——New World BigMon Pirates

Watching the battle between Ace and Kizaru on the projection of Den Den Mushi. The senior officers of the pirates were all confused at this time, thinking: "Kizaru, you are letting it go a little too much."

As the four emperors in the New World, they must know each other's strength. What is the strength of Ace and Kizaru? They can fight so hard. Isn't this a fake match?

If this group of people placed a bet, it would definitely be another violent protest, burning, killing, looting and fighting.

But there are obviously people who know the goods, that is, BigMon and his son Katakuri. They don't believe that Kizaru dares to let it go in this situation. The bloodline of the Pirate King Roger, the source of sin, must be cut off by the navy. But they also don't quite understand what's going on.

BigMon is a little confused and wants to find more details of the battle to see what's going on.

Wait, Kizaru's expression is wrong. This is the shock of the domineering color. Could it be that Roger's kid has reached this level and really mastered the Conqueror's Haki·Entanglement attack method.

Is this era really going out of control? Why are all the young people so over the standard?

Before there was Finn, now there is Ace who can Conqueror's Haki Entanglement, and he is also the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates. This time he has attracted a lot of attention. I wonder how many strong people will rush to him.

It seems that the balance of power will be broken soon, and the turbulent era is coming. Thinking of this, BigMon's face is as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly.

She did nothing wrong, but she has already fallen behind in terms of power. This is the new century, not the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom or the Garden of Eden. What is said here is that the strong are respected. In terms of power, his power is adjacent to the Whitebeard Pirates, and conflicts have always been difficult to avoid.

This is not something that she and Whitebeard can control. The joining of strong people will inevitably require an expansion of the pie. Otherwise, how can we maintain the expenses of the strong? Strength does not come out of thin air, and there is no spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It needs to be eaten. Without territory, where can we get food?

In addition, the territory of the New World is controlled by pirates. The Whitebeard Pirates have only a few people. How can they control such a large territory? It is not divided among the forces under their command. Who will tolerate giving their territory to others? What to do? Isn't it to expand outward and grab territory?

If the leader dares to control, then the external contradiction will become an internal contradiction, and sooner or later, it will cause trouble. Therefore, a powerful force needs to occupy a larger territory. This is not something that anyone can control. This is the reality of the New World.

She knows very well, and Whitebeard knows very well too, that this is powerless, unless he does not accept the joining of strong people. That is obviously impossible. If you don't stay here, you will stay. With the decline of one side, aren't you the weaker party? Who can do such a stupid thing?

"It seems that we really need to find Kaido to form an alliance!"

——Alabasta Straw Hat Pirates

"Ahahahaha!!! Ace is so strong, he has been like this since he was a child, I have never defeated him!" Luffy was obviously very happy.

In the past two days, they have been concentrating on watching the fierce battle between Ace and Kizaru, and their hearts are always tense.

This is not only because of the brotherly relationship between Luffy and Ace, but also whether the bloodline of the Pirate King can really be continued.

Obviously, this is a crucial battle for the young pirates who set foot on the sea, and it has even attracted great attention from the whole world.

It is a bit incredible to see that Ace can tie with Kizaru, but also quite happy, they are in the same camp.

Who is Kizaru? Everyone knows that he is one of the three admirals of the navy, the real strongest force of the navy. It is extremely exciting to tie with him.

Especially compared with their age, Ace can be said to be of the same generation. The encouragement of such an event also makes them more determined to pursue their dreams.

Although other people in Luffy's group felt extreme pressure when they saw Ace's strong fighting power, because their captain also had a firm dream of becoming the Pirate King.

But this obviously did not affect Luffy, who was very stubborn and would not change his mind once he decided on something, and would act according to his intuition.

"But, Ace, I will definitely become the Pirate King!!! Ahahahaha!!!"

If Finn were here, he would also sigh, where did such a kingly spirit come from? How could such a person be cultivated in the mountains? There is really no destiny.

Obviously, Luffy is very confident in his own strength and firmly believes that he isBeing able to become the Pirate King, and changing his dream without any obstruction from anyone.

Luffy's super strong willpower, the courage to fight with all his strength in the face of a strong enemy, regardless of everything and at the cost of his life. He was not in awe of the admirals and the four emperors. Such a kingly demeanor really puzzled Finn.

If Finn were here, he would definitely ask, "Why do you think that you are the only king of the sea? Where does your confidence come from?"

However, this optimistic attitude is exactly why Finn appreciates him. He doesn't care about the bullshit One Piece. What he pursues is his own transformation and transcendence. There is no conflict of interest at all. Who doesn't like people who can bring joy to others?

——Grand Line Drum Island

With the end of the battle, the many pirates on Drum Island who came to watch the excitement also left one after another, but this wave of traffic produced a strong driving effect, once again making the medical cause of Drum Island famous in the Grand Line.

Mad Wolf also bid farewell to Finn with his men and returned to Cloud Island.

Finn was originally planning to move on, but he met an unexpected person, Red-haired Shanks.

A pirate ship was coming from a distance, obviously Shanks's group. He did not have the ability to shake the sea like Whitebeard, and he arrived two days late at full speed.

He originally thought that Ace could not escape at all, and Whitebeard could not catch up with the rescue. But he knew Whitebeard's character and knew that Whitebeard would never leave Ace alone.

A war will definitely break out between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates. This is a major event that affects the world situation. No matter which side wins, it will break the balance, and it will definitely be a tragic victory.

He did not expect that Finn's disruption and Ace's transformation would bring a glimmer of hope to the whole incident.

Ace was not caught, and the Navy had no bargaining chips. It was obviously impossible to go to war with the Whitebeard Pirates on the sea without any preparation.

Because on the sea, Whitebeard alone is enough to change the situation, and the Navy does not dare to fight him on the sea.

However, Shanks, who arrived late, happened to meet Finn who was about to travel far away, and became interested in him.

It was really that Finn's current reputation was too loud, and he seemed to have the momentum of the Four Emperors on the sea. Of course, it was not the power, but the strength that did not match his age. His iron-like figure made him very well-known.

"Yurent D. Finn?" Red-haired Shanks said politely.

"Red-haired Shanks? I wonder what you want to do with me?" Finn just responded lightly, obviously not intending to get close to him.

"The famous East Sea Martial Saint is really not to be underestimated, hahaha."

"Humph... How can it be compared to your title of the Sea Emperor!"

Suddenly, one was caught off guard.

"Brother, how about coming to my ship, hehehe."

Finn didn't catch it for a while, thinking in his heart, has he become so popular now? There is Ace in front and Shanks behind.

Finn was outside the game, and didn't know what top combat power meant to a force. It was the pillar of stability, and a force would be too little without it.

He might not have figured out his position in Red Hair's heart. Red Hair knew Blackbeard's strength very well, and he knew how strong Finn was.

The man in front of him almost wiped out Blackbeard and his gang alone, and he brought Weevil with him. It was hard to say whether he could beat him.

Besides, there was no loss in making a friendly invitation, lowering his posture, and building a good relationship. What if he agreed?

But obviously, Finn would not agree. His pursuit was not just the Pirate King.

Besides, getting on someone else's ship, running around for someone else's ideal, working hard, was worthy of his distinguished identity as a time traveler?

How could he gain a foothold in the time travel circle? It would only be embarrassing to tell others about it.

So he simply rejected Red Hair's invitation.

But obviously, Shanks was just asking tentatively, and he thought it was natural to be rejected, and he didn't take it to heart.

Originally, Finn wanted to take a ride on Shanks's trip to the New World, but when he thought about the fact that he had just rejected someone, he was too embarrassed to mention it.

Besides, for such a small matter, he owed a favor and was involved in the cause and effect of the Four Emperors, which was a completely unprofitable business.

Moreover, Finn really hadn't figured out how to ask for advice on the Conqueror's Haki.

From now on, it seems that this is something that can be done if you have it or not. If he goes to Rayleigh to tell him how to awaken it, he will probably be regarded as a fool by Rayleigh.

So he was not in a hurry to go there for the time being, and thought it was better to walk his own way down to earth and think about this matter carefully.

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