After leaving the merchant ship, Finn could only use the permanent pointer of Alabasta that he had obtained from Mad Wolf.

However, he also wanted to know what the situation was like over there. Are Luffy and his crew still there? Is there really an original plot? Will Luffy really have good luck this time and defeat Crocodile by accident?

After he himself experienced several plots of pirates, Finn also began to have the idea of ​​building a ship. The main reason was that he wanted to do everything himself. He thought it was troublesome and how could he live up to his current strength.

Of course, all the pirates with malicious intentions were killed by him. Those who wanted to kill him were always treated by him with extreme cold-blooded violence. Without saying anything, he would strike first. His life was more important than anything else.

Since the bounty was offered, there has really been no peace on the sea. Various troubles have come to him constantly. Those who want to recruit him and those who want to plot against him have forced him to pay more attention, which is very troublesome.

"This won't work. The devil fruits on the sea have all kinds of abilities, and it's hard to guard against them. If you don't pay attention and get hit, isn't it all over?" Finn couldn't help thinking in his heart.

He has nothing to worry about, and it's good to be free. His strength grows fast, and he doesn't need the crew to hold him back, but he has to bear all the risks alone.

Especially now that he is worth 1.5 billion, he doesn't know what kind of enemies he will encounter next. Who can guarantee that he won't capsize in the gutter? Didn't Luffy capsize many times? He has a hunch that the enemies he will encounter in the future will only become stronger and stronger.

Now he has put all his eggs in one basket, and he has no risk tolerance at all. If he is careless, it may be all over. There is no one to cover the bottom, let alone save him.

"It seems that it's time to recruit some people, otherwise he won't even sleep well. After all, he is not Blackbeard, and he doesn't need to sleep. If he is exhausted by the round-the-clock battle one day, it will be funny. This 1.5 billion is not a small amount of money."

Thinking of recruiting people, how to do it specifically? Suddenly he found something wrong. He had no direction at all and didn't know how to start.

He just saw Luffy and found a few reliable partners along the way. They were all top talents and could support his dream wholeheartedly. He mistakenly thought that crew members were really that easy to find.

Thinking about it carefully, he found that Luffy's group of partners were all met by chance, and they all had the strongest talents of the era. This was really not fate. Is there really such a coincidence?

He suddenly felt a little unsure. Could there really be a so-called son of the era or a destined person in this world? This is too fantasy.

But now he is most concerned about how to recruit people and where to recruit.

Is it possible that if someone shouts on the street, I am Monkey D. Oh, no, come again, Julent D. Finn, the man who wants to become the Pirate King, will anyone want to hang out with him?

Doesn't this seem a bit stupid? He can't afford to lose that person.

There is also a high probability that those who come are ugly and have no strength. They must want to fish in troubled waters. Those who hope to be protected by him may be some unforgivable pirates. What's the use of him coming? Is he going to be their babysitter?

He wants to recruit strong and powerful people. But there are few people in the first place, and they all have their own dignity. How can they be recruited casually like recruiting gangsters? Strong people don't care about face.

But he must want strong people, otherwise it will lower his appearance? It won't help him either. Is there a crew training plan? He doesn't have the time.

Now it's good, he is stuck in a dead end, and he doesn't know how to operate at all.

This world believes too much in beliefs. Strong people have their own beliefs. How can it be so easy to agree with others and be their younger brothers.

Do you really think that if you defeat others, others will really be willing to assist you?

Don't be ridiculous. It's not that easy. The strong have strong beliefs. It's not easy for them to be driven by others willingly.

Under the suppression of force, what they get is only unwillingness. If they procrastinate and make excuses, they may be stabbed in the back at the critical moment.

Besides, he can't guarantee that the men he recruits are loyal to him. There is no long-term friendship between them, no long-term bond between men, and he doesn't have the aura of the protagonist's younger brother.

If he recruits some undercovers from other forces with ill intentions, such as naval spies, then he will lose more than he gains. It completely goes against his original intention. It's better to be alone.

Besides, now on the sea, where can he recruit people? It's a disaster.

He also found the reason. His strength growth path is completely different from that of ordinary people. It's a bit too fast. Relying on abnormal qualifications, he can train alone.Enough to accumulate strong strength.

After reaching the bottleneck of strength, you only need to wait for the accumulation of transformation energy, break through the qualifications, and then you can enter the next stage of rapid accumulation of strength. Relying on the auxiliary cultivation system, you will take the path of the late stage and overwhelm others.

If it weren't for the fact that his strength was growing slower and slower at this time. It would be difficult to accumulate the transformation energy for the next stage of transformation in a short time. Why would he want to go to the Sabaody Archipelago so much to find the person he thinks knows the domineering color best?

Isn't it just thinking about turning to the second best, comprehending the domineering color, further raising the combat power, and allowing the transformation energy to accumulate further unscrupulously? Only when you are strong can you accumulate transformation energy fearlessly.

At that time, you only need to find a safe place, develop your own territory, accumulate with peace of mind, and wait until the qualification is transformed. Who can be his opponent? By then, he has the final say.

Therefore, he has never panicked, because his purpose is very clear. As long as he reaches the strongest, the world will be his.

There is no need for experience or fighting to break through bottlenecks. He only needs to crush others with his combat power. He still doesn't believe that there are people who can beat him.

Therefore, in the process of growing up, he is alone all the time, and of course there is no bond of growing together. Besides, who can keep up with his growth speed? What's the point of recruiting a few people of the same age now? He wants to recruit established combat power.

Suddenly, he had an idea. Since people's hearts are unpredictable and unreliable, why not just not recruit people? Anyway, he has the ability to listen to the voice of all things, so why not recruit Kung Fu Manatee from Alabasta.

At that time, as long as he shows his force and beats Luffy, he can easily gain a group of fans, oh no, cute pets.

Since Hawkeye has the Baboon Pirates, it is not impossible for him to develop Kung Fu Manatee.

He should really be praised. This idea is really amazing. Finn acted decisively at this time, giving up the way of walking on the sea surface, and used his strongest swimming skills to rush all the way.

For a moment, the sea surface showed a white trace, and the surrounding waves surged, and the merchant ships passing by all avoided it. The people on the ship were terrified, as if they had witnessed a monster on the sea.

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