The general-level combat power is undoubtedly the strongest among the strong in the navy. It is only possible to exist in the headquarters and the G-base of the Grand Line. Its powerful force is enough to suppress one side in the navy.

Especially in terms of physical skills, it is rare to reach such a high level. If you are lucky enough to get a suitable devil fruit, the future will become limitless.

However, Finn is not satisfied with the small achievements in front of him. After experiencing the beauty of life becoming stronger, he is more eager to evolve the essence of life.

Finn firmly believes that in a world with extraordinary items such as devil fruits, extraordinary force that does not rely on devil fruits can be born.

Although no one can do this now, he firmly believes that it must be the qualifications that determine a person's upper limit. As long as the qualifications are broken through, the upper limit of force may be broken. Although it is just a guess now, he believes that the system is powerful, but the road ahead is full of unknowns and explorations.

In the world of One Piece, apart from the Devil Fruit, the most likely things that can be related to the extraordinary are the three-color domineering and life return, and both of them have a very high upper limit. Needless to say, the three-color domineering, just the foresight of the future and the hearing of the voice of all things are in line with the characteristics of the extraordinary, full of mystery.

The same is true for life return, the subtle control of the body, the extension of consciousness, all have the style of immortal novels, isn't this similar to inner vision and spiritual consciousness?

Domineering and life return, Finn wants both, but for a physical master like Finn, if he wants to continue to break through, then life return is definitely the most important topic to be conquered at present, and it is the top priority.

The practice of domineering is even more mysterious. Finn, who has been working behind closed doors so far, does not have enough vision and knowledge reserves to allow him to continue to develop three-color domineering.

Of course, Life Return is also quite difficult. Finn only remembers that it was said in the anime that Life Return allows practitioners to infuse their consciousness into their limbs, torso and even internal organs, thereby achieving free control of these organs.

The manifestations include fast digestion of food by madly taking in food in a short period of time, and arbitrary control of any organ in the body, such as hair, internal organs, etc.

In the plot, Life Return is also used to improve combat effectiveness. After Lucci turned into a leopard, his speed increased dramatically, but his power decreased a lot, and Life Return helped him solve the defect of this ability. Lucci activated Life Return in the human-beast form, absorbed the original huge body, and turned into a martial body form that could only point guns. This kind of Life Return not only retained the destructive power of his original human-beast form, but also perfectly called the mobility of the pure beast form.

Therefore, Finn firmly believes that Life Return is a mysterious and extremely powerful skill, and its potential limit far exceeds the level developed by existing characters.

How to fully master this ability, Fein decided to explore it through the improvement of physical skills and comprehensive coordination and control of the body. In the process of in-depth thinking, he had an idea and conceived a unique and effective training method - swimming, especially weighted swimming.

Fein believes that swimming is a sport that requires coordinated operation of various parts of the body. To master the balance of body gravity and buoyancy, it is also necessary to overcome the resistance of water, use the coordination of arms, legs and feet, and maintain rhythmic breathing to ensure the continuous supply of oxygen to the body.

Weighted swimming increases the load on the body, so that muscles, breathing and vitality are more comprehensively exercised, making the swimming effect more significant. Fein believes that this is the best way to achieve life coordination.

Fein started his own swimming plan, working tirelessly in the sea every day, swimming with weights, diving deep, and improving the body's perception and regulation of vitality through resistance and pressure to the sea. He focused on experiencing the flow feeling in the sea water and tried to feel the flow of vitality in the body.

Fein enjoyed this process. As the exercise progressed, he felt that he became more and more flexible in the sea. The repulsion of the sea gradually decreased, and the skills became more and more proficient. This quick effect made Finn very happy, especially in the world of One Piece, the sea occupies the vast majority of the area, and the skill of swimming is indispensable to Finn.

However, things did not go so smoothly. Don't forget that Finn's location at this time is the doldrums, the nest of sea kings, and the sea is full of a large number of sea kings, including some super-large creatures.

Every day, Finn kept practicing in the sea, swimming with weights, and looking for ways to improve himself. In less than a month, he was like a fish in water, swimming lightly and freely, as fast as a speedboat. He became more and more adapted to the water environment, butThe weight is also increasing.

As time goes by, Finn's swimming in the water attracts more and more attention. Sea kings are attracted one after another, forming a dangerous and exciting chase scene. Finn swam around the sea kings, directing their attention. The chase scene in the water kicked off, Finn flexibly avoided the attacks of the sea kings, and his body was changing unconsciously.

He began to sense the tiny fluctuations in the sea water, which was not something that ordinary people could perceive. A strange power surged in his body, and he seemed to be able to see the underwater scene and feel the heartbeat and breathing of the sea kings.

Finn's weighted swimming continued to upgrade, and the number of sea kings increased accordingly. His perception became more and more acute, and he could predict the attack path of the sea kings. This feeling penetrated into his soul like a mysterious power.

In the crisis of the chase, Finn keenly avoided the attacks of the sea kings again and again, and his body seemed to be integrated into the rhythm of the sea, reaching a tacit understanding with this mysterious water. After an elegant turn, Finn successfully shook off the last sea king. When he surfaced, he found that he had unexpectedly awakened his Observation Haki, a rare ability in the pirate world.

Although Finn has not yet mastered the skill of life return, he is very happy about the unexpected awakening of Observation Haki, and is convinced that the direction of training is not wrong.

Finn decided to increase the weight further and continue to swim in the water under the pressure of the sea king. So far, Finn has carried several tons of boulders in the sea and flexibly avoided the pursuit of the sea king.

Spending more than ten hours of sea water training every day not only strengthens the strength of the limbs, but also tempers endurance and internal qualities of the body. Finn's sensitivity to water flow is also constantly improving. As time goes by, he breaks his limits again and again in weighted swimming.

Finn gradually understands how the power of water blends with the vitality of the body. By adjusting his breathing, posture and swimming method, he feels the potential possibility of life return ability.

Surrounded by the sea water, Finn began to carefully observe the movement of life force in the water, trying to synchronize the power of water with his own life force. By adjusting his breathing, posture and swimming style, he gradually realized how the power of water blends with the body's life force.

Gradually, this feeling became stronger and stronger, and Finn gradually caught this feeling and began to consciously control it. After half a year of hard work, this unique practice method gave Finn a deeper understanding of life return and also allowed him to find the right direction for practice.

As time went on, Finn continued to challenge his limits in weighted swimming. A year later, the use of the color of seeing and hearing and the return of life were very skillful. Finn's physical strength, endurance and speed have all made small breakthroughs. Unknowingly, Finn has become a real strong man.

Unknowingly, 2 years have passed, and under continuous high-intensity aerobic exercise, every day is the accumulation of extreme transformation energy, and Finn's qualifications have made another breakthrough.

Character: Yurent D. Finn

Age: 17

Qualification: Lv5 Proud of the Past and the Present (1000000)

Transformation Energy: 5000

Skills: Life Return, Observation Haki, Armament Haki

Combat Power: Vice Admiral

Fein couldn't believe how strong the description of Proud of the Past and the Present was. The previous extraordinary and unworldly had already made Fein grow rapidly. At the age of 17, the strength of the vice admiral level, or physical skills, is already very strong. There are only a few admiral-level combat forces in this One Piece world. It can be said that Fein's current strength is self-protective as long as he doesn't commit suicide.

With the breakthrough of qualifications, Fein found that the current training could not effectively improve his strength and seemed to have encountered a bottleneck. He clearly realized that the key problem lies in vision and knowledge.

"Unconsciously, it has been ten years. How many decades can a person have in his life? The current strength should be able to protect himself. It seems that it is time to go to sea," Fein said with emotion.

For a long time, Fein had no clear goal in the world of One Piece and had been training continuously, mainly because of the pursuit of a sense of security. Now he has regained the long-lost sense of security, but Finn is confused about what he should do in this world.

Finn has no interest in overthrowing the Celestial Dragons and finding the great secret treasure. He has his own system and can grow to the strongest. Isn't it great?

The 800-year rule of the World Government is not just talk. It is the result of military suppression. To overthrow them is completely thankless and risky. Moreover, the Celestial Dragons did not provoke him. Besides, as the descendants of the victors, they should not have some privileges.

ThisThe natural development trend of the world seems to be like this. Overthrowing the rule of the world government may not necessarily usher in a better era. As long as there is a difference in strength, there will naturally be a difference in status, which is also the basic law of this world.

Moreover, Finn also believes that it is reasonable to have a clear distinction between the strong and the weak and the status. Is it necessary to have the same strength and the same status? In that case, will the strong agree?

Even if the rule of the Celestial Dragons is overthrown, won't there be a wave of descendants of the victors? Will they be called Earth Dragons or Sea Dragons? Who can guarantee that the young man who slays the dragon will not become an evil dragon.

The times are undergoing drastic changes, and the evil generation of the Great Pirate Era is about to usher in, and countless supernovas will rise. This is a very exciting era. Finn can't help but think about how he should integrate into this new era full of strong people as a traverser.

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