One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 5: Idle Profits

The terrifying barque.

A small celebration party was held in the castle. After all, there was currently a shortage of manpower and it would be difficult to organize a party that was too big.

The zombies are also celebrating. The zombies created by Moria can enjoy food and wine just like Brooke who ate the underworld fruit.

It was also the first time for Lafitte to see the world's largest pirate ship. When he entered the castle of the terrifying three-masted ship, he was deeply shocked by it.

A pirate ship with such a size will definitely experience bloody battles one after another, which all tells the story of the former glory of the Moonlight Pirates!

"Absalom, the other Perona." Moria introduced Lafitte, and also said to the two of them: "Lafitte, known as the "Devil Patrol"..."

"Haha, hello, my name is Lafitte, I am good at sailing and hypnosis..."

After looking at each other, Lafitte gave a simple greeting.

"Although I am also from the West Sea, I don't know much about what happened in these years. If I want to recruit partners again, I don't know where to look." Moria took a bite of meat skewers and a sip of wine and asked Lafitte: "You should know more than me."

Lafitte sat on the seat next to Moglia. After hearing this, he put down the knife and fork in his hand very gentlemanly: "Although I know some, they are all guys from the surrounding area. These guys are not qualified to be our partners...

"As for the entire West China Sea, we need to use underground organizations with influence throughout the West China Sea, such as... the Capone gang!"

"The Capone gang?" Moria frowned in thought.

The underground world of the West Sea is mainly controlled by five mafia families, and the Capone gang is one of them.

The boss of the Capone gang should be one of the eleven supernovas more than ten years later. I didn't expect that the power would develop to this extent now.

But think about it, most of the people in Supernova are young people, but Kapenbeki was a middle-aged uncle at the time.

"If you keep going in the current direction, you will enter the Lokasif Sea Area. One of the Capone gang's strongholds is in this sea area, but before that you have to pass a naval base..."

Lafitte seemed to know the location of nearby islands well.

It seemed that he thought of something important. Now that he was on the pirate ship, Lafitte did not hide it and suddenly asked:

"I wonder if the captain has heard that the World Government is currently preparing to find seven powerful and famous pirates to cooperate?"

"Uh..." Moria didn't expect that Lafitte would know about this, but he soon understood that the Kingdom of Abida, as one of the participating countries of the World Government, should have participated in the World Conference not long ago, so he knew About the system of the Shichibukai.

"I've only heard a little bit about it."

Hearing this answer, Lafitte felt a little unexpected. After all, he thought that very few people knew the news, and he planned to show it off when he got on the ship.

Thinking of this, Lafitte couldn't help but take a good look at Moria Yuhao, and felt that the captain's mystery had increased a bit.

But what Lafitte doesn't know, and the Magic Duck in the original book probably doesn't know, is that the reason why he became a Shichibukai was entirely due to luck and strength.

We have to break down this level of strength, and half of it is due to past record.

Lafitte continued: "Then what does the captain think? Don't you plan to become one of the Shichibukai? With your reputation and strength, you are completely qualified. In that case, you only need to hand over a small amount of things to legalize the robbery... But... "

"but what?"

"But... at this critical juncture, it is best to create some major events that will cause headaches for the world government."

After hearing Lafitte's words, Moria secretly realized that he was the guy who could go to the Holy Land Mariejoia alone to recommend the Shichibukai to the World Government, and his vision was vicious.

And what he said about creating a big event coincided with Moriah's idea.

God knows whether the direction of the plot will be affected after the time travel. If you can't remember this character who can compete with Kaido, the Four Emperors and Beasts, who will you talk to for reasoning?

"What do you mean?"

Moria asked Lafitte. He remembered that Doflamingo hijacked the ship transporting heavenly gold to blackmail the World Government and become the Shichibukai.

It also depends on luck. Ships transporting gold from the sky are not so easy to encounter.

"Keep this direction, and you will reach a naval base thirty-five nautical miles further. It is said that the commander of the base is a major general sent by the Navy Headquarters, and he is very powerful."

Lafitte conjured an extra pointer in his hand, and the red pointer pointed in the direction of the terrifying three-masted sailboat.

"A rear admiral? Jihehehehe! It's a good prey."

Moriah and Lafitte looked at each other and smiled. The two fools who gathered the crowd had no idea what they were talking about.

At this moment, the lifeless terrifying barque seemed a little more alive.

After three rounds of wine and five dishes, Moriah burped and said to Lafitte as if he was drunk:

"Now that you are on my ship, I don't care whether you use violence or not, and I don't care what special hobbies you have. As long as you are on the ship, you will be a companion who can rely on each other...

"Even if I kill the Celestial Dragons and poke a hole in the sky, as the captain, I will only think that you are right, but... there is an unwritten rule on the ship, that is, you cannot attack your companions under any circumstances!"

Listening to Moria's words, Absalom and Perona were deeply touched. This was the reason why they were loyal to Moria. Trust was mutual.

Moria seemed to be drunk, but he was sober at the moment. He just wanted to take the opportunity to convey the message to Lafitte, letting him know that this was not a joke, but a sincere word.

In the pirate world, sometimes companions can even surpass family affection and love, just like Jesus abandoned his wife and children for his companions...

"Hehe," Lafitte laughed, and as always, his laughter was mixed with weirdness. "Pirates also need to pay attention to trustworthiness. I understand this."

"Yeah." Without a pat on the chest to guarantee, it seemed more real. Moria was quite satisfied with this reply and picked up the barrel: "Jihehe, happy today, keep drinking."



I don't know how long it took, a voice sounded in Moria's mind, it was a message from the system

"The shadow idle income has reached the upper limit, and is being settled..."

[Income: Sword Intention 383+26→409 (Swordsman Level 4), Peak 1024 (Swordsman Level 1)]

[Income: Physical Fitness 91+20→111 (Strong), Peak 623 (Strong Level 6)]

[Special Income: Dimensional Fragments 0+3→3, (Not reaching the synthesis standard)]

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