Lynch turned around and saw that it was Smoker's subordinate, Tashigi.

She held a saber in her hand and looked at Lynch with eager eyes.

In order not to be exposed

, Lynch scolded,"Do you think you can defeat the Straw Hat Boy with your current skills?"

"Yes, Colonel Smoger......"Dashiqi wanted to say something but was stopped by Lin Qi.

"This is an order.

Seeing the colonel's attitude, Dashiqi could only turn around and leave in disappointment.

The soldiers on guard saw this scene and couldn't help muttering.

"Colonel Smoger is strange today, he doesn't even have a cigar in his mouth.

The plan was going smoothly, but was almost discovered by Dashiqi.

Fortunately, Dashiqi is a natural fool, otherwise it would be terrible. Lynch secretly rejoiced.

The central square of Rogue Town.

At this moment, many people have gathered in the square, and the noisy voices in the crowd continue.

"Look at the execution platform, who is that?"

"Who is so bold as to stand on the execution platform?"

"That is the special execution platform under the jurisdiction of the World Government."

Lynch followed the gaze of the crowd and saw Luffy on the execution platform.

Standing below the execution platform was Alrita, the Iron Rod.

At this time, she had eaten the Slippery Fruit and turned into a sexy queen.

Lynch heard that she kept confessing to Luffy.

"I've been looking for you for a long time, Luffy, long time no see"

"You won't forget my face, will you?" Alrita said.

Luffy looked at her confused face and pointed at her and said,"I don't know someone like you, who are you?"

I won't forget you, because you are the first man who hit me"

"At that time, your powerful fist hit me, it felt so good, I want you to be my man, Luffy," she said, covering her shy face with her hands.

""Stop talking nonsense, I don't want it. Who are you?" Luffy said angrily.

Since Iron Rod Alrita is here, Buggy should be here too.

Seeing this, Lynch searched for Buggy in the crowd.

Suddenly, a group of mysterious people walked towards Alrita.

Although they were wearing robes, the leader's bright red nose could not be blocked no matter how he covered it.

Lynch finally found him, Buggy.

No, Luffy is in danger. Lynch shouted at the execution platform,"Luffy, be careful of Buggy." Luffy, who heard Lynch's shouting, was still scratching his head, wondering who Buggy was.

Lynch ran in the direction of Buggy, but was still a step slow.

Buggy had already boarded the execution platform and stepped on Luffy under his feet. With a big knife in his hand , he was ready to execute Luffy.

At this time, someone in the crowd recognized Buggy and shouted,"It's Buggy the Clown"

"Buggy Pirates are coming"

"Run! It's pirates!"

Everyone panicked and fled in all directions.

However, Buggy had a strong desire to perform.

How could he let the next performance be without an audience?

He ordered that all members of Buggy's pirate group were not allowed to let anyone escape.

At this time, Buggy noticed that someone in the square shouted at him,"Wait for your execution."

It was Zoro. Sanji came to save Luffy.

Zoro looked at Luffy on the execution platform anxiously, with only one thought in his mind.

"We must chop down the execution platform."

He chopped down the members of Buggy's pirate group one by one.

Sanji used his kicking skills to kick the pirates away.

He looked anxiously at Luffy who was being stepped on by Buggy, and there was only one thought in his mind.

"We must kick down the execution platform."

However, there are too many small fry, and it will take some time to deal with them.

Seeing Zoro and Sanji coming, Lynch also joined the battle, using the Shadow Clone Technique.

Dozens of Lynches appeared, with shurikens coming from all directions, and countless shurikens flew towards the small fry, and the small fry fell one after another.

At this time, a sudden voice rang in Lynch's mind,"

Ding! Congratulations to the host for defeating many small fry in the Buggy Pirates. The role-playing degree will be increased by 1%, and the reward skill"Seduction Technique" will be upgraded to"Harem Technique".

The latest version of"Intimate Paradise" will also be presented. Host: Lynch.

Current role-playing character: Uzumaki Naruto.

Current role-playing progress: 11%.

Owned character: Uzumaki Naruto. Owned character skills: Seduction Technique, Shadow Clone Technique, Transformation Technique, Substitute Technique, Harem Technique.

Special skills: unlimited storage space.

Owned character extraction opportunities: 1.

Lynch found that the system panel in his mind had changed.

When his system was just awakened, his role-playing degree was only 10%, and now it has increased by 1%. Damn,


Technique? Why not Rasengan?

This is a good opportunity to show off in front of the Straw Hat Pirates.

What's the use of giving me the harem technique now? And the intimate paradise, isn't that Kakashi's favorite?

Seeing the skills rewarded by his system, Lynch complained in his heart.

Lynch cleared a fastest way to the execution platform for Zoro and Sanji.

At this time, someone in the crowd recognized Lynch.

"Look, it's the guy who wants to attack Colonel Smoger."

"Damn it, he is indeed a pirate. Colonel Smoker shouldn't have let him go."

"If only Colonel Smoker were here, these pirates wouldn't be so rampant."

"Although I don't know who you are, thank you, my friend." Sanji said to Lynch while running.

Smoker, a navy captain standing on a tall building in the distance, with a cigar in his mouth, saw this scene and ordered the navy to listen carefully.

"As soon as the head of the Straw Hat Boy fell to the ground, they immediately surrounded the Buggy Pirates and Alrita and killed them. And that strange ninja, he is indeed a pirate, I actually misjudged him.

He may be the accomplice of the Straw Hat Boy, arrest him together."

It's too late even for Zoro, your captain is dead," Buggy laughed.

Luffy, who was still trying to escape on the execution platform, suddenly seemed to understand his current situation.

His life might end here.

Luffy shouted the names of his partners at this time, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Nami, sorry I'm going to die, and then showed a bright smile.

"Go to hell, Straw Hat Boy."

Buggy swung his sword at Luffy, and suddenly there was a loud bang, and a bolt of lightning hit the execution platform, and the execution platform collapsed.

Lynch and his clone caught the falling Luffy.

Luffy smiled and said,"I survived, thank you so much."

Lynch smiled and said,"I'm glad you're okay."

Luffy said excitedly,"My name is Monkey·D·Luffy, you are the man who will become the Pirate King.

Your ability is so interesting. Are you willing to be my partner?"

Sanji on the side reminded,"Hey, Luffy, the navy will be around soon. Do you have to say this now?"

Zoro also said,"Luffy, let's escape from here first."

Luffy was still waiting for Lynch's answer. Lynch smiled and said,"Okay, Captain Luffy, my name is Lynch, and I'm a ninja from the Land of Fire. Please take care of me in the future."

Lynch saw the charm of Luffy. In such a situation, he could still calmly invite himself on board. He is worthy of being the future Pirate King, so courageous.

At this moment, a man with a green algae head that was greener than Zoro's, with a nose ring on his nose, his mouth wide open, and stars in his eyes, a bounty order for Luffy floated to his feet. He quickly took it up and hid it in his arms.

"There is one more companion on the ship, a ninja." Luffy said excitedly to Zoro and Sanji

"Pirates, you have been surrounded, surrender quickly, or we will shoot you."

The navy shouted at the pirates in the square.

"Surrounded? Navy, look carefully, who is surrounded?" Lynch said loudly

""The art of the harem, the square dance"

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