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Grand Line, Judicial Island, also known as the Never-Sleeping Island.

It was jointly established by the world's governments, but it is actually a court in name only.

The reason why it is called a court in name only is that people who are brought here will be identified as criminals without going through a trial.

At the same time, as the connecting gate to the center of the world's government, people escorted to Judicial Island will also be sent directly to the connected Deep Sea Prison.

In the office of a high-level official on Judicial Island


"Dear commanders, please listen to my explanation!"

"This incident was definitely an accident! What an accident!"

"If you give me another chance, I will get back Nico Robin and Pluto's design drawings!"

"Sir... Sir……"

""Damn it!"

Spandam, wearing a mask, threw the Den Den Mushi in his hand to the side.

The fact that all CP9 agents were captured alive by Jin Yi had already reached the ears of the Five Elders through the Seven Water Cities in just three days.

For Spandam, who inherited his father's business, this had caused dissatisfaction among the Five Elders early on. They just had no reason to cause trouble for Spandam. The fact that four CP9 agents fell into the hands of pirates was enough to make Spandam drink a pot.

However, what he didn't know was that at this time, a crisis greater than dismissal was approaching little by little.


One hundred nautical miles away from Judicial Island.

Jin Yi boarded an oversized pirate ship and left Water 7 and locked onto Judicial Island on the map.

For Robin, Judicial Island and the Demon Slayer Order were always nightmares in her heart. Moreover, they were on the way she had to go, so Jin Yi would not miss this opportunity to slap the world government in the face.

"Are you crazy!"

"If you really want to go against Judicial Island and the World Government, please stop the ship now!"

"I won't participate!"

After learning about this, Tashigi reacted violently and shouted to Jinyi.

Taotu, who was also a navy and had just joined the team, did not seem so excited.

After seeing Jinyi defeat the admiral and Aokiji's desperate expression when he was released, Taotu knew in her heart... Jinyi was much stronger than she had imagined!

"You can get off the boat, if your daughter is willing to go with you, you can get off the boat now."

Jin Yi held the newspaper in his hand and said indifferently.

For Dashiqi, she could not let go of her preconceived ideas. It was also because Jin Yi's psychological blow to Dashiqi was too great when they first met, so she rejected the"evil" behavior in her eyes, even more than Taotu and other senior officials.


Dashiqi was speechless after hearing what Jin Yi said.

"Auntie can't take sister Yanyan away. She is the smartest among us sisters."

"Yes, you are a think tank. You can't leave. You definitely can't leave."

"I'm hungry, the meat made by Sister Yanyan is so delicious. I won't feel at ease if I leave Sister Yanyan."


Several little girls on the side held Yanyan in their arms one by one, staring at Dashiqi with innocent faces.

The longer the sisters spend together, the deeper their affection for each other becomes.

"Mom, I don’t want to leave either………"

Yanyan herself had the same idea. Although she didn't want to make her mother sad, she didn't want to leave her father and sisters.

After meeting with Jin Yi and his group, Tashiki didn't want to admit it, but she had to admit that she couldn't leave.

Seeing Tashiki running away in anger, Jin Yi didn't rush to take her down, and turned around to continue reading the newspaper.

In the Seven Waters, he rejected the invitation of the Seven Warlords of the Sea and defeated the admiral of the navy. Such news quickly spread all over the world in the Seven Waters, where paper media is well developed.

In the past, people only knew that there was a powerful newcomer, and he had a group of powerful little guys under him.

For this definition of power, it was only based on the comparison with some small bosses with good strength in the Grand Line, and there was no concept of greater strength.

This time, Jin Yi's name resounded throughout the Grand Line, and even the powerful people in the New World began to look at him differently.

The newspaper report was naturally written in an extremely exaggerated way, describing Jin Yi as a top master who could defeat the admiral by lying down.

Although the identities of the mothers were not revealed above, Jin Yi knew in his heart that the navy had completely known which women were around him.

Regarding this, Jin Yi was no longer worried.

As long as the navy dared to move, he would fight back!


Inside Spandam's office

"Sir! Something terrible has happened!"

""Sir! What the hell!"

A round, strange man in formal attire stumbled into Spandam's office.

Spandam was already upset because of the Five Elders' troubles, and when he heard his men quarreling, he became even more upset.

"Owl! What the hell are you doing?"

"Stop yelling at me, get out now!"

Spandam grabbed his face and yelled with a distorted expression.

The big-faced man called Owl was also a senior agent of CP9. He entered the CP9 agency with Lucci and others.

Only four senior agents were dispatched to go undercover, and the rest of the agents stayed on Judicial Island to deal with some things.

"Sir, this is really...really bad!"

"Thirty miles away...……"

Owl was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat and couldn't even speak clearly.

Spandam had no patience at all, and he spread his hands and said angrily:"What happened! Whatever happened, don't yell at me at this time!"

Owl let out a long breath and finally said what he had been holding in his mouth:"It appeared...the ship of the Jinyi Pirates!"

"The ships of the Jinyi Pirates cannot come with me.……"

"Jin Yi……"

""Golden One Pirates!"

Spandam was so scared that his eyes almost popped out. He immediately grabbed a small golden Den Den Mushi on the table and ran out with a telescope.

When he ran to the city wall, Spandam had already noticed that there were ships coming towards this side. Obviously, they were not military ships.

He raised the telescope and put it in front of his eyes, staring at the top of the mast of the pirate group.

On the top of the mast, Spandam saw three familiar people with his own eyes.……

"This is……"





"This is really bad!"

This time it was Spandam's turn to scream heartbreakingly.

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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