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After a night of playing around the bonfire, the little girls became more intimate with each other, and even chose not to use Jin Yi's airship as a means of transportation.

Tiantian and Huahua rode on Pegasus, Luo Luo and Qi Qi held the firebird hostage, and the white dog was given to Gan Fuer to ride.

Last night, Jin Yi got the map of the sky island from Gan Fuer, and recorded it in the system. At this moment, he knew the terrain of the island like the back of his hand.

Jin Yi's airship was at the front, and it was moving forward according to the guidance in the channel.

The Shandians followed behind Jin Yi and his group, looking around seriously and nervously.

In the past, every time they attacked Arpayard, Shandia would choose a hidden route with fear. This was definitely the first time they conducted such an open investigation.

After hearing Tiantian's wish to ring the golden bell, the descendants of Rolando who came to Qinghai heard it, and Webber immediately recalled the story that the elders told him when he was a child.

Even if he had to rely on the power of others, even if he was willing to follow, Webber wanted to hear the bell that symbolized the lamp of Shandora again.


"Everyone, stop here!"

Jin Yi shouted and ordered his daughters and the people behind him.

Gan Fuer looked around and looked at the dilapidated ancient Qinghai buildings around him, and said suspiciously:"Mr. Jin Yi, why did you bring us here? This is the ancient ruins of Arpaiado."

"Ancient ruins?"

"Ancient ruins!"

When Robin and Huahua heard the word ancient ruins, their eyes lit up, as if they were born with the talent of historians.

"This place is very close to the shrine, so nothing will go wrong, right?"

"Given the terrain here, if Enel comes to kill us, we won't be able to escape."

"Damn it, what you said made me nervous!"

The warriors of Shandia held their weapons in their hands, and formed a battle formation in a fan shape, ready to deal with the opponents that appeared.

In the past, even if Enelu didn't come in person at this time, the warriors of the God Guard would have come to stop him, but now it was so calm.

Jin Yi didn't let everyone follow him, but walked to a building at the far end and tapped the stone bricks of the building twice.

Then he turned around and reminded everyone:"Hey! Be careful, everyone!"


Jin Yi raised his arm, and a pitch-black sword flew up from behind him.


After calculating the time to attack, Jin Yi jumped up and grasped the Guiche sword in his hand.

"Shura...Evil Light Slash!"


The circular sword energy cut through the clouds at the bottom of the building, perfectly avoiding everyone in front of it, and continued to gallop towards the distance.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"


Jin Yi swung out several swords at the same time without any hesitation.

Tiantian's little head turned around, raised her finger and shouted loudly:"Oh!! I know what dad is doing, he is chopping the cloud under our feet."

Luo Luo grabbed her hair in confusion,"Hey, the cloud under our feet? What will happen if the cloud is chopped off?"

Jin Yi's wife and children have not realized the purpose of doing this. Everyone living in the sky island knows very well what serious consequences will be caused if the underground cloud is missing.

"Cut off the clouds……"

"It will fall down!"

"It will fall down!"

"Help! I'm not going to fall into the White Sea and drown, am I?"

"Are you kidding? Didn’t we agree to settle the score with Enelu together?"

"Boom boom boom……"

Along with the shouts, the dull thud of a crash to the ground came not too late.

Whether it was Arpaiado or other sky islands, the distance between the clouds and the white sea was thousands of meters. If someone accidentally fell and no one rescued them, they would directly become food for the sky sharks.

This time, it didn't seem to fall into the sea from a high altitude, but only about ten meters high. There were still scattered clouds below to serve as a cushion, so no serious injuries were caused.

"I am afraid that my old bones will be torn apart by you guys soon."

Gan Fuer rubbed his elbows, stood up from the ground with difficulty, looked around subconsciously, and muttered:"Where is this place?"


"The appearance of this building... could it be?"

"Could this be the former homeland of us Shandians... Shandora!"

Weber clenched his fists. He had never been so excited.

Tina landed steadily as prepared, patted the dust off her body, and her eyes revealed a rare curiosity."The lower level of Sky Island, or should I say, this is what Arpayard originally looked like?"

"It seems to be correct. I never thought that such a magnificent place would be hidden under the clouds."

Hancock said in shock.

"Gaya Island's former metropolis...Sandor"

"It's a pity that it has been sleeping here for four hundred years."

Jin Yi was the last one to land on the ground, confirming everyone's doubts.

Tiantian's eyes turned around, and she quickly ran to Jin Yi and held his arm tightly,"Dad, Dad, this is Shandora, is there a super large golden bell?"

Luo Luo also came over,"Dad, we promised Uncle Li Zi that we would ring the big bell."


Just as the two little guys were pestering Jin Yi, a sharp lightning suddenly fell ten meters away from the crowd.

Looking at the figures that flashed in the lightning, Jin Yi grabbed Tiantian and Luoluo on the head twice and said with a smile:"It's no problem to ring the bell... Then the four of you should deal with the guys who are in the way first."

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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