"Brother Jian, we are going to reach the top of this mountain. It's up to you."

The biting cold wind hit his face, and Lin Qi felt a pain like a knife cutting. The snow was falling heavier.

But when he thought that Nami would be treated soon and he would finally see Chopper, he felt warm in his heart.

Toad Jian shook off the snow on his body and reminded:

"Lin Qi, it's no problem to climb up, but can your bodies bear it?

"Now the snow is getting heavier and the wind is blowing harder than before. Do you know how much pressure your bodies have to bear?"

Toad Jian's face was full of worry for them.

Lin Qi frowned and his eyes were firm, as if no difficulties could stop him from moving forward. He said firmly:

"Brother Jian, for your companions, this is nothing, just jump"

"Lin Qi, can Gamajian jump up such a high mountain?"

Sanji looked at the towering mountain in front of him and couldn't help but worry. He had seen Gamajian's fighting ability. Although he was powerful, how could a toad jump up such a high mountain?

What if he fell down halfway through the jump? If it didn't work, he could only take Nami to climb the mountain, even if he had to climb step by step, he had to climb up and find a doctor to treat Nami.

He even began to imagine in his mind that he was the one who found the doctor with Nami-san, and after Nami recovered, she fell into his arms.

The two hugged each other tightly, and Nami-san put her ear close to him and whispered to him to thank him. Thinking of this, Sanji couldn't help but giggle.

But when he turned around, Nami, who was on Lin Qi's back at this time, was still so haggard. He took a few puffs of cigarette, flicked the ash, and his expression immediately became serious.

Hearing that someone dared to question him, a trace of anger rose in Gamajian's heart.

He raised his head and glanced at the mountain, sneered, humph, at this height, It's much shorter than the mountain I climbed on Mount Myoboku.

When I was 8 years old, I could jump higher than this mountain.

I'm just a little low-key when I'm a frog, and I don't bother to say these things. You really think I can't do it.

Could it be my catchphrase that makes you doubt my strength? I'm also deeply influenced by Fukasaku. It always tells me to be low-key when being a frog and high-key when doing things.

The curly eyebrow guy, not only do you look down on me, but you also smoke on top of my head, and the ash from the cigarettes is all over my head.

It's true. I just washed my hair before I came here, and I used several bottles of shampoo.

It's because you are Lynch's partner, otherwise I would have thrown you off long ago, and I can still let you show off on top of my head.

Sure enough, no matter in which world, strength is the hard truth. Now I can't keep a low profile anymore, so I'll show my strength a little.

Lynch turned around and smiled:"Sanji, you have to trust your companions, Gamaken is very powerful."

Luffy shouted loudly on the side:"Go, Gamaken" and made a gesture of rushing upwards with both hands

"Luffy, it's your turn."

Lynch slowly leaned over and stuck to Gamaken's body.

"Guo Mo Guo Moruo"

Luffy stretched out his arms and firmly attached Sanji, Lynch, and Nami to Gamajian's head. He stretched out his two arms and wrapped them around Gamajian several times before he felt relieved.

""Hold on tight!"

Toad Jian shouted.

Toad Jian's whole body began to sink slowly. It gathered all its strength on its two thick frog legs, and its muscles were visibly tensed.


A deep pit exploded under Toad Jian's feet. The amazing force pushed Toad Jian's body. Its figure was like a cannonball launched from the spot, flying towards the top of the mountain at an extremely fast speed. This was a pure explosion of speed and strength. In less than a second, Toad Jian had risen dozens of meters.

Sanji, who was lying on Toad Jian, wanted to raise his head to have a look.

But under the strong air pressure, He felt as if a huge invisible hand was holding him down tightly, forcing his whole body to stick tightly to Gamaken's body, unable to move.

He could only close his eyes tightly, and the cigarette that he had just held in his mouth was blown away by the fierce cold wind, and he kept inhaling cold air into his mouth.

He endured the huge pressure and slowly closed his mouth, holding Gamaken's body tightly with both hands. He didn't expect that Gamaken actually jumped up.

Gamaken suddenly jumped up, which scared Luffy. He grabbed Gamaken's hands and held them tighter.

He was stubborn and had to fight against the fierce cold wind. He gritted his teeth and tried to lift his head up.

He was a rubber man, and after inhaling so much air, his face immediately turned into a balloon.

He gritted his teeth, trying not to let the cold air in, but as Toad Jian's jump height increased, he was still forced to lower his head by the cold wind. As

Lynch rose rapidly, he could only feel a constant beeping sound in his ears. He felt a strong push on his back, which was similar to the feeling of weightlessness when doing a bungee jumping.

This feeling of weightlessness made him feel dizzy, vertigo, and a little nauseous. The fierce cold wind blew, so he had to close his eyes tightly and pray for a safe landing.......

"Lynch, Lynch"

"Is someone calling my name?"

The huge impact caused Lin Qi's ears to tinnitus. He could only vaguely hear someone talking loudly. The voice was quite familiar. It should be Toad Jian's voice.

He felt that the fierce cold wind just now became much milder. Could it be that they had arrived?

Lin Qi slowly opened his eyes, stood up, and looked down. The tall mountain was already at their feet.

But why did it feel farther and farther away from the top of the mountain?

He looked carefully and screamed in surprise.:

""Ah, Gamaken, you jumped too high."

Seeing this scene, Sanji finally realized the powerful strength of Gamaken. This amazing jumping ability is really admirable. When will he have such strength?

He gave Gamaken a thumbs up.

Seeing this scene, Luffy began to pat Gamaken's head again and laughed:"Si Guoyi, Si Guoyi"

Humph, how could I not know, I just want you to broaden your horizons and know the strength of my Gamaken. I scared you, right? See if that curly-browed guy dares to look down on me. Where's the cigarette in your mouth? It was shaken off by me.

It's just that the snow fell too heavily, otherwise I could jump higher.

Gamaken was so proud of himself that he landed steadily on the top of the mountain.

Lynch calmed down, looked forward, and finally saw the castle on the top of the mountain.

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