"Miss Wednesday, you just joined the Bucklo Works, and you can bring such good news.

The whales on an island like Labu are enough to feed all the people in the town for two or three years. You have done a great job, hahaha."

Mr.9 laughed exaggeratedly.

"I also discovered such a big whale by accident, Mr. 9, wow wow wow"

Miss Wednesday, imitating Mr. 9’s exaggerated smile.

At this time, Vivi had just joined the Baclo Works not long ago, and she wanted to successfully complete the task assigned by her superiors, so as to obtain more information about the top management of the work agency.

If this mission is successful, she should be able to gain the trust of the Baclo Works. The boss behind the work agency has already been identified. If it is really that person, it will be a disaster for Alabasta. Seeing Vivi’s dazed expression

"Miss Wednesday, hurry up and grab your weapon, and catch this whale while those people are not paying attention," Mr. 9 reminded

"Got it, Mr. 9"

Miss Wednesday, who had a high ponytail and suspenders, raised the cannon in her hand and aimed at Rab.

Mr. 9, who was wearing a green suit and a crown, also raised the cannon and aimed at Rab.

Boom boom.

Two shells were fired and quickly rushed towards Rab's stomach.

"This whale is ours"

Mr.9, prepare for the explosion of victory

""Hohoho, hohoho!"

The two laughed exaggeratedly.

Just as the two shells were about to hit Lab

, one of them jumped up from the shore and blocked the flying shells with his body.

"Ah, how is it possible?"

"How can someone use his own body to block the shells? Is this human?"

Miss Wednesday opened her mouth in surprise.

""Lin Qi, Lin Qi!"

The Straw Hat Pirates on the shore watched as Lin Qi, who had just jumped up from the shore, was hit by a shell and shouted loudly. With a" poof


, Lin Qi, who had just blocked the shell in front of Rab, disappeared.

"Miss Wednesday, did you see that? The person who was hit disappeared. Do our shells still have such power

? Mr.9 said

"Ah, ah, what's going on? This mission should have been successful, but who showed up out of nowhere?" Weiwei was still not recovered from her surprise.

"Everyone, don't be afraid, that's just my clone," Lin Qi said

"What is this, Lin Qi, it's really scary." Nami said

"Who on earth wants to hurt Lab?" Luffy said angrily

"Luffy, look over there," Lynch said. Luffy stretched out his arm and caught the lurking Miss Wednesday.

Luffy said angrily,"Humph, you actually want to hurt our companions."

"Do you want to kill them?" Zoro's sword was already slightly unsheathed.

"Oh, beautiful lady, put on your coat, don't catch a cold." Sanji put his clothes on Vivi in a gentlemanly manner.

Seeing Luffy and Zoro who were about to take action, Lynch said,"Don't do it yet, he has something we need."

While speaking,

Lynch walked to Mr. 9, snatched the recording pointer from him, and said,"Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, you can do it, but, lady, forget it."

Lynch, who knew Vivi's identity, would definitely not hurt her.

After a beating by the three of them, Mr. 9 had fainted.

Lynch handed the recording pointer to Nami.

Nami asked curiously,"Lynch, what is this?""

"The islands along the route are connected by a magical magnetic field. The recording pointer can record the magnetic force between the islands. If we want to go to the next island, we have to rely on this recording pointer." Lin Qi said

"It turns out to be such an important thing." Nami said.

Cascro said,"Lin Qi, you are right. You have to choose a route now. No matter which one you choose, the destination is the final island, Raftel."

"Luffy, let's choose the next island pointed by the record pointer as the starting point." Lynch said

"Okay, scratch scratch scratch." Luffy stretched out his arm to take the meat that Sanji had just prepared, but accidentally broke the record pointer.

"Luffy" only heard Nami's roar and beat Luffy violently

"Lin Qi, what should we do now?" Nami said to Lin Qi in a crying voice

"I think Senior Cascro will help us," Lynch said

""Since you saved Lab, I will give you my record pointer." Cascro said.

At this time, Lynch saw that Mr. 9 on the side finally woke up. He was about to go over and knock him out, but he didn't expect that after seeing the situation clearly, he actually knelt down to the Straw Hat Pirates. Vivi was also

Mr. 9 and said,"I have something to ask of you. Please take us back to Whiskey Peak on the way.""

"Whiskey Peak, what a strange name, what is that?" Luffy asked

"That is the town where we live, and it is the next island you are going to," said Mr.9

"You just wanted to kill Lab, and now you are making such a request, where is your own ship?" Nami said

"Our boat is broken, and we only make this request because we value your character," Weiwei said

"Luffy, according to the record pointer, we must also go to Whiskey Peak, so take them with you," Lynch said. Lynch knew that there were several members of the Bucklo Works at Whiskey Peak. This was a battle that could not be missed. It would be a good opportunity to practice and improve his strength before the duel with Crocodile.

"Okay, you guys can get on the boat and go together," Luffy said.

"Is this true? Luffy, Lynch, what's wrong with you? Why are you taking these two unidentified people on board?" Usopp said nervously

"Usopp, don't worry about it. Lab is fine now." Lynch said

"Then let's go forward like we are heading for Whiskey Mountain," Luffy said.

Seeing the Straw Hat Pirates were leaving,

Laboo whimpered towards the sky.

"Lab, wait for us to come back, we will definitely bring your friends back"

"Rab, we will definitely come back after we travel around the world."

"Don't forget us, Rab"

���The Hat Pirates bid farewell to Lab and headed to the next island.

"Could they be the pirates we have been waiting for? Roger is such an incredible man, isn't he?" Cascro said meaningfully as he looked at the Straw Hat Pirates going away.

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