"What a powerful frog! It seems that this Ninja Lynch is not simple."

Mr. 3 picked up a cup of coffee again and exclaimed

"Wait, isn't there a bounty on such a powerful person?"

"According to current information, the only person on the bounty list for the Straw Hat Pirates is their captain, Monkey.·D·Luffy, bounty of 30 million Baileys"

Miss. Golden Week, a little loli beside him, was eating cookies leisurely.

"Such a powerful person, but there is no bounty on his head. If Ninja Lynch was also bountied, we would have made more money on this deal."

Mr. 3 showed a regretful expression.

"But no matter how powerful a ninja is, he can't escape my candle lock, hehe." Mr. 3 looked very proud.

"Go and bring the Straw Hat Pirates here, the wonderful show is about to begin," Mr. 3 ordered his men.

"Lynch, stop wasting your breath. These two stupid giants won't listen to you at all."

Gamabunta jumped up from between Broki and Donli.

"These two giant uncles really don't listen to advice." Lin Qi, who was standing on Gamabunta's head, sighed.

"Boss Toad, we must stop them from continuing the duel."

Lynch stamped his feet anxiously on Toad Bunta's head.

"Leave it to me. After this battle, we must have a drink together." Gamabunta said confidently

"Water Style: Teppanyama"

A large water ball spit out from Gamabunta's mouth and attacked Broki and Tori. The huge impact separated the two giants who were dueling.

Water Style: Teppanyama is a move used by Gama Boss to fight against Shukaku, the One-Tail in Naruto. This move is even more powerful than Shukaku's Wind Style. We can't let Gama

Boss's attack hurt the two giant uncles. Seeing that Gama Boss used a powerful move, Lynch was worried in his heart.

""Boss Toad, please control your strength. You can't let the two giant uncles get hurt," Lin Qi said worriedly.

"I know this, kid."

"What a magical frog, it can spit out such a powerful water ball."

Broki exclaimed after being repelled by Gamabunta's attack.

"Wakakaka, Broki, luckily we are giants, otherwise we won’t be able to withstand such a powerful attack."

Dongli, who was also attacked by Gamabunta, chopped the ground with his axe for support and did not fall down.

"Ahhhhh, this frog can actually spit out water balls. Why does it want to contaminate my coffee?

The water balls spit out by Toad Bunta affected Mr. 3 who had been watching the game in the jungle.

Mr. 3 had already thought of a thousand ways to kill this big toad.

"Mr.3, now that Ninja Lynch has intervened in the duel between the giants, what are you going to do?"

Miss.Golden Week, who was also soaked, asked.

Mr.3 said dissatisfiedly,"I have told you many times, please do not call me by my code name in public casually."

Miss.Golden Week stuck out her tongue

"Let's wait and see what happens. When they get tired of fighting or one of them falls down, it will be much easier for us to attack."

The wet Mr. 3 said while wringing the water out of his clothes.

"Miss. Golden Week, don't forget, we still have a secret weapon." Mr. 3 smiled wickedly.

Gamabunta, with Lynch on his head, fell between Broki and Donli again.

"Uncle Broki, Uncle Dongli, Mr. 3, a senior agent of Baroque Works, is probably nearby, watching your duel. Don't give him a chance." Lynch was getting more and more anxious.

"Stupid giants, stop the duel now, it will only benefit you."

Gamabunta looked at the stubborn giants and took a deep puff of cigarette.

"Wow, Lynch, your big frog can actually smoke. That's so funny."

Broki laughed when he saw the huge smoke rings that Gamabunta blew out.

"Lin Qi, where did you get this frog? I really want to raise one." Dong Li actually showed an envious expression on his face.

"Uncle Broki, Uncle Dongli, this is not the time to joke around."

In such a serious situation, two giant uncles were still in the mood to joke around. Lin Qi rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"Hey, stupid giant, be serious," Gamabunta said angrily.

"Lynch, we appreciate your kindness, but this is a duel between Elbaf warriors, and no one can interrupt it."

Broki, who was joking just now, suddenly became serious.

"Lin Qi, stop interrupting our duel. If you stop us, we will attack you."

Dongli raised his axe and shield.

"I've never lost a fight."

Gamabunta was furious when he heard that they were going to continue the duel.

"Lin Qi, I've already told you, don't waste your breath. Instead of letting the villain ruin their duel, let me subdue them first and let them calm down."

""Boss Toad, knock down their weapons first, and don't hurt the two giant uncles!" Lin Qi said

""What a nagging brat! Hold on tight, I'm going to attack."

Gamabunta said.

Donli raised his axe and chopped at him.

At the same time, Broki also raised his long sword and attacked Bunta.

Gamabunta took out his short sword to block the attacks of the two giants. Big Toad can definitely stop Uncle Broki and Uncle Donli from fighting. Although the giants are powerful, Big Toad is not a pushover. When fighting, Big Toad is definitely more flexible than the giants and can use frog jumps continuously. Move around, easily resist the giant's attack, and then attack.

I have great confidence in Gamabunta. I have tried my best to persuade the two giant uncles, and now I can only subdue them first. Lynch, who is on Gamabunta's back, is thinking.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Gamabunta's short sword.

Donli's axe.

Broki's long sword.

They keep colliding.

Just as Lynch expected, Gamabunta used his flexible frog jump.

After a few moves, he easily knocked down Broki's long sword and Donli's axe.

"Hey, Donli, my axe was knocked off by a frog"

"Broki, your weapons have been dropped, so you can’t fight anymore?"

Uncle Broki and Uncle Dongli’s weapons had been knocked away by the Toad Boss, but they still refused to give up the duel. The two giant uncles were too stubborn, Lin Qi complained in his heart.

Dongli and Broki raised their fists and hit each other.

Bang! Bang!

Their fists hit each other’s face.

Neither of them fell down.

"Boss Toad, why don't you take action?" Lin Qi said anxiously

"What a pair of stupid giants, now they have come to their senses, right?" Gamabunta thought that they would not attack again.

"The last blow.

The two men put their fists away and wanted to strike again.

""Boss Toad, hurry up!"

Lin Qi was on Toad Wentai's head, and he was so anxious that he almost jumped up.

"It's coming, hold on tight, kid!"

Gamabunta jumped up and blocked Broki and Donri's fists with his two huge frog paws.

Gamabunta used all his strength to repel their attacks.

"Uncle Dongli, watch your step," Lin Qi shouted.

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