"The sun is so strong outside that it almost burns my skin."

"You damned fellows, you really make me angry!"

Feng Kelei leaned down and pinched Kosha's face with one hand.

Then, Feng Kelei drew a line on the side of his face and perfectly copied Kosha's face.

"How does it look now?"

Funklei's version of Kosa said to Salu with a cold face.

The ability of the mimicry fruit is not only to imitate the other person's face, but also to imitate the body shape, body shape, and voice at the same time.

As long as Fengkelei does not do something particularly strange, outsiders will not be able to detect any abnormality.

"Mr. 2's ability is simply amazing, he is worthy of being the second-ranked senior agent in the work agency!"

Salu looked at Feng Kelei in amazement, or Kosha is more appropriate.

"Yeah hahaha! We still have to do the work assigned by the boss well, and let's start the next step."

Fon Clay grabbed the greatsword that Kosa often carried with him, winked at Salu, and ordered him to clean up the mess.

He walked out of the tent and began the next deployment according to Crocodile's instructions.

In the Alabasta Palace.

Jin Yi stayed alone in Vivi's palace with barbecue and wine, continuing to wait for the birth of the child.

Because Vivi's own physique is poor, unlike the original abilities of the mother of the eldest daughter and the second daughter, it is also a very tiring thing for such a weak body to successfully give birth to a devil fruit daughter.


Jin Yi put the wine glass aside, grabbed a large glass of milk with a straw from the table, and sat down in front of Weiwei.


Although there is no air wave energy like the one just now, I can still feel the surge of energy by the window when I feel it from a close distance.

"Weiwei, how do you feel?"

"Would you like something to drink to replenish your energy?"

Jin Yi said as he looked at Wei Wei, who was wearing almost transparent clothes.

As a mother, Wei Wei didn't have the energy to scold Jin Yi. She smiled and nodded, looking at the milk in Jin Yi's hand.



"Jin Yi, do you think it will be a boy or a girl?"

At this point, she had thrown aside all the important tasks of the country and the mission of the princess.

Now lying here was only a woman who was about to become a mother, Weiwei.

"Of course it’s a girl!"

"The girl looks like you... pretty and generous!"

Jin said sweetly.

He already knew everything, and he couldn't wait for this weird devil fruit daughter to be born, and even wanted to have two more!


【Congratulations to the host's eldest daughter for successfully defeating the devil fruit user!】

【The host receives 900 experience points as a reward, and all basic attributes are increased by 3 points!】

【The host obtains the Devil Fruit Reward: Superhuman Age Fruit! 】

While discussing his daughter, a shocking system message came, causing Jin to stand up straight in a daze.

"Look at your expression... You obviously want a boy, right?"

Weiwei said with a pout when she saw Jin Yi's expression.

"Hehe...I like it whether it's a boy or a girl. I like it."

""I've been with you for so long that my kidneys are going to explode... I need to go to the bathroom!"

Jin Yi laughed dryly, while Weiwei was full of smiles, as if she was full of hope for her future life.

Except for the place by the window, Weiwei's visual blind spots can be found everywhere in the spacious duplex palace.

After sitting on a chair in the corner, Jin Yi quickly opened the system interface!

A purple fruit with clear patterns was lying quietly in the warehouse, and the label on it read"Superman Age Fruit". If a daughter defeats her opponent, her father can also obtain the devil fruit!

There was no information about this kind of thing in the system, and the sudden explosion of the news also made Jin Yi horrified and excited.

"You are such a good system, how many things have you hidden from me?"

"The user of the Age Fruit should be the only glutton among the supernovas... Qiao Ai Li Bonnie!"

Jin Yi said thoughtfully.

Jin Yi didn't know who his eldest daughter was. What he didn't expect was that his eldest daughter was so strong that she could easily defeat Bonnie.

Although Bonnie is not a supernova yet, her strength may be greatly reduced.

But a glutton with potential is definitely not so easy to deal with. It can be seen that the eldest daughter will definitely be a little bully after she is born!


【The user of the Age Fruit was originally a gluttonous woman named"Joelle Bonnie"】

【Since the Age Fruit is an item obtained by the eldest daughter after defeating her opponent】

【The host can choose to sow the fruit to the original owner or process it by itself.】


The system once again made a shocking statement, prompting Jin Yi what he could do next.

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