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Jin Yi's gaze, the large version of the devil fruit changed rapidly, from gray lines to an oval shape.


Little hands...little feet...little head... the energy that had just been raging became extremely gentle, as if it was the perfect nutrient to nourish the little girl.

In such an intuitive vision, the magnet devil fruit took less than a minute to turn into a living little girl!

The devil fruit transformed into a human form!




"I, I am really convinced!"

The scene before my eyes can no longer be described as shocking, it is simply breathtaking.


The scene inside the house was in a state of disrepair, except for the bed, which was neat and tidy, as if it was isolated from the world and had not suffered any damage.

With a rustling sound, the little girl sat up from the quilt, blinked her eyes, and scratched her long aqua blue hair twice.


"This is... my daughter?"

Jin Yi took two steps forward in a daze, making a noise that attracted the little guy's attention.


The little guy put down the blue hair in his hand, tilted his head suspiciously and looked at Jin Yi. It was the first time for Jin Yi to meet the third daughter of the devil fruit, and he was still a little bit hesitant.

He half bowed his body and waved to the third daughter,"Hi! I'm your dad."

The little guy sat up straight and looked at Jin Yi, his watery pupils gradually covered with a layer of mist.



Before Jin Yi could react, the little guy burst into tears for no apparent reason.

The cry was so loud that it penetrated the ruined princess' body and spread to the courtyard.

"gave birth!"

"Princess Weiwei finally gave birth!"

"Great! My daughter finally gave birth to a royal descendant safely!"

"I don't know if it's a boy or a girl?"

Cobra and the guards cheered happily.

"Congratulations to His Majesty the King!"

"Now that Princess Vivi's child is born, His Royal Highness can also save Alabasta!"

Jaka simply treated the wound that had just been blown away, and looked at Cobra with the same excitement.

"Click, click, click……"

"You are right! Put away your sword and stop moving, so as not to hurt others by mistake."

Cobra patted Gaka's shoulder heavily, looking at the long sword beside Gaka.

""Is your subordinate not moving?"

Jiaka glanced suspiciously and put his hand on the long sword.

"Click, click, click!"

"Boom boom boom!"

"Buzz buzz buzz!"


Strange noises were heard from all over the palace.

This time it was not just Jaka's sword, but also the swords and guns of the guards, the surrounding iron barrels, the iron frames of the fences... all the iron objects made strange noises.

"Everyone, stand still!"

Jin Yi's roar came out from the hall, reminding everyone in the courtyard.

"It’s His Royal Highness Prince Consort Jin Yi!"

"What is going on?"

"Don't think too much, listen to my son-in-law, he won't harm us!"

Although they didn't know what Jin Yi meant, out of instinctive trust, they all fell to the ground one by one, paying attention to the situation around them from time to time.


As far as the eye could see, the ironware in the entire palace rose into the air one after another, rushing to the ten-meter-high point directly above the Weiwei Qin Palace.

"What happened? All the spatulas in the kitchen flew out?"

"Help! The knives in the armory are alive!"

"There's no time to save you, the boiler room that heats water can't be controlled anymore!"

The huge palace seemed to have encountered a strong typhoon, with screams and cries everywhere.

Magnetic typhoon!

Within a radius of five kilometers, all the iron tools were inspired and gathered into a large sphere towards the sky above Weiweiqin.

The most terrifying scene was not the scene inside the palace, but the battlefield at the palace gate where the battle had just begun!

The two sides had not exchanged fire for more than three minutes when a strong gravitational force swept in from the direction of the palace.


Cold Weapon Battlefield Front Area

"What happened? My sword flew away?"

"Hey, my armor, wait!"

"My iron mesh pants! Do you want me to beat you naked?"

"Who can tell me what happened?"

In front of a group of swords, they turned into bare-handed warriors. Some even put on iron armor and pants before the battle, which were directly exposed to the air.

"Isn't it a bit uncivilized to fight like this?"

"You're right, why don't we retreat first?"

The two combat groups, not knowing what was going on, awkwardly discussed what to do next.


The rear battle area of the musketeers.

The palace guards musketeers were eliminated, and the rebel musketeers had a natural advantage.

As a result, the magnetic force swept away not only their guns, but also their muskets!

"They are flying so high, I don’t know where they are going?"

"Well, maybe they will go on a trip, wish them the best."

In the rebel camp, two rough-looking soldiers were chatting calmly.


Side entrance of Albana Palace

"Our heavy fire bomb!"

"Commander, they are all flying, what should we do?"

"Are you an idiot? What can I do? Can I hold it back?"

The Kingdom Gun Squad, unable to even get out of the door due to the suppression of firepower, watched the gun platform soar into the air, but they couldn't hold it back at all.

The sudden supernatural event made them feel extremely lost and depressed after losing their guns.

At this moment, a fat figure ran out clumsily from the sand.


"Come back, Rasu!"

��"Pop, where are you going?"

Mr. 4's dog gun, Rasu, was also pulled high into the sky by the magnetic force.

Apart from the devil fruit dog gun, Mr. 4's combat power was not much different from that of an ordinary high-level infantryman.

Even his overweight body could not even match the speed of a high-level infantryman.


Mr.4 not only failed to catch up with Lasu, but when he looked up, he found that he had run to the front of the fire team.

"Commander, it was this fat guy who injured our companion just now, right?"

"Why do I feel inexplicably angry when I see this face?"

"Ahem, everyone listen up... Beat him up!"

The commander shouted, and the members of the fire team rushed forward like crazy.


In a luxury house more than ten kilometers away

"Bru Bru!"

"Bulu Bulu!"

The Den Den Mushi on the desk rang.

"How is it going...Mr. 1!"

Crocodile grabbed the receiver and poured the raw meat into the water tank. A huge crocodile in the water tank fiercely dumped the raw meat into the water tank.


"What did you say?"

Crocodile's calm and comfortable mood suddenly became crazy.

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