Moreover, in the eyes of the people in the pirate world, eating a devil fruit can instantly make you stronger, which is already a deep-rooted idea.

So he only needs to collect a lot of money at that time, and at the same time, he must let the monster girls manage the order and maintain the scene.

In short, let the monster girls take full responsibility for all matters of this auction.

If the monster girls are not divided into levels, he has already reached 30.

Maybe he can take advantage of this auction to let them all show up.

And take advantage of these two days to quickly complete the second base.

The construction of underwater bases is the more the better, and there is no shortage of funds at hand, so Tang Tian quickly issued a new order, except for the monster girls who performed well in these few times, and the monster girls who are really exhausted should continue to rest.

The two-tailed monster girl needs to continue looking for underwater treasures, so she doesn't need to come. Magabassa girl doesn't need to come either. After a short rest, she will use the space teleportation device to return to the Whitebeard Pirates to learn relevant professional knowledge with the other five monster girls.

These six people don't need to come, and neither do Zebul and Tregear, who are still responsible for scientific research. All other monster girls are currently engaged in the construction of the second underwater base.

Calculating the time, after the construction of this base, the monster girls will have at least two days of rest time, and finally, they will face the devil fruit auction the day after tomorrow night with all their strength.

This time, he must make a lot of money, anyway, the devil fruit is really useless to him.

At the same time, he also contacted Whitebeard and asked him to receive the residents rescued from the Kingdom of Gust.

Whitebeard quickly agreed. Anyway, his place is very large, and this number of residents can still be accommodated.

Moreover, this is an opportunity for the Whitebeard Pirates to deepen their cooperation with the Monster Alliance, and he will not let it go.

But he didn't know that Tang Tian was actually willing to cooperate with him. Not to mention that he admired Whitebeard very much when he watched One Piece in his previous life, and he knew that if he wanted to obtain that power, he still needed Whitebeard's consent.


At the same time, while Tang Tian and his team were busy, other forces on the sea also became lively.

Just like what many people posted in the chat channel before.

They were all very interested in the devil fruit auction held by Tang Tian this time, and they all wanted to bid for a few devil fruits.

But on the contrary, the situation at the Navy Headquarters was not so good.

At this time, Garp and the other three had returned. In this battle, the three of them were seriously injured, even Garp, but fortunately, there was nothing serious. After some treatment.

The three of them were still able to attend this meeting normally.

That's right, with the end of the third ring duel and the first fun game, coupled with the failure of the battle with the Monster Alliance again, the Navy had to hold a meeting again.

Everyone looked unhappy this time, because of whom? Of course, it was because of Tang Tian and his Monster Alliance, as well as a large number of powerful monster girls under his command.

In the eyes of their navy, this was just a force that had only been exposed in recent days. They provoked them everywhere, did not give them face, and directly picked up slippers and slapped them in the face.

They lost three times in the duel arena and lost twice in the sea duel. At least their navy did not get any good results.

Of course, the most important thing is that in the world chat channel, once their navy spoke, Tang Tian would immediately scold them, and he also suppressed them tightly, making their navy a laughing stock in the eyes of the world.

So, now, whether it is intelligence, strength or power, the Monster Alliance has been suppressing the navy severely in the past few days.

The navy has also lost face, and its prestige on the sea has been reduced a lot, and it has really become a laughing stock.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The important thing is that the combat power exposed by the Monster Alliance now really has the ability to destroy the navy.

This is what they are most worried about.

"It is certain that the Monster League's monster girls are currently divided into four levels, from low to high, namely C, B, A, and S."

"And they correspond to the four levels of vice admiral, alternate admiral, admiral, and four emperors."

"According to the members currently exposed by the Monster League, in addition to Tang Tian, ​​who often speaks actively in the world chat channel and often confronts us, he is the leader and the core figure of the Monster League."

"At the same time, the other side has at least four S-level monster girls at the level of the Four Emperors. The one currently exposed is Maga Yamata no Orochi. We have all seen her strength, and she is even stronger than the average Four Emperors. I believe that the other three S-level monstersMother, it is estimated that it is not too bad. "

Staff Officer Crane said impatiently. After all, this kind of mood and atmosphere has almost reached the critical point of being depressed, and it cannot continue to deteriorate.

Everyone also pricked up their ears to listen. After all, this meeting is mainly aimed at the Monster Alliance, but the more they listened, the more dreaded they became, and the bitter smile on their faces became more and more intense.

Four Four Emperors-level monster girls, and their strength is even beyond that of ordinary Four Emperors-level strongmen. Granny Crane, are you comforting us or attacking us?

"Zhan Guo, were there really four Four Emperors-level monster girls watching you in the dark at that time? "Garp turned his head, frowned, and questioned Zhan Guo.

He believed that with Zhan Guo's strength, even if those monster girls were hiding in the dark, Zhan Guo could sense their breath.

As the saying goes, hearing is false, seeing is true, he still didn't quite believe that the other party really had four four emperors-level monster girls.

He now only hoped to hear some good news from Zhan Guo, at least some words that could boost the morale of the army.

"Well, I did only sense a strong breath at that time, but it cannot be ruled out that the other three monster girls hid their breath. You know, in this vast sea, people with this ability are not uncommon."

Zhan Guo touched his head and said uncertainly. He didn't know whether the other three S-level monster girls really existed except Maga Yamata no Orochi.

At the same time, he thought that Tang Tian always told the truth, so he shouldn't be wrong.

"Anyway, our navy must go to this auction, maybe we can know the truth by then. So, let's stop talking about this topic for now." Akainu said firmly.

"I think we should still pay attention to Maga Yamata no Orochi. This girl has many abilities. When she fought with me, she at least exposed the power of fire, lightning, strong wind, earth, and water. It is not ruled out that she has other abilities, especially the opponent seems to have the ability of Zedon. Otherwise, why did the two C-level monster girls suddenly appear next to Smoker and the others during the battle?"

Aokiji suddenly said at this time.

"When you say that, I suddenly think of something else. The new A-level monster girl who fought with me seems to be called Magabasa. They are all called Maga. Do you think there is any connection between them?" Hearing this, Kizaru suddenly interrupted.

"If you say that, it seems that Maga Yamata no Orochi also has the power of Magabasa, and I remember Maga Yamata no Orochi said that she is a top-level demon beast. Is this demon king another category among the monster girls? "After hearing this, Aokiji analyzed it carefully and said.

"No, it doesn't sound like it. Instead, it sounds like a combination, or a special team among the monster girls? Don't think too much about this. After all, we don't know much about the internal situation of the Monster League. Xiaohe, you should focus on the other three levels of the monster girls exposed by the other side. "

Zhan Guo said after shaking his head. He thought it was better to give up this topic first. After all, they had too little knowledge and information about the Monster Alliance.

But at the same time, he was also very depressed. How could there be a force hidden in the deep sea?

What was Tang Tian thinking? They actually built a base there. Their IQ was really superior, and they had such strength.

"At present, there are six A-level monster girls exposed by the opponent. That is, this time, in our second duel with the Monster Alliance, everyone saw through the screen that in addition to the previous Zhiton, Barton and King Qiao, there are three more A-level monster girls, namely Magabasa, Flame Demon II, and Jagorgon. "

"These three have the ability to control the wind, and are good at air combat and close combat, Magabasa, who is also good at air combat, close combat, and swordsmanship, and controls a special flame, and the last one, Jagorgon, who can turn into stone if hit by her light. These three are first-class strongmen even in the admiral level. "

When he said this, the Crane Staff Officer was getting more and more headache.

Everyone also understood why she had a headache. After all, the other side had three more admiral-level monster girls. Now they have six known employees, which is twice as many as their navy.

Thinking about it now, it immediately gave the entire navy a headache, after all, these are six admirals.

And if they knew that Tang Tian now has a total of ten A-level monster girls, they would probably be even more desperate.

They will definitely scold the annoying scientific researchers, how can they mass-produce so many powerful beings and so many powerful monster girls.

"There is no B-level this time, but the violentTwo C-level Bermuda and Gudun were revealed. Their performance was obvious to all, and they were no worse than ordinary vice admirals. "

"But don't forget that the Monster Alliance has now been exposed. Another ability is super recovery ability, which makes their super learning ability and another ability that has not been announced yet. They are still very scary warriors on this sea."

But after she finished speaking, she turned her head and was stunned, because all the navy, from Marshal Zhan Guo to the lowest vice admiral here, had a dejected or ugly expression.

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