One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 8 Mysterious Prisoner

"Iron Blocks from the Navy's Six Styles? Jihehe, interesting, interesting!"

Although the Six Styles are a must-have for CP members, some naval generals also know how to use them because of their high practicality. It's not surprising that Bastiu can use Iron Blocks.


Although Iron Blocks can give users steel-like defense, they have a fatal flaw, which is that they cannot move.

"Clang clang clang clang clang!"

Moria's broadsword fell without a second thought. The standing still target was just right for practicing swordsmanship. As the blade bombarded, Bastiu's body retreated straight back.

If this continues, he will die!

Bastiu's complexion changed visibly, which was enough to show that he was not feeling well at the moment. Iron Blocks had no problem blocking ordinary swords, guns, and artillery fire.

But Moria's bombardment far exceeded this range.

Not to mention the power of the Shadow-Shadow Fruit, which was enough to smash the island with one punch, there were not many people who could do the swordsmanship that could rub against Kaido's mace, although it was a weakened version now.

"This time it's really over!" Moriah said softly, and began to put the big swords together to form a pair of big scissors, which Moriah used to cut off other people's shadows.

"Moonlight Moriah's attack is over? He failed to break through the defense? Commodore... succeeded!?"

The navy saw Bastiyu with no external injuries and was shocked. One by one, they began to admire him and shouted Bastiyu's name in unison.

"Commodore Bastiyu?"

After calling for a long time, there was no response.


Bastiyu fell heavily to the ground with his eyes rolled up, unconscious.

It's not that Bastiyu didn't want to talk. First, he was too strong to be distracted by his opponent, and second, he suffered serious internal injuries, although he didn't look changed on the outside.


On Moriah's side, the four people looked at the navy and laughed maliciously.

The navy was instantly horrified!

As the strongest here, Commodore Bastiyu was killed by Moriah in just a few rounds!

Kaido Moriah and Bastiu are both heavyweights, not known for their agility, and their moves are often straightforward, without beating around the bush.

If they encounter the same type of opponent, the outcome is often just a matter of a few breaths.

Moriah's current strength requires at least the strength of an elite vice admiral to fight him.

Looking at Bastiu, who was lying on his back with his eyes rolled up, Moriah ordered his zombies: "Tie this guy up and take him to the ship, he will be of great use in the future."

Although the navy has a large number of people, they are in chaos at this moment because of Bastiu's defeat.


Many navymen were panicked, but some of them were still brave enough to fire at Moriah. All the bullets shot at Moriah, but they all slid down to the ground powerlessly.

Night color bonus Moriah was wearing black clothes, so people could not see the shadow armor on the surface.

"Gulp! Gulp!"

The Adam's apple rolled, and there was a sound of swallowing saliva, and cold sweat was also dripping down.

The navy was completely devastated. When had they ever seen such a monster? Even though the West Sea was known as the "strongest sea"...

But it's a bit too much for you, a pirate worth hundreds of millions, to come and fry fish!

"Ah! Let me go!"

With a scream, Moria grabbed a navy, lifted him up and asked, "Shut up! Now I ask, you answer!"

"Which branch is this naval base? Who is the highest commander?"

"I don't know..."


"This is the 51st branch of the West Sea, and the base commander is Major General Doberman!"

Moria's grip was reduced a little, and he began to recall the memory of this person in his mind.

I didn't expect that this small naval base actually had two vice admirals of the headquarters in the future. Doberman rarely took action and his strength was unknown. He was not weak to be able to become Akainu's right-hand man.

I guess he should be promoted for catching pirates so actively recently?

Moria asked again: "Where is he now?"

"I don't know."

Moria exerted a little force, and the navy instantly put on a mask of pain.

"I really don't know, I only know that Major General Doberman is chasing a pirate. Who is it and where is it? Only Commodore Bastiu knows, but now he has been knocked unconscious by you..."

In the gap when Moria loosened his grip, the navy probably had no chance to speak again, so he babble and said everything he knew.


Moria threw him out, looking unhappy: "Why didn't you say such an important thing earlier!"

The surrounding navy broke out in cold sweat, thinking that you didn't ask earlier!

Seeing this one-sided situation, the navy gave up resistance directly.

One by one, they let Moria and his group tie their hands with ropes, and a group of people sat back to back, watching the zombies carry things, but they couldn't stop it.

Chasing pirates all day, they didn't expect to be robbed by pirates one day, which is equivalent to criminals going directly to the police station to commit crimes.

A real gangster!

But at this moment, the navy was still thinking that Moria just happened to take advantage of the absence of the major general to steal the house successfully. If he met Major General Doberman, the outcome would be unknown.

At this moment, everyone could only transform into Wang Yousheng when his things were robbed in the Bright Sword. They wanted to stop it but could only shed tears.

"Captain Moria, this is all the spoils, please take a look!"

Lafitte has sorted out the things intercepted this time with paper, including several barrels of rum, bags of flour, barrels of fruit, etc., all clearly marked.

Moria nodded while looking at the sorted things, and finally looked at the cash and shook his head: "Only 12 million berries, this is really poor, in this case, then take it..."

At this time, Lafitte whispered a few words to Moria, and the latter smiled for the first time in a long time and nodded repeatedly.

The reason why Moria is like this.

It is something mentioned by Lafitte, a very precious ore.


Ore produced only in Wano Country.

In addition to Wano Country, only the Navy and the World Government have the largest reserves.

In order to deal with Devil Fruit ability users, even the branches will have some.

Navy 51st Branch Prison.

Moria asked Shadow to pack up some of the things that can be taken away, including shackles, handcuffs, etc.

These things can be processed to make some handy weapons.

"These are all money, not shabby!" Moriah comforted himself. He couldn't carry these things by himself. He would feel weak all over if he touched them. .

But the shadow created by the devil fruit ability is not afraid of sea water, just like Aokiji's ice and Perospero's sugar...

"Hehehe, a fruitful day!"

Moriah was about to walk out of the dark and humid branch prison, but at this moment, a crackling sound of iron chains rubbing against the ground came from the innermost part of the prison.

A pair of eyes looked over in the darkness, and then a voice sounded:

"Master, let me out, I'm willing to do anything for you, hehehehehe!"

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