"Nothing is impossible for a man who has infused his soul into a skull and crossbones flag. There are many people and things on the sea that you can't imagine. Chopper, you should go to the sea in the future."

"Then you will understand how insignificant your troubles are. The island where you grew up is too small compared to the world, Chopper."

With tears in his eyes, Chopper remembered the doctor's words.

Doctor, are Lynch and Luffy the partners you mentioned? He asked himself in tears.

Walpo's pupils trembled as he looked at the scene in front of him. He couldn't help but grit his teeth at first.

However, Lynch's words rekindled his anger. He was actually frightened by you just now, and only knew to run for his life after you reminded him. How shameful.

He was angry in his heart and roared.

"Last time at sea, he only had five clones, but just now he had at least a thousand clones. How is that possible?

"What kind of ability is this? It can kick the cannonballs away"

"How is this possible? Is this something a human can do?"

Valpo roared with his eyes wide open.

Just now, they were still doubting whether this pirate could defeat Valpo. Valpo's secretary, maid, and soldiers saw that Lynch's clone could kick the cannonball back.

They seemed to have seen the scene of Lynch defeating Valpo. They cheered and finally escaped from Valpo's clutches.

Hope was rekindled in their eyes, and they all secretly cheered for this powerful pirate in their hearts.

"Ahhhh, Lynch, the shells kicked by your clone almost hurt so many beautiful ladies."

Sanji grabbed Lynch's collar, his face full of anger.

"Hey, Sanji, you're too close to me. You're spraying punctuation marks all over my face. Okay, okay, let go."

Lynch turned his face away in disgust.

Lynch's clones took a lot of effort to pull Sanji away.

""Lin Qi, Luffy, you can take a break now. Look at me next. I can kick that troublemaker Valpo away with one kick."

Sanji's eyes were full of Valpo's female secretary and maid. He could already imagine that after he kicked Valpo away, his female secretary and maid would surround him with admiring eyes, and some even couldn't help hugging him and kissing him.

Thinking of this, Sanji was ready for the battle.

His feet were shaking eagerly, ready to use his perfect kicking skills to kick Valpo away.

""You trouble maker, wait for death!" he shouted.

But just as he raised his leg, he heard a crack, and

Sanji fell to the ground, shaking all over.

The sound of Sanji falling almost hit Chopper beside him.

Chopper widened his eyes, covered his face, and shouted in panic:

"Doctor, where is the doctor? The patients here need a doctor!"

"Hey, hey, hey."

Lynch looked at Chopper who was panicking everywhere in silence, covering his head:

"Chopper, calm down, you are a doctor, right?"

Chopper, who was flustered, suddenly stopped, touched his head and said awkwardly:

""Yes, I am the doctor."

Chopper calmed down and was examining him, but Sanji, who had already fallen to the ground, was still trying to struggle and just crawled forward.

Suddenly, Dr. Kuleha stepped on his back:

"Young man, I told you that you have kidney deficiency, but you still don't believe it"

"Just now you were yelling about stewing my stupid son, and you must have twisted your waist while chasing him, hehe"

"I must rescue my beautiful ladies, let me go!"

Sanji continued to roar, pounding the ground with his fists, leaving many small holes visible to the naked eye.

"If you still want to walk on your legs for the rest of your life, then stay here. I won't allow my patients to fight anymore. Leave it to your friends."

Dr. Kuleha's tone did not allow for any negotiation.

Lynch saw that Sanji, who was being held down by Dr. Kuleha, was already in tears.

Why, why, why do I always have problems at such a critical moment?

Damn, what about those beautiful ladies? Are they going to be taken advantage of by Lynch again? Sanji stared at Lynch, feeling jealous in his heart.

Lynch smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Sanji, I will rescue those beautiful ladies for you."


Sanji felt as if his heart was hit by something, and his heartbeat stopped.

In a puff of smoke, Valpo stood up with difficulty with the help of his subordinates.

At this time, he was no longer as arrogant as before, and his body was covered with dust, looking embarrassed.

"Idiot, you really are thick-skinned and tough."

Lin Qi raised his eyebrows and muttered

"Hey, Jace, Chromalimon, it's time."

Valpo's voice had just fallen.

His mouth suddenly opened wide and swallowed his subordinates Jace and Chromalimon.

Luffy's pupils suddenly shook:

"He swallowed his partner."

"This is the ability of Valpo's Swallowing Fruit. He can swallow the two people into his stomach and spit them out. Jace and Cromalimon can merge into one person."

Dr. Kuleha took a sip of wine and said lightly

"It seems that you have also heard of my ability."

Valpo kept chewing and chewing.

Last time at sea, Valpo swallowed his own clone, but now he swallowed a real person, and it was his companion.

Lynch looked at Valpo who was still chewing.

He couldn't help but burst out with a"Fuck".

Hearing these two unfamiliar words, Chopper touched his little head with his two little deer hooves and kept thinking.

Has he heard these two words in his more than ten years of deer life? Did the doctor say that?

Doctor Doriel said that?

No no!!

This seems to have exceeded his cognition.

"Lynch, what does"fuck" mean?

Chopper really couldn't figure out where this language came from.

"This, this."

Lynch covered his head with one hand, thinking carefully about how to explain it to Chopper.

Ah, I got it. Lynch suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"Chopper,"Fuck" is my hometown dialect, which means to praise someone for being very handsome."

After hearing Lynch's explanation, Chopper's pupils suddenly contracted and he stood there blankly. Those two words seemed to have drilled into his mind and he couldn't forget them.

Then he blinked and pointed at Valpo in front of him:

"Lynch, you mean the Valpo who swallowed his own partner, what the hell?"

"No, no."

His little deer hooves swung back and forth:

"Lin Qi, I think you, who have so many clones and can kick so many bombs away, are the real"Fuck""

This is like a dumb person eating Coptis chinensis, can't you say your pain?

Lin Qi regretted in his heart that he shouldn't have instilled such thoughts into Chopper's little head.

""Okay, okay, Chopper, stop praising me."

Lynch touched his head awkwardly.

Lynch saw that Valpo, who had swallowed his two companions, was making a humming sound like a train, bouncing back and forth, and it seemed like it was about to spit out something from its mouth.......

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