On the vast sea, a lonely figure walked forward alone, and each of his steps crossed a distance of dozens of feet. This was Yurent D. Finn, who embarked on a new journey. At this moment, he was far away from Yunwu Island.

Finn knew that he had already reached the bottleneck of his qualifications, and it was no longer feasible to rely on the accumulation of mindless practice to achieve a breakthrough in strength, unless his qualifications could be transformed again. But it was obviously impossible in a short time, because the energy required for transformation was still far away.

So in terms of breakthrough in strength, the only thing he could think of was the Conqueror's Color. Unless the Conqueror's Color could be awakened and the Conqueror's Color could be mastered in combat, it would be difficult to truly break through in a short time. As for the master who mastered the Conqueror's Color, he thought that the most likely person to provide help and the most likely person to find was Pluto Rayleigh, who was living in retirement in the Sabaody Archipelago.

Originally, Finn planned to set off directly from Yunwu Island to the Sabaody Archipelago to find Rayleigh. He was hoping for the best and tried to find some methods or suggestions to confirm whether he had the Conqueror's Haki or the key factors for awakening the Conqueror's Haki. Although the world generally believes that the Conqueror's Haki is destined and is the chosen one, Finn has always been skeptical about this statement, so he decided to explore it himself.

Before setting off, Finn asked Alex about going to the Sabaody Archipelago. However, to Finn's surprise, there was no permanent pointer directly to the Sabaody Archipelago on the Cloud Island. This is because the Cloud Island has never been involved in direct business in this area. And the Chamber of Commerce in the Cloud Island area only has permanent pointers to the surrounding islands.

Finn understood as soon as he heard it. This is the era of great pirates, especially on the Grand Line. Navigation at sea is a high-risk operation, which can be said to be dependent on the weather. In such an environment, trade is carried out in the surrounding waters and at close range, otherwise it will be difficult for one's life. So their business is also mainly carried out in the waters controlled by the Mad Wolf Pirates.

However, Alex suggested that Finn go to the Mad Wolf Pirates to have a look. Maybe there are permanent pointers to more distant areas, after all, they may be more familiar with maritime intelligence than these chambers of commerce.

While returning the drug atlas to Lisabeth, the ship doctor of the Mad Wolf Pirates, Finn also asked about going to the Sabaody Archipelago and the permanent pointer. However, it is obvious that his expectations were dashed again. The Mad Wolf Pirates did not have a permanent pointer to the Sabaody Archipelago. Because the distance is too far, the Sabaody Archipelago is almost on the other side of the world from the Cloud Island.

And for the pirates who want to go to the Sabaody Archipelago and the New World, this way of relying on permanent pointers is even more disdainful. They will think that the pirates should go all the way and challenge every island on the route to be a real adventure.

Just when Finn was having a headache, Mad Wolf took out a permanent pointer to Alabasta. He told Finn that this was left by the current Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile when his men recruited him. However, it is obvious that Mad Wolf did not immediately agree to Crocodile's recruitment. Despite this, the permanent pointer was retained.

Finn was quite surprised by this, and even a little happy. However, when he heard the name of the current Shichibukai Crocodile, he was a little surprised again. It has been a year, has Luffy not yet reached Alabasta? Could it be that the evolution of cause and effect has caused a major change in the timeline?

He asked Crazy Wolf about the Straw Hat Pirates. It turned out that Luffy had been away from Drum Island for less than half a year. Because he helped the residents of this country overthrow the tyranny of the former king Wapol, it caused great turmoil worldwide. The debate about "the national regime overthrown by pirates, whether the world government should help the former king to restore" was extremely fierce, and the discussion was heated. .

Drum Island is a member of the World Government. The country should have been protected by the navy, but now it has been overthrown by pirates. Although the pirates are helping the people of this country to overthrow the tyranny and let this country regain its life, it is a benevolent act. But the rulers of many countries don't think so. They paid high heavenly gold. Isn't the purpose to avoid the scourge of pirates? Doesn't this make the dictators of those countries feel insecure?

Luffy and his crew's behavior also put the navy under tremendous public pressure, and they were considered weak against pirates. The World Government had to send a commissioner to conduct an assessment, but they felt the joy of the people of the country after overthrowing the tyranny, especially since the pirates did not rule the country and had already left.

Do we really have to welcome the tyrant who is still unknown and has made the country angry and resented by the people? This is not only cruel to the local people, but also makes some people who practice benevolent governanceThe country was disappointed with the World Government. After weighing the pros and cons, the World Government had to accept this fact and gritted its teeth to acknowledge the existence of the newly established Sakura Kingdom.

The Navy also had to take an attitude. First of all, the overall bounty of the Straw Hat Pirates was raised to a higher level. Luffy's bounty has reached 80 million Baileys, approaching the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile. Of course, Crocodile's bounty was before he became a Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Secondly, a large number of major generals and vice admirals from the headquarters were sent to arrest them. Of course, no generals were sent. Isn't that a cannon hitting a mosquito?

However, the Straw Hat Pirates are not fuel-saving lamps. They know how much impact their actions will have. After leaving, they disappeared directly, carefully hiding, and waiting for the wind to pass. They know very well that the Grand Line is so big. As long as they don't show up, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack for the Navy to find them?

Besides, how could the Navy keep consuming them? These practices are nothing more than the attitudes made to appease other member countries. After the wind passes, they will return to normal.

Hearing these things, Finn had lost hope for the plots he had seen in the anime before. The evolution of this real history is so complex and changeable that the results cannot be simply summarized in a few words, let alone explained by a few comics.

In addition, sea voyages are not easy, and the map is huge. The Grand Line is half the circumference of the entire planet. It is difficult for ordinary people to imagine such a vast picture. Therefore, sailing from one island to another on the sea is actually crossing the distance of the country, which takes a considerable time, especially for sailing ships that rely on wind power.

However, it is not that the technological level of this world is backward, but that the world government has monopolized and restricted technology. Don't forget that this world actually inherited the technology of the moon people who can travel in space. Therefore, the navy's warships can appear quickly all over the world, which is a military speed, in order to suppress the four seas and the Grand Line.

Although Finn has lost hope for the plot in his memory, through careful analysis, he is very sure that Luffy's route will definitely pass through Alabasta. In addition to the intersection of the two people's fate, Finn's understanding of Luffy's character also made him believe that Luffy would choose to adventure island by island and would not choose shortcuts. Therefore, Alabasta must be Luffy's next destination.

Finn's attitude towards this man with a pure heart is very friendly. Who doesn't like people who can bring smiles and joy? Isn't it a pleasant thing to meet friends?

Finn sometimes has to wonder, could it be that the fruit has a special passive ability. Otherwise, why did the boy named Joy who ate this fruit 900 years ago unite many races in the world with laughter as a bond, build a huge kingdom, and let the ancestors of these races put the letter D representing laughter in their surnames.

Can the devil fruit really choose its host independently? Does the Nika fruit only choose those who can infect others and convey smiles as hosts? Or is it that the will of the devil fruit itself subtly transforms the user?

Finn smiled, "It's really magical. It seems that there are many secrets in this world." He then said goodbye to the Mad Wolf group and headed for Alabasta.

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