After a brief stagnation, Vice Admiral Mole suddenly woke up.

He knew the purpose of their coming here, but seeing Akainu's tragic death and Finn's unharmed really frightened him. Vice Admiral Mole felt a little fear for Finn, knowing that the next moment would be a matter of life and death.

However, between reason and courage, Vice Admiral Mole decided to deal with it calmly. He took a deep breath and tried to calm his inner tension.

"Sir Finn," Vice Admiral Mole pretended to be calm and peaceful, "You defeated Akainu and proved your strength, and we also admit defeat. Maybe we can talk and find a solution that both sides can accept."

"Besides, we didn't take any extreme actions. I think Admiral Akainu's behavior should be regarded as a challenge in the sea, and it shouldn't be to the point of a life-and-death struggle." Vice Admiral Mole calmly emphasized this point, trying to remain calm and rational in front of Finn.

He knew that the current situation had developed to a very tricky point, and Finn's strength made him dare not act rashly.

He tried to resolve the current situation through negotiations, and he also knew in his heart that Finn had the ability to listen to the voice of all things, and he could not be insincere.

At the same time, Vice Admiral Mole was also thinking about Akainu's situation. He could not sense Akainu's breath under the observation color, which made him feel uneasy.

"Oh, Vice Admiral Mole, we really have some fate. I remember that you handled the matter of the Celestial Dragons before, but why did I lose my Den Den Mushi authority?" Finn stared at Mole and said lightly.

Vice Admiral Mole was slightly stunned when he heard Finn's mention, and he was a little uneasy for a moment, and then smiled bitterly.

How can he be blamed for this? We are now in a hostile relationship with you. Isn't it reasonable for us to turn off the authority? Otherwise, wouldn't it be aiding the enemy?

But he knew that in this situation, they were in a weak position. Too much debate could easily lead to things going to extremes. It was crucial to keep communication stable.

Especially Finn's strength made him feel terrified, but he did not intend to have any conflict at this critical moment. He just wanted to find a way to solve the current problem.

"Sir Finn, please understand that this matter is not something I can decide. Even if you kill me, it will not solve the problem." Vice Admiral Mole expressed his helplessness and used a sophisticated tone to prevent the topic from being deadlocked.

Finn knew that it would be impossible to have any results if he talked to these guys until dark, so he simply said it directly without planning to continue to entangle.

"Two permanent pointers, one Nine Snake Island, and one Sabaody Archipelago, this time the matter is over!"

Vice Admiral Mole heard it as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw, fearing that Finn had other conditions, and hurriedly agreed.

In fact, Finn himself knew very well that he and the navy had not yet reached a situation of life and death. If he did things to the extreme this time, then it would really be a life-and-death struggle, and what awaited him would definitely be the pursuit and interception of the navy and the world government.

The world government would never sit idly by when it came to the life and death of the admiral. He will definitely investigate to the end. Finn is not very clear about what hidden strongmen there are in the World Government, and he is also very wary.

He only knows that the Five Elders are all strong men, but he does not believe that the World Government that has ruled the world for 800 years is just a few strong men on the surface. There must be more hidden behind the scenes, dealing with shameful things.

In fact, Finn also used his observation Haki to carefully search for Akainu's whereabouts just now, but there was no trace, only a piece of magma.

It made him feel incredible that Akainu's fruit ability had been developed to that extent. There was a large magma lake underground, making it difficult to judge whether he was hiding in the magma or had escaped long ago.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that Akainu's life is really hard enough.

However, fortunately, Finn defeated Akainu this time, which will make the navy more cautious next time when dealing with him. Perhaps such a blow can keep them away from him for a while, so as not to always find ways to cause trouble for himself.

Finn thought in his heart that he didn't have so much free time to fight with these people all day long. What he pursued was the transformation of strength and eternal life. Fighting and killing with this gang every day was meaningless to him.

Not long after, Vice Admiral Mole arrived at the scene with two permanent pointers. Finn got his trophy and didn't bother too much. He directly said that he would give up and warned them to think more about it next time they make a decision.

Then, Finn called his cute pet team and left. Only Vice Admiral Mole was left alone in the wind.

However, Akainu did not escape, because there was only a desert below, not a volcano, and there was no place for him to escape.

Just as FinnNot long after leaving, he struggled to get out of the desert. At this time, his arms were broken, his face was bruised, and he didn't know how many bones were broken all over his body. It was really horrible.

Seeing such a scene, Vice Admiral Mole felt a prick in his heart. It was too cruel. After a moment of silence, he made up his mind not to provoke Finn. It was too terrible.

The man in front of him was not an ordinary person. Akainu, one of the three admirals, had become like this. If he went up, he would probably be disabled. He decided in his heart to stay away from Finn as much as possible in the future.

Soon, two figures, Mole dragged Akainu, and slowly walked towards the warship in the port. In the wind, the footsteps seemed unusually heavy.

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