Finn was in a dilemma at this time, and he had no idea how to ask about the Conqueror's Haki.

Suddenly, an idea came to him, and he thought, maybe he could ask Rayleigh how they found out that they had Conqueror's Haki and used it.

Could it be a fake, angry, narrowed his eyes, shouted, and the Conqueror's Haki came. Finn would not believe this.

"Senior, I wonder when you and Pirate King Roger awakened the Conqueror's Haki? Can you tell me?"

The ambition is not small, Conqueror's Haki is not so easy to master, and the qualifications of the king are not just talk, Rayleigh thought in his heart.

"In fact, we don't know, you don't disbelieve it, the fact is this."

"In the adventures of exploring the clues of One Piece again and again and in desperate situations, I suddenly had this power."

Rayleigh looked at Finn as he said, afraid that he would not believe it, because it was really incredible.

"Very strange, right? But this is the truth. We understand it as the power of belief, which is why Roger has been chasing One Piece, because this is the source of his power."

Rayleigh still patiently told Finn, even if it was hard to believe, but with his identity, there was no need to explain anything else.

At this time, Finn was greatly shocked. He looked at Rayleigh's expression, trying to see some truth from it, but obviously, he couldn't.

"It seems that what Rayleigh said is the truth. The Conqueror's Haki is the product of their beliefs. This is definitely acquired." Finn murmured in his heart.

The reason for this certainty is that he himself has analyzed the Conqueror's Haki and reached such a conclusion.

And Rayleigh's description coincides with his views, exactly the same, how can this not make him excited. It's like suddenly finding a guiding light in the confused night sky.

Fin, breathing a little heavy, because this information is too important to him. Maybe it is useless to others, but for him, it is the evidence of all his speculation.

This made his pure speculation about the domineering color rise to the level of factual evidence.

"Can I feel the domineering color of the senior?"

After trying to calm down his excitement, Finn asked Rayleigh.

Rayleigh did not have any bad feelings towards Finn. Who doesn't like being polite to others? Besides, this is not a difficult thing, so he readily agreed to Finn's request.

Suddenly, a huge pressure was transmitted from Rayleigh, and the whole island was silent in an instant.

Then, the sky became gloomy, the atmosphere began to surge, and the strong airflow formed an invisible ripple, accompanied by a huge impact, and spread rapidly to the surroundings.

The air became extremely heavy, as if it was shrouded by a powerful force. Whether it was a human or an animal, it would be shocked by this force and produce a strong sense of fear.

Any object touched by the spreading force will be affected by this force. The ground cracked, the trees broke, and the space seemed to be crushed by an invisible force.

Finn also suffered from this shock from the soul. He felt a little uncomfortable. Facing the impact at close range really opened his eyes. He finally got what he wanted and experienced the domineering color of a truly strong person.

No wonder it is said that those with strong wills will involuntarily feel submissive, while those with weak wills will directly lose consciousness. It is really this soul-stirring power that is too strong.

It makes the creatures instinctively surrender, give up resistance, and compromise. The strong need to fight hard, and the weak faint under self-protection.

Faced with such a sense of oppression, Finn happily accepted those definitions of middle school at this time. This is the direct gaze of the king.

Finn also felt the difference from Ace's domineering color. Ace's domineering color carries extreme anger. However, Rayleigh's domineering color did not have this emotion, as if it was simply embracing everything.

Could it be that this is the transformation brought about by the belief of wanting to change the world? With such doubts, he gradually fell into deep contemplation.

If it is really a transformation of will and belief, then how can I not have it?

Isn't the transformation and transcendence of the flesh that I have been pursuing my belief? What is going on?

Rayleigh also noticed Finn's abnormality at this time, and did not choose to disturb this young man, but looked forward to what kind of shock this unique young man would bring to him.

Aren't goals like transcendence and immortality inferior to pursuing One Piece?

Finn kept asking himself and constantly examining himself.

It must not be like this. It's not a problem with the goal itself, so it's my problem. Is it that the belief is not pure enough?

In another self-denial and self-reflection, Finn began to furtherRecalling the journey from his past life to this life.

The great terror under life and death, the instinctive fear of life, made him think of pursuing transcendence and immortality, and the transformation of the system's qualifications made this path seem possible.

But after thinking about it carefully, Finn found that this did not seem to have a direct relationship with belief, but was just a natural performance of life in the fear of life and death. This is not a belief to sacrifice life for.

Finn found that he had been making choices based on reason all the way. Such a route can maximize the value of his trump card, which is correct.

But he gradually lost his sharp heart. Just like the navy's policy, it is difficult for the navy generals to awaken the domineering color. It is not that there is a problem with the justice they uphold. It is that their hearts have never been indomitable, and there is a planned path.

He even wanted to secretly accumulate the energy of transformation and then develop to the strongest. In fact, he had already gone astray, and that would only get the strength of power, not the strength of will, and not the real strength.

Conqueror's Haki is a spiritual transformation, which requires extreme belief or will to support it. Without this as a premise, the transformation of Conqueror's Haki is like a castle in the air.

Thinking of this, Finn was instantly shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.

It turned out that Conqueror's Haki is Conqueror's Haki, and strength is strength. They are two completely different things. Even if you keep accumulating, it is impossible to awaken Conqueror's Haki.

He found that the key to the problem was that the belief was not pure enough, and there was no unstoppable momentum, so it was impossible to resonate with your own Conqueror's Haki and form your own momentum.

Now he has two growth routes to choose from, give up Conqueror's Haki, slowly accumulate transformation energy, wait for the transformation of qualifications after a few years, and then continue to practice strength and grow overall strength.

But Finn is definitely not going to choose it. After a long wait of several years without the improvement of strength, I don’t know if it will cause mental discomfort and spiritual degeneration. This is unacceptable.

Then you can only strengthen your belief and move forward.

"It seems that I was really wrong. I weighed the pros and cons too rationally and lost my enterprising spirit. No wonder I heard in my previous life that it is better to take the straight path than to seek the crooked path."

"Since I can't hide, I will be willful next time," Finn determined the direction of the next step in his heart, "The New World, Whitebeard can occupy it, Kaido can occupy it, BigMon can occupy it, so can I. Get ready to welcome your king."

Instantly realizing himself, this time, he wants more people to serve his transformation, to achieve the ultimate transformation, and to be upright, Finn couldn't help but started laughing wildly.

"Ah... Hahaha!!!"

"Ah... Hahaha!!!"

"Ah... Hahaha!!!"

"Ah... Hahaha!!!"

Suddenly, an invisible momentum spread from Finn.

At this time, Rayleigh couldn't help but sweat on his forehead.

"This is the domineering color, how can it be so easy to transform?"

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