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""Body Movement·Teleportation!"

After mastering the seventy-two unique skills, there has been no outbreak of fighting with physical masters.

Regardless of CP9 Lucci's combat level, he can definitely be regarded as a powerful person in the application of pure physical skills among the younger generation.

All aspects of the human body's extreme burst are up to standard, and with the ability of the cheetah, he is also capable of fighting against the new strong men.

Even so, it is nothing more than constantly advancing forward on the extension of mortals, and there is still an essential difference between him and geniuses.

Watching the moment Lan's foot sank into Jin Yi's body, Jin Yi's figure disappeared from the spot like a ghost.

Because the speed was too fast, from Lucci's intuitive feeling, it was like hitting Jin Yi, giving the illusion of infinite closeness.



It was not until the two Lan kicks hit the wall on one side that Lu Qi realized that his attack had missed.


"Are you so inattentive during combat? Can agents multitask at the same time?"

"If you fight me like this, you will suffer a great loss."

Jin Yi's voice suddenly sounded beside Lucci.


When Lucci glanced to the side, he saw a dark wave of air.

Jin Yi raised his arm and swung his palm towards Lucci at a slow speed.

"Speed...totally unable to react!"

""Iron Block·Empty Wood!"

With no time to dodge, Lucci had to slow down and stand still, waiting for Jin Yi's attack.

The Six-style Iron Block itself combines defense and small-range defense skills. After Lucci's application, the Iron Block and Empty Wood produced a completely different effect.

The opponent's attack force is added to the iron block, and then it will bear a stronger counterattack force.

If an ordinary person attacks, the counterattack force alone is enough to double the opponent's attack position.

"Armament Haki: Great Compassion, Great Mercy, Thousand Leaf Hands!"

Jin Yi smiled evilly and hit the part where the iron block of Lucci was attached without any mercy.






The seemingly slow attack was actually more than 20 consecutive palm strikes, and each strike was at a precise location!

The speed of the attack was too fast, so that Lucci's iron defense was completely penetrated, and the rest of the palm strikes were completely blocked by rou.

This is equivalent to a brick hitting a raw egg, and it happened more than 20 times in a row. The final result can be imagined!


Six of Lu Qi's ribs were broken. According to common sense, he should have been thrown dozens of meters away and smashed the storefront loft next to him.

But the imagined scene did not happen.……

"hiss hiss……"

""Finger of Picking Flowers!"

After swinging his palms more than 20 times in a row, Lucci, who was almost fainted due to serious injuries, stood still in mid-air with his head tilted back.

Jin Yi's right index finger and thumb formed an angle, compressing the surrounding air to the extreme, forming a strong cyclone.

The cyclone was filled with a strong suction force, and even the flying force of the Thousand Leaves Palm Technique could not escape, and Lucci was pulled to the spot.

The finger technique that should have been imprinted on the body, after the system's magic modification upgrade, has completely become a powerful physical killer move in another world.

"The strongest in four hundred years?"

"Your appearance is similar to the kitten my daughter calls you."

""Let's save our efforts!"

Jin Yi was not in a hurry to take action. He could defeat Lucci with just one blow.

Jin Yi didn't know what Lucci said to Robin before he arrived at the amusement park.

But he was sure that the words that could shake Robin to such an extent must not be pleasant to hear.

If he attacked the enemy himself, he would take back everything, including Robin's share!

"How about starting from here?"

""Hiss... Bang!"

Jin Yi locked onto Lucci's right knee, and while he was still unconscious, he placed the Flower-picking Finger Seal on him.


The solid stone suspension bridge was blasted with a gap by the external force, and one of Lucci's legs, covered with fur, was deeply sunk into the suspension bridge.


"Stop... bastard!"

The originally drowsy consciousness regained clarity in an instant.

Such a painful feeling would be hard for anyone to accept.

As his fingers separated from the ground, Jin turned sideways and continued with a smile:"If you stop, then use your feet!"


With a thought, Jin Yi's feet were raised in the air, and a black metallic luster filled them.

For Lucci, who only knew how to use the six-style iron block and had not yet mastered the armed color domineering, the scene before him was simply something he could not resist.



The moment he landed, Jin Yi kicked Lucci's other knee again, causing another stir in the hammock.

If Lucci still looked like a cheetah at the beginning of the battle, it was understandable.

But at this moment, Lucci, lying helplessly on the broken part of the suspension bridge, really looked like a big yellow-spotted cat, with no threat or lethality.





When Jin Yi was about to end the situation, the system sounded a continuous reminder sound.

Every time a daughter had some experience, or something important happened, the system would directly tell Jin Yi the news in the form of a voice message prompt.

But this time, it was just a simple signal of continuous reminder sound!

Jin Yi quickly opened the system interface and checked what was happening.

The system was safe and sound, without any movement.

On the contrary, after opening the devil fruit map, a mark on the map was flashing and jumping, and the pattern was marked with the"seventh daughter".

Seventh daughter? The daughter of the sand-sand fruit that he planted himself!

After Jin Yi's continuous upgrades, the devil fruit has a very comprehensive reminder function.

At this moment, the light spot in the system map has been flashing continuously, which means...

the seventh daughter is about to be born!

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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