Going in the direction of navigation, with Finn's strength, in less than half a day, an island covered with ice and snow appeared in his sight. He thought to himself, this mountain is really a bit strange, it should be the Drum Island.

At first, Finn really just planned to come here to rest and take a look at what kind of new life this country, which overthrew the former ruler with the help of Luffy, has gained. He was very curious and decided to feel it and see if it has really become better.

On the island, in the perception of the sight, the residents showed a touch of ease on the street, even though the long-term tyranny has made life still difficult, even though some people are still pale and thin. Now, Finn feels a vitality, which makes him admire it.

The ice is not frozen in a day. The improvement of the overall state of a country is difficult and long. Finn believes that as long as the people of this country are willing to support this country, any difficulties can be overcome, just like in the previous life, everyone works together and the world is renewed.

As he sighed, some comic clips began to pop up in his mind from time to time, as if triggering some hidden plot settings. Finn began to check these clips one by one.

He gradually noticed some unusual clues, and his intuition told him that things were not simple. This seemingly ordinary country that had just emerged from tyranny was actually filled with a veil of mystery.

This mystery seemed to be inextricably linked to the mysteries of the human body and the transformation of life that he had been pursuing. He had to start taking this matter seriously and carefully analyzed the clips in his mind like peeling off silk threads.

In the comics, Chopper actually developed a drug that can amplify the effect of the devil fruit before going to sea. When he first saw it, he didn't think it was a setting for the character's skills and didn't fully realize the problem.

However, looking back and looking at it again, he really realized the incredibleness of it. For the animal-type devil fruit ability users, the blue wave ball is simply a god-like medicine that can reverse life and death if used well.

Imagine that all members of the Beasts Pirates are equipped with this medicine, and their combat power will skyrocket instantly. The picture is unimaginable. This is simply something that can change the world situation.

How did Chopper do it? Just relying on his simple crucible and test tube? Starting from scratch, he conducted a long study on interfering with the wavelength of the devil fruit and constantly experimented with himself? Do you believe it? Finn didn't believe a word.

You should know that the research related to devil fruits has always been conducted by the world's top scientists and belongs to the highest level in the field of scientific research. These scientists include Judge, Vegapunk, Quinn, Caesar and other top researchers.

In the experiment of devil fruits, a large number of verification experiments are required to continuously verify the conjectures and finally draw the correct conclusions. The scientific knowledge and technology involved are simply staggering.

These researchers rely on national power, funding support from the world government, and background resources such as the Beasts Pirates. Without exception, they all need huge funds and support. And Chopper, who is penniless, can actually develop such a strategic nuclear weapon. How can this make sense?

Is this due to his outstanding talent? Or is it coincidence? Or has the research on devil fruits in the Drum Kingdom reached such a high level, and Chopper just inherited the research results? Or, does all this originate from the mysterious Dr. Kuleha?

As the oldest person in the Drum Kingdom and also the strongest in the field of medicine, Finn believes that Dr. Kuleha is likely to be the true inheritor of the country's medical skills. His special status in the country can be seen from living in the castle.

Finn also hopes that this is the case. If the Drum Kingdom has really touched on the relevant research, then relevant information may have been left behind. He is very interested in bloodline factors.

But another question came to mind. This island covered with ice and snow all year round is theoretically short of resources and difficult to develop national strength. However, the fact is that a high-barrier, high-yield, high-tech industry has been successfully developed-medical care.

When people are sick or dying, they are often most willing to spend money. Focusing on the development of the medical field is indeed an excellent idea, and it has miraculously achieved this goal. What is even more incredible is that all this happened in a country with scarce resources and a harsh environment.

As an experimental science, the development of medicine is inseparable from financial support, the assistance of advanced equipment, and long-term experimental accumulation. In this resource-scarce environment, how did Magnetic Drum Island break through these obstacles and successfully create a medical industry?

In particular, Magnetic Drum Island itself is not suitable for the cultivation of medicinal materials. The use of drugs in the comics isThe use of more synthetic drugs. This requires more sophisticated equipment for refining and synthesis, and a large number of experiments for research and development. And all this requires a lot of money.

"Chemical drugs... synthetic drugs... synthesis..." Finn kept muttering, and suddenly, he seemed to think of something.

"Isn't this the ability of the Swallowing Fruit? Turning what you eat into a part of the body or synthesizing new things."

He remembered the Swallowing Fruit, whose ability was obviously underestimated, and the ability to reorganize matter. Isn't this the authority of the creator? Is it really a coincidence that this time it appeared on the tyrant of this country?

At this time, Finn became very interested in the inheritance of the Swallowing Fruit. He wanted to trace the history of the Swallowing Fruit, figure out the doubts in his heart, and unveil this mystery. If the Swallowing Fruit is really the product of the desires of all living beings, then does it have a long inheritance in the Magnetic Drum Country? Finn was eager to understand the origin and development of this fruit to solve the mystery in his heart.

If the Swallowing Fruit has appeared many times in this country, then it would explain why the country's medical care has achieved such great achievements. The Swallow Swallow Fruit has the magical ability to turn waste into treasure. One person is enough to drive the economy of the entire country. This amazing effect can even combine the human body. It is simply an auxiliary artifact for the development of human medicine.

Suddenly, he thought of a plot in the comics-the first place Blackbeard attacked after obtaining the Dark Dark Fruit was his hometown, Magnetic Drum Island. Why is this? An act of revenge for unfair treatment when he was a child? A man who can endure humiliation for many years on a pirate ship, only has this little bit of temperament?

Finn wondered if Blackbeard himself was transformed by the Swallow Swallow Fruit, and was a combination of a person and something else. Otherwise, why can only he have the abilities of two devil fruits at the same time, and he doesn't need to sleep or the other one is sleeping.

And Blackbeard also knew the amazing ability of the Swallow Swallow Fruit, so after obtaining the Dark Dark Fruit, the first place he came to was Magnetic Drum Country, with the purpose of trying to seize the Swallow Swallow Fruit. If this is the case, then everything can be explained.

There is also Dr. Kuleha who claims to have lived for more than 130 years. It may be an accident for ordinary people to live so long, but if this accident happens to a doctor, can it really be called an accident?

Did she master some method to prolong life? Or has this country's research on the human body reached such a high level? Kuleha, as the true inheritor of this country's medical technology, has gained longevity because of this?

Or is she also a person who has been transformed by the Swallow Swallow Fruit? After all, she is old enough to have experienced the rule of at least three generations of kings in this country. It is reasonable to be transformed by the Swallow Swallow Fruit.

If the truth of all this comes from the Swallow Swallow Fruit bred by the desires of all beings in this country, then the Swallow Swallow Fruit may have the ability to change bloodline factors.

And the blue wave ball is probably a substance that can temporarily affect the bloodline factor synthesized by the Swallow Swallow Fruit ability user based on his ability. And Chopper only synthesized or improved this substance according to this formula because he did not understand the theory of bloodline factors.

Thinking of this, Finn was suddenly a little disappointed, but anyway, he decided to find out whether this country really has research on bloodline factors.

Because he has read the comics, he knows that it is the bloodline factor that determines the direction, upper limit, and accumulation speed of life's ability, and the system's qualification transformation is equivalent to the overall optimization of the current bloodline factor, improving its upper limit and accumulation speed.

The function of the devil fruit in this world is to transform the bloodline factor so that it has additional ability directions. Its upper limit is limited by the will in the fruit. The more it recognizes the host, the higher the upper limit.

Therefore, he really wants to know whether these studies on bloodline factors have found a way to perfectly optimize bloodline factors. Although he is also mentally prepared for the high probability that there is no way, he still has a little expectation. In this way, it will not rely on transformation energy and achieve the same effect as qualification transformation.

If various abilities can grow faster, combined with the transformation of the overall qualification of the system, the effect of quantitative change to qualitative change can be achieved, so that the essence of life changes and becomes stronger in all aspects.

In the end, the whole life completed the transformation, achieved transcendence, and reached the state of immortality. Although this is just Finn's conjecture, it is the only way he can think of and can verify at present. As long as he can keep moving forward, Finn will keep moving forward.

Quietly, extraordinary transformation has already become Finn's obsession, deeply rooted, and is subconsciouslyInfluencing his decision is like a devil whispering in his ear.

All this is to get rid of the suffering of birth, aging, sickness and death, to transcend the cycle of life and death. Finn, who has such fighting power, is also constantly pursuing it. Who among you can give him a hand?

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