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The fishmen of the fish tribe are much stronger than humans in terms of strength.

After the dragon gave the order, many fishmen cadres who wanted to take credit and even ordinary fishmen soldiers stood up.

"I’m afraid the child doesn’t know what fear is, hahaha!"

"Brother Qiu, don't talk so scary, give us, your men, some chances!"

"Brother Keobi, don't rush forward so far, you will scare the children!"

"That’s right, that’s right, let’s do it together!"


In just a short while, dozens of fish from the small fish camp came over.

The evil dragon was cruel to humans, but very tolerant to its own subordinates. Every time they carried out a mission, they would receive a generous reward.

So every time they took action against humans, there would always be small fish under their command vying for credit!

"Wow, so many fish!"

"I wonder if it will taste good when grilled?"

The tenth daughter, Xiangxiang, curled her orange hair around her forehead and walked directly in front of the school of fish under Xiong Xiong's gaze.




"Brothers, let’s go together!"

"Take down these two powerful little devils!"

With a burst of bangs, more than a dozen figures flew directly towards Xiangxiang, with extremely ferocious expressions.

"Sister Xiangxiang, can you make grilled fish?"


"What an all-round sister!"

XiongXiong seemed to have no sense of crisis at all. The two panda ears on his head moved nimbly, and he looked at Xiangxiang who was coming forward with a surprised expression.

Xiangxiang stuck out her tongue playfully and cutely, and muttered softly:"Hi hehehe... I don't know if it's delicious or not?"

"Thirty million volts thunder beast!"

While speaking, Xiangxiang raised her little hand and pointed her index finger at the school of fish.


The surrounding air fell into low pressure in an instant.

The rolling thunderclouds that had just dissipated gathered again at the dome of the Dragon Park.

At the tip of Xiangxiang's index finger, a cyclone of inexplicable fear directly triggered the lightning energy in the pressing thundercloud. The huge energy was compressed to the limit in an instant and condensed at the fingertips!

During the whole process, the small fish were still just at the level of taking off, and could not feel how fast Xiangxiang's extreme lightning speed was.

""Roar, boom!" The thunder and lightning energy, like the roar of an animal, attacked the dozen or so small fish in front of them.

"Uh ah!"


"What the hell is this!"

""This is terrible, ugh!"

A wailing sound rang out on the grass of the Dragon Paradise.

The power of 30 million volts was far more than that. It not only swallowed up the small fish that rushed up, but also pulled in the salted fish behind them who did not participate in the action.

"Will it discharge electricity?!"

"What a joke!"

The evil dragon relied on the protection of his younger brothers in front of him and leaped far away, barely avoiding Xiang Xiang's 30 million volt pressure.





When the evil dragon raised its head again, the charred minions fell onto the grass one after another, as if they were lying on a huge furnace.


"This is impossible!"

"It's just a little devil!"

"Why does it have such a terrifying ability?"

The dragon shook his stupid fish head and shouted with a snarl of anger.


Xiangxiang slowly withdrew her fingers and looked at the salted fish that had been roasted into charcoal. Her expression was not happy at all.

"It must have tasted bad if it was burned like this."

"There are still a lot left, so be careful again."

While speaking, Xiang Xiang turned her attention to the surviving fishes.

With just one finger, she killed all the fishmen cadres and dozens of fishmen warriors in seconds!

Such a shocking thing happened before her eyes, and all the surviving salted fishes were excited!

"This little ghost is the incarnation of the devil, so scary!"

"If even the cadres can’t withstand a single blow, there’s certainly no hope for us!"

""Run for your life! I don't want to die!"

Suddenly, the paradise turned into a battlefield where one could lose his life at any time. The surviving fish people began to flee in panic.

"You useless things, stop it!"

""Damn you bastards!"

The dragon shouted angrily, trying to stop his brothers from running away.

But after he shouted twice, the small shadow behind him covered his squatting figure.

When the dragon turned his head, he was met with the gaze of Xiong Xiong, who was tilting his head to look at him.


The innocent and clear eyes became the incarnation of the devil in the eyes of the evil dragon, causing the evil dragon to hold his breath.

A little Xiangxiang has already wiped out most of the fish-man alliance, what kind of ability will the bear in front of him have?

"If one is this strong, it’s impossible for both to be like this, right?"

""Shua shua shua!"

Although the evil dragon had the idea of fighting in his heart, his body timidly retreated three meters away.


After standing firm, the dragon swung the sword in his hand vigorously to increase his momentum.

Xiangxiang's target was not the dragon, but the fishmen who were about to escape at the door.

"Hiss! Do you want to escape so easily?"

"I won't give you this opportunity.……"


Lightning and thunder surged on Xiangxiang's body, and her petite figure had already turned into a semi-elemental state, ready to catch up and give the small fishes a fatal blow at any time.

Xiongxiong looked at the evil dragon who was pretending to be very powerful, then looked at Xiangxiang's actions, waved his hand and said cutely:"Sister Xiangxiang, you can take a rest now, and leave the rest of the fish to me!"


"So... I'll have to trouble Sister Xiongxiong."

The electric light on Xiangxiang's body died down, and she listened to Xiongxiong and continued to stand where she was.

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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