One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 92: Cyrus, one move and one kill

Battle Arena.

This is the large arena of the Kingdom of Dressrosa. Usually sword fighters compete here, but these days it has been occupied by others.

Sindori held opera performances here for two consecutive days.

The Beast Fighting Arena, which originally had only a few people, gradually became overcrowded. After all, people like some novel things.

The most famous song and dance here is flamenco dance. Although it is also very good, it has caused visual fatigue for a long time.

On Lovers Street, Moria Lafitte, Perona and her dog were wandering aimlessly together.

From time to time, there are men and women fighting passionately around, and then there will be scenes that are not suitable for children. After all, it is an island of love and passion, and no one avoids it.

Around a corner, several people discovered a little fat man who had lost his soul.

Moria saw the man and asked, "Huogubak, didn't you go on a date with Sindori? Why are you here alone?"

"It's Lord Moria!" Huogubak regained his composure, and then sighed again:

"It was going well at first, but then Princess Violet showed up and said she was a big fan of Sindori-chan. Then the two of them went shopping and left me behind."

Moriah didn't know what to say for a moment, but just grieved for Hogubak for a second.

Although Violet is a princess, she is very interested in dancing. She also knows something about the famous Sindori. After watching Sindori's performance, she was deeply impressed by her.

I feel like I have found a soulmate, and I wish I could stay together every day.

Sure enough, they hadn't walked very far when they saw two pretty women walking around talking and laughing. They looked so intimate that they thought they were close friends who had been miscalculated for many years.

This scene also attracted the side glances of the loving men and women around him.

"Sister Xinduoli, are you really not going to stay?" From a distance, Violet looked at Xinduoli with some disappointment.

"I want to go on a world tour and hold a concert in every place I visit." Xin Duoli shook her head apologetically:

"If I stay here all the time, you will get tired of it one day. What's more, the captain is also very good to me. If I suddenly want to stay, it will also chill his heart."

Violet's fruit ability can detect lies. She knew that Sindori was serious, so she was a little disappointed and said: "That's really a pity. After leaving this time, will you come again?"

"Who knows." Sindori smiled and shook her head, "The goal is determined by the captain, and the route is planned by the navigator. My duty is to make the people on the ship happy, and I can't control anything else."

As she spoke, Sindoli took out a piece of white paper from her arms, then tore off a piece and handed it to Violet: "This is my life card. As long as you have this thing, you can find me anytime, anywhere."

Sindori put the life card in her hand, and the card automatically moved towards her.

"It's so magical." Violet took the life card and felt that she had learned a lot. As a princess, she had never seen such a thing before.

If we really want to get to the bottom of it, this is also related to King Liku. Although King Liku was benevolent, he was loved by the people and favored by other kings.

But his abilities are limited and he won't cause trouble. In a country with such a good environment in Dressrosa, people are still living in poverty under his governance.

This makes it almost impossible for some valuables to circulate.

"Since you like Sindori so much, why not just get on the ship so that we can stay together every day." Seeing the two women chatting happily, Moria stepped forward and said half-jokingly.

Although Violet's strength does not meet the standards to join the pirate group, the pirate group will also recruit some students with special talents.

For example, Violet, a person with good eyesight, can make Moriah make an exception.

Violet is still relatively young now, and she doesn't want to be so... charming, passionate, and enchanting in more than ten years.

Of course, she has never experienced anything, so she won't keep things in her heart.

"Get on the ship? Are you going to be a pirate?" Violet looked at Moria and refused without any hesitation: "I don't want to be a pirate!"

Although Violet likes Sindori very much, she has not reached this point yet. No matter how bad it is, she is still a princess of a country and has an inherent arrogance.

Even ordinary people look down upon them, let alone those pirates who engage in burning, killing and robbing.

Pirates, the nobles gnashed their teeth when mentioning this term.

"Don't you really think about it? You only have this chance. Even if you beg me in the future, it won't be possible."

Moriah asked with a strange expression. There is no comparison between the current Violet and the future gangster sister Violet. They are not calm enough, and their expressions are almost written on their faces.

In the end, Violet refused without hesitation.

Moria shook his head and said nothing more. In this world, most pirates are only engaged in this profession if they cannot make a living. It is difficult for nobles who have no worries about food and clothing to become pirates.

Violet felt a little unhappy. She always felt that the latter's words had a pity for her. You made her very uncomfortable. A trace of contempt flashed in her eyes. After speaking, Violet looked at Moriah.


Then Lafitte's cane sword was instantly unsheathed and pressed against her chin.

"Miss, please take back your inappropriate thoughts and be careful not to risk your own life."

Lafitte stared at Violet with a cold expression, but did not take action directly, but waited for Moria's order.

Violet was frightened by this action. She wanted to use the fruit ability to spy on Moria's heart just now, but her life was threatened just after she had this thought.

The ability of the staring fruit can spy on others, and Lafitte's observer can also see into people's hearts through insight.

At this first moment, Lafitte saw through Violet's subtle expression.

At this time, Moria's attitude also turned cold.

"Tap, tap, tap!"

At this time, a voice approached at a very fast speed.

"Let go of Princess Violet!"

Following the sound, I saw a tall middle-aged man wearing a red cloak and dressed as a swordsman rushing over.

He had been hiding not far away and protecting Violet secretly.


The middle-aged man who was about to attack Lafitte was directly kicked away by Moria.

Then he crashed into the buildings on both sides of the street, and destroyed two or three buildings in a row before he stopped flying backwards.

Moria stared at the direction of the man and said in a grim tone: "If you want to fight, I will be your opponent!"

There was a scream all around, and the crowd fled in all directions.

When the smoke and dust cleared, the figure of the man who had just rushed over was also exposed.

People also recognized his identity, and their eyes widened one by one.

"This... is the former captain of Cyrus' army, how could this happen?"

"Isn't Captain Cyrus a sword fighter with a record of 3,000 undefeated games? How could he be defeated by someone in one move?"


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