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"Get out of the way! Run, run!"

"Don't block the road, I don't want to die yet!"

"Didn't you hear the noise just now? Get out of the way, it's too scary!"

Innocent people shouted and fled far away, no one dared to stay where they were.

They originally went out to see the little goddess, but the playground turned into a Shura field, which led to the scene being deviated.

Except for Weiwei and Robin who followed Jin Yi, the other mothers formed a group and were on their way to the playground one kilometer away.

After seeing the crowds dispersing, the girls didn't think much and knew that their daughters had caused trouble again!

"Here we are, these damn little guys...ugh, it's so cold!"

"What's going on with this cold air?"

"It's summer now, isn't it?"

As they approached the playground, Tina couldn't help but frown and said.

After she finished speaking, she immediately thought of the devil fruit ability.

She had been in the navy camp for many years, and a figure she had seen several times immediately emerged in her mind.

Of course. In the current mothers' group, there is also a vice admiral who is more familiar with the navy than her.

"Frozen's General Kuzan!"

"Damn it, you’re still not going to let us go?"

"They've actually chased us to such a place!"

Looking at the ice wrapped inside and outside the amusement park, the expression on Momosuke's face suddenly became solemn.

Because she was once a candidate for the admiral, Momosuke also understood in her heart the gap in strength between her as a candidate and the real admiral!

Not knowing that Aokiji came with the"Invitation Letter of the Seven Warlords of the Sea", Momosuke subconsciously thought that the exposure of the positions of several female navy officers would attract the capture of the admiral.

"What the hell is going on? Even the admiral of the Navy Headquarters showed up?"

"If that's the case, it's very likely that they're coming for a few navy women."

Bonnie was blushing. She was obviously having a headache.

The word"admiral" was particularly intimidating to Bonnie, who was born a pirate.

Tina's eyes fell on Hancock who continued to lead the way,"Snake Princess, your opponent is a navy admiral, Tina advises you not to show up."

Considering Hancock's identity as the empress, there is a country of women behind her that needs to be treated equally by the world government.

If it is mixed up with the wanted pirate group at this time, the future situation of the country of women will once again return to the forefront.

Hancock naturally knows the reason, otherwise, when the"Little Goddess Group" became famous along the way, it should have become famous along with the"God-level Mom Group".

But at the moment when her daughter was facing a crisis, Hancock, who always considered her identity as the empress, emotionally threw all responsibilities behind her.

"No matter who the general is, he dares to attack Tiantian……"

"They can never be forgiven!"

Hancock said as he sped up.


At this moment in the playground, the sudden change in front of him made the angry Aokiji's blood instantly run cold.

"hiss hiss……"

"Click, click, click……"

The pressure from the air caused cracks to appear on the ice in the extreme cold.

Aokiji had a hard time dealing with the eight little naughty kids, but he was not overwhelmed.

But at the moment when Aokiji showed his murderous intent, the eight little kids, under the pretext of the positive growth effect of the age fruit, quickly turned into eight girls with explosive bodies in front of Aokiji!

"Is this also... the ability of the devil fruit?"

"As we age, it seems that it’s not just age that’s growing!"

"There is actually such a terrible auxiliary fruit ability in it!"

Aokiji just looked ferocious and ready to shoot down a few little daughters at any time.

After feeling the changes in the little daughters, he dared not act rashly. After seeing the strange ability of age for the first time, Jin Yizao customized clothes for his daughters in the system that could be changed in size at will, with the purpose of facilitating the daughters' battles.

Under the influence of the age fruit, it is not only the height and body that are improved, but more importantly, the ability to use the fruit that is positively increased!

In the camp of ability users, there have never been useless devil fruits, only rookie users who do not know how to develop.

In the development and use of fruit abilities, daughters who are a few months old or even just born have absolutely surpassed ordinary ability users.

Now with the increase in age of more than a dozen years, who can understand the use of abilities better than the devil fruit daughters?

Facing a little daughter alone, Aokiji was not sure of winning in a short time. At the same time, eight of them came, which made Aokiji's mood fall to the bottom again.

""Uncle Ice Cube, what are you looking at?"

A charming voice suddenly came from Aokiji's ear. Stunned!

Aokiji's heart was shocked, and he didn't realize that his little daughter... no, it was the moment when the girl Tiantian approached!

But just a light sentence made Aokiji's brain fall into a short circuit paralysis for a moment, and the mental influence ability of the Tiantian fruit was amplified by more than dozens of times.

"Can it actually... affect my spirit?"

Aokiji was horrified, but she didn't dare to hesitate.

Before she transformed into a girl, her sweet fist was already very intimidating. Now her ability had increased.

"Violent Cone Pheasant!"

Aokiji reacted instantly and used his own speed to attack first.

""Tiantian, the mysterious woman falling rocks!"

Tiantian's explosive figure completely entered the sight. From the first glance, her charming and charming posture immediately reminded Qingzhi of the empress Hancock.

Perhaps it was the cuteness of the girl's youth, and Tiantian's figure was more charming than Hancock.


""Shu... Kakaka!"

Pink energy mist was released between Tiantian's raised legs. Without knowing how powerful the ice cones released by Aokiji were, they turned into shivering stones and solidified in mid-air.

Aokiji's elemental transformation speed was not even as fast as Tiantian's kicking speed.

The elemental transformation that was only halfway through was kicked out of mid-air by Tiantian.



"Boom boom boom……"

Tiantian's Xuannv kick hit Aokiji's abdomen with a stern kick, kicking away all the ice crystals on Aokiji's body.

The powerful kick caused a series of vibrations in the air!

And in the direction where Tiantian kicked Aokiji away, the other seven graceful girls were already ready to take over the battle!

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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