissue.

He opened his mouth to say something, but was afraid that he would say something wrong, so he could only hold Usopp's hand to comfort him.

Sanji took a deep puff of his cigarette and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"It's easy for you to say that. Lynch, we have both seen Smoker's strength."

"That's not something Usopp can handle."

Lynch's deep gaze swept across the faces of everyone on the field, and his expression gradually became serious and cold.

"Don't you remember how I dealt with him in Rogue Town last time?"

Zoro raised his eyebrows and smiled.

He remembered the miserable look of Smoker being trapped in the prison by Lynch in Rogue Town.

How could a dignified naval colonel save his dignity? Lynch's move was really not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

"Usopp, have you studied the prison bullet I gave you?"

"Oh, yes, I did some research on it."

He immediately took out the prison bullet and showed it off.:

"I have studied this prison bullet carefully. It is good for dealing with people with special abilities, but its range is too short."

"But after careful research, I added a power device to it."

"Now his range is a hundred meters."

"I have already done this experiment with Luffy, and he never misses a shot."

Usopp was instantly confident when he mentioned weapons, and he flicked his long nose after saying that.

After all, if we talk about who is the most knowledgeable about weapons in the Straw Hat Pirates, it must be Usopp.

His masterpiece is Nami's weather stick, which greatly improves the strength of the little thief cat

"That’s right, after I was hit by this net, I lost all my strength."

Luffy said while eating dinosaur meat.

"I knew you could do it, Expert Usopp"

"Ahhh, Lynch, you won't let me fire the prison bullet in front of Smoker, will you?"

"He will turn into smoke and fly away."

Usopp felt that he had fallen into Lynch's trap. He sat down, calmed down, and began to feel uneasy again.

He regretted that he shouldn't have said that just now.

Lynch supported the dining table with both hands, slowly stood up from the chair, leaned forward, exuding a powerful aura, and looked down at Usopp in front of him.:

"I will help you, just go for it."

"But, I still......"

"Usopp, don't forget your dream."

Lynch interrupted him.

"A brave sea warrior, Smoker, you can easily deal with him, believe in yourself."

At this time, Nami patted Usopp on the shoulder.:

"Lin Qi has said so, just do it with confidence"

"Brave sea warriors"

Usopp glanced at his companions.

They all looked at him expectantly.

"Okay, fine, leave it to me, Captain Usopp."

"After all, I am Captain Usopp, who has 8,000 subordinates.

Although Lynch was pushing him, now that it has come to this, he has no choice but to take the job. He should bite the bullet and do it, Usopp thought.

Chopper's two little deer eyes almost popped out, and he stuck out his tongue and curled it, exclaiming:


"Really, Captain Usopp?"

"We can see the island, everyone, the Kingdom of Alabasta is ahead,"

Vivi rushed in and said excitedly.......

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