"Ace, I didn't expect that Gel D. Roger is actually your father. He's the Pirate King!!!"

At this time, on the Drum Island, Crazy Wolf was holding the latest issue of the newspaper, which contained information about Ace's identity. He seemed very excited. Of course, he is the Pirate King. The dream of all pirates is to be the freest and to have a great treasure.

"Damn Teach! Damn it!"

Ace looked at the newspaper, and suddenly fire came out of his head, but he was originally a natural flame-flame fruit ability user, so it was reasonable for his head to have fire. This also shows that Ace's hatred for Blackbeard was deep at this time.

"But Ace, your situation is a bit bad now. The son of the Pirate King, this is big news, and the whole New World will be shaken by it," Crazy Wolf looked at Ace and said worriedly, "The Navy will definitely not let you go if they know about it."

Crazy Wolf was really worried about Ace. The bloodline of the Pirate King, Crazy Wolf definitely didn't want to be cut off by the Navy, because this would be a huge blow to the entire pirate world. He had Roger as his idol and was inspired to go to sea, so he naturally didn't want to see Roger's son die like this.

During the days when Ace was recuperating, the Mad Wolf gang also found a place in the castle to settle down and took care of Ace wholeheartedly. Friendship between men is sometimes so simple and clear. After just a few days of getting along, the two sides became true friends.

At the same time, Finn stood alone on the lonely peak near the castle, in the wind and snow, reviewing the details of the previous battle.

Every battle is a precious experience for him. In the real world, there is no chance to delete the file and start over. So every battle needs to be carefully summarized and recalled, and lessons learned from it, so as not to repeat the same mistakes in the future. After all, there will be defeats in battles, and mistakes will cost lives.

Finn also doesn't think this will be the last battle, especially after Ace's identity has been exposed, the next era will be more chaotic, and there may be more battles waiting for him.

At present, the entire Drum Island has become the center of the storm. The admirals of the navy are probably on their way. Finn guessed that Kizaru should be the first to arrive, after all, he flies fast?

"Maybe I should have a good talk with Ace, otherwise, if this goes on, the entire Drum Island may be destroyed." Finn thought with some worry.

He came from a peaceful world. His dull, depressing, and hopeless life made his heart full of resentment. After arriving, he always wanted to be strong and detached. He didn't want to get involved in cause and effect, but he was not cold enough to ignore the lives of all the people in a country.

. . . . . . .

"Ace, what are your plans? If you continue, this country may be dragged into the abyss by you." Finn got straight to the point. The situation at this time was critical and urgent.

He didn't want to cause a disaster and destroy the country because he saved Ace and seriously injured Teach, making him lose his sense of security.

At that time, the cause and effect of all lives will be intertwined with him, and he can't ignore it. His state of mind has not yet reached this point. He is still a mortal, not a god, and he can't look at all living beings indifferently.

Ace is not stupid. He understands that he is now like a barrel of gunpowder, the fuse of the battle, and the symbol of disaster. Wherever he is, there may be destruction.

At this time, his resentment towards Roger has reached the extreme. He thinks that all this is caused by him. He has endured all the pain that he should not have endured, and he hates it very much.

Ace decided to leave here alone. He did not intend to inform Whitebeard because he knew that the current situation was too bad. If he told Whitebeard, the entire Whitebeard Pirates might fall into the abyss because of him.

For his former companions, he did not want to see them die because of saving him. Therefore, he decided to face it alone. It started with him and ended with him.

He was not going to hide. He was determined to show a braver side than Roger in that empty sea and fight the navy alone.

Finn watched all this and recognized Ace's performance. Both in terms of strength and as a man's responsibility. Finn knew that although his strength was also cultivated bit by bit, it relied to a large extent on the transformation of the system, but Ace was not like that.

Ace's strength was cultivated through ten years of practice. In order to realize his dream of going to sea, he has been picking up scraps in the garbage mountain to save money and practice fighting since he was a child. Among the younger generation, there are almost no people who can compete with Ace.

Don't talk about the Smoke-Smoke Fruit. Without the seastone, the fart attack is useless. How can it be compared with the devastating attack ability of the Flame-Flame Fruit?Especially now that Ace has only been out to sea for a few years, he has been under the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates, playing some mid-to-high-end games, and has not fought against top-level strongmen. His fruit ability has only been developed a little.

As a rare natural devil fruit that burns everything, can it be weak? Can't beat the magma fruit, is it just that the simple fruit ability is not as good as it? Akainu has developed 30 years more than Ace.

Finn also wants to know where Ace's upper limit is. Is the Flame-Flame Fruit really something that even dogs won't eat.

He also knows that all members of the Whitebeard Pirates should be on the way now, and the navy has not made sufficient preparations this time. There is no strategic layout of Marinford, and there is no gathering of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Ace has not been caught yet, and the situation is completely different. Finn wants to know whether the crew members belonging to the Pirate King will appear under the current circumstances.

After all, this is not a life-and-death test, not going to Marinford, the iron-clad navy headquarters, but to the great waterway with natural dangers.

Looking at Ace's back, Finn felt compassion. When a strong man ends his life in the world, he should have the strongest attitude.

He decided to give Ace three days to recover from his injuries and delay him for three days to the best of his ability. Of course, he had to do his best, but he guessed that it was most likely Kizaru who came and should give him this face.

After that, Ace's life and death will follow fate. For Finn, he has his own ideals and cannot change for others. There is a huge horror between life and death. He has experienced this scene after experiencing death once. Because of this, Finn has the crazy idea of ​​pursuing transformation and transcendence.

Eternal life is what everyone desires, whether it is an emperor or a peddler. Finn is no exception, but he is more persistent. This is not because he is more paranoid or crazy, but because the existence of the system makes him see hope.

People can't reach it, call it God. Strong, even stronger, so strong that it is difficult to understand, is God. 100,000 pounds of strength is still a mortal body, what about 200,000 pounds? Maybe, 1 million jin? 10 million jin? No one knows, is it a mortal or a supernatural being. Perhaps he has long been revered as a god by the world.

As for why Finn gave Ace three days? Because he was exploring his own path. The feeling of his previous life told him that these numbers have special meanings, maybe it is a kind of superstition in his heart, maybe it really exists. Finn does not intend to delve into it, he just obeys his heart.

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