In this lonely cave, Finn sat by the fire. Such loneliness has long become his norm in this world. He has long been accustomed to this kind of solitude and regards it as a necessity on the road of transformation.

On this road, he is destined to face loneliness and no one can accompany him.

At this time, Finn's mind is extremely clear. He understands that the purpose of coming here is not to escape the eyes of the world, nor is he afraid of challenges or disgusted with the flattery and friendship of speculators. He came here just to calm down and summarize and refine his own fighting moves.

Finn recalled the scene of creating the flow immortal form. After observing Luffy's second gear, he found that the reason why ordinary people could not imitate it was because the blood vessels were not elastic and could not withstand the rapid flow of blood.

In the end, he successfully made the blood flow quickly by combining the entanglement of armed color with the return of life, solving the problem of ruptured blood vessels. In the development of new moves, Finn believes that this idea can be used as a reference.

Looking back at the beginning, he did not find a move that directly increased strength. After thinking about it, the main thing is to increase the strength, that is, the way of converting potential energy into kinetic energy, which is the so-called accumulation of power. He himself is not a spring, how to accumulate power, so it is not feasible for him.

After careful thinking, he found that all normal human accumulation behaviors are completed through speed. Suddenly, Finn made a discovery, the key word is speed, he caught this flash of inspiration.

"It seems that it is right, it is speed. As long as the speed is fast enough, the power will be greater. The same power will have several times the difference in attack under the blessing of speed." Finn said to himself excitedly.

At this moment, he already knew that the direction to be explored next was not strength, but strengthening speed.

And the speed enhancement he considered was not the improvement of the basic attributes of the body, but through special methods, the speed can be increased several times in a short time. In this way, enough trump cards can be formed to greatly increase the combat power instantly, thus becoming a real combat skill and trump card.

"Speed...speed..." Finn muttered to himself, "Man follows the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature. How do all things in nature increase their speed?"

Continuously recalling and thinking, the habits of animals seen in the past emerged one by one.

"Four animals use their legs to run, and when they encounter danger, they rely on force to speed up. The burst of power..."

"Birds fly with wings, and when they spread their wings, they use the wind to move. It is the flapping of wings that achieves extreme speed through powerful flapping of wings. Just like hummingbirds."

It seems that there is already a direction, imitating powerful flapping wings..., Finn thought, but how can this be achieved? He does not have a pair of wings. If it were Jhin's race, it would really be possible. What can he learn from?

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and he said to himself: "Why do I need wings? I just need to imitate the thrust generated by flapping wings. The thrust behind me is the key."

"Thrust... like a rocket... launch"

He suddenly thought about whether he could control the Qi of his whole body, just like Liuxian did at that time, but this time he closed all the pores of his body and only kept the back.

He did it as soon as he said it. Finn immediately used Life Return to close all the pores of his skin, allowing the heat energy generated by the cells of his body to be transmitted through the blood, but it would cause the temperature of the blood vessels to rise rapidly, and the pores of the skin of the whole body would be completely closed, causing the skin to be overheated.

In the face of these two problems, Finn found a solution. He decided to use the method of covering the whole body with Armament Color to protect the skin and blood vessels with Armament Color, although this method is not recommended by the strong because it will consume a lot of Armament Color.

Finn's Armament Color is quite considerable, but such consumption is also a great pressure on him. He carefully controls the use of Armament Color to ensure that the skin and blood vessels are just protected to avoid injury, while avoiding excessive waste of Armament Color.

Next, he tried to concentrate the air on his back and expel it. After a simple attempt, he found that this method was feasible. However, when the heat energy is concentrated, the back will be too hot. In this case, more armed color protection is needed to avoid damage to the back tissue. For Finn, this is not a problem.

In normal state, it can indeed form a good thrust. But it is a bit useless for Finn. The thrust is too small. Fortunately, this idea is correct and it has achieved his goal. The next step is just to continue to optimize.

Accelerating blood flow and accelerating cell activity, both of which seem to have the potential to increase energy production. Through rapid blood flow, Finn can use life to returnIt can also accelerate the heartbeat and promote the rapid circulation of blood. However, it is a bit difficult to keep the entire cell system highly active.

Finn began to think, when are the cells most active? When do ordinary people feel the body temperature rise? He thought deeply.

"Fuck, why did I forget this, red temperature." Finn suddenly realized.

When the human body is angry, the body temperature naturally rises. This made Finn suddenly enlightened and seemed to have found a solution.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that I could use emotions to generate combat power. Anger, is it called anger? It's feasible." Finn laughed.

It seems that this skill can be divided into two states, one is the angry state and the other is the normal state.

Finn continued to experiment non-stop, and finally he successfully created a complete move. The air generated by physical activity erupts on the back and controls the direction of the eruption, forming an effect like the flapping of wings.

This move involves the eruption of air and the waving of wings, which produces two forces. Thus, it produces an instant forward thrust.

That's right, this is the new form that Finn developed to increase speed. He named it Shenwu Shen·Sanshi·Fallen Angel.

Because this form needs to be protected by the whole body of armed color when it changes, the whole body is pitch black, and the whole body of Qi flows out from the back, forming a pair of white wings. The pitch black body plus the angel's wings, doesn't it just correspond to the fallen angel?

At this stage, Finn has developed three gears for this form.

First gear: Under normal conditions, it provides a 30% speed bonus, the consumption of armed color is very small, and the combat state can be maintained for 4 hours, and the automatic recovery of armed color is still taken into account. Therefore, in actual situations, the state will be lifted after fighting for 3 hours at full strength.

Second gear, when the heart beats twice, it can provide a 60% speed bonus, the armed color is consumed very quickly, and the continuous combat can barely last for 2 hours. This is the limit that the body can allow.

Because the body is a balanced whole, each organ cannot be activated infinitely. This will cause other organs to fail rapidly and cause damage. Doubled heartbeats are also the limit that Finn can control.

The third gear, when the heartbeat doubles, all cells are extremely active. This state can only be achieved when Finn is extremely angry. This is the strongest state, which can provide a 120% speed bonus.

It is extremely terrifying. Think about it carefully. An opponent who is evenly matched with you suddenly has a speed increase of twice, especially under the basic plate of Finn's emperor-level combat power. How can you break it?

However, maintaining this state not only consumes the armed color very quickly, but also makes it difficult for the body to withstand it for a long time. It can only last for 1 hour. But it is already very scary. Let alone 1 hour, even 10 minutes will make the enemy despair for the ultimate move at the bottom of the box.

Finn is really satisfied with the development of the third style. I believe that in this state, the enemy will be waiting for his ruthless bombardment. If they can survive, they will live, and if they can't survive, they will die.

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