"I finally made it through a year. It's not easy to live alone, but the result is not bad. It can be said that hard work pays off."

Looking back on this year, Finn said lightly, and then silently recited the system in his heart.

Character: Jurent D. Finn

Age: 8 years old

Qualification: Lv3 Talented (10000)

Skills: None

Transmutation Energy: 0

Combat Power: Elite Navy Soldier Level

Yes, after a year, the eight-year-old has the strength of an elite marine. With his previous strength, Finn could accumulate 4 points of Transmutation Energy a day at his limit, but people are not steel machines and cannot always maintain their limit.

So, in this year, Finn was able to accumulate 1000 Transmutation Energy, which is already quite good. This is indeed the result of Finn's unremitting efforts.

This year, the most important thing Finn did was to solve the problem of survival. He was busy with construction all year long. The base has taken shape and is no longer the shabby appearance before. There have been huge changes.

Finn combined practice with construction and exercised himself through the process of labor. He tirelessly cut down large numbers of trees, made them into wooden piles, and built guardrails.

He also moved a large number of stones, piled up houses, compacted the ground, and built simple stoves, beds, tables and other furniture. A farmyard covering an acre was built around the previous shelter.

There is a simple stone house in the courtyard, which is the previous shelter. After processing and repair, it now looks more solid and beautiful. Other areas, such as the dining area and the rest area, are simply arranged.

In the fitness area, many different stones of different sizes are piled up, ranging from small ones weighing hundreds of pounds to large ones weighing thousands of pounds, and all kinds of shapes are available. Obviously, this area has been built with emphasis.

Around the courtyard, there is a nearly 2-meter-wide and high river for protecting the courtyard. The surrounding and bottom of the river are compacted with stones of different sizes to make it stronger and prevent it from being soaked in water for a long time and then collapse on both sides.

When the creek was completely completed, he also introduced seawater injection. Since the bottom of the creek was full of stones and the water was 2 meters deep, it was also clear and the small fish swimming from the sea could be seen at a glance.

He also dug several deep traps near the jungle, inserted a large number of sharpened wooden stakes, covered them with a layer of thatch and a layer of sand, to catch wild animals. And he also made conspicuous marks around to avoid being pitted one day.

The previous small pond was also excavated and expanded for the second time. The location connecting to the sea was filled with stones, leaving only a small area to maintain the circulation of seawater, and trees were used as fences.

A slightly smaller pond was also built next to it to lure fish. Finn only needs to throw the leftovers of livestock into the pond and open the wooden fence. In just one night, there will be a lot of fish in the pond again.

Two ponds, one for luring fish and one for raising fish, which is Finn's main source of food now. Occasionally, a few traps would yield gains, but they were only good for a quick bite.

The unknown created fear. Over the past year, Finn had always been cautious in his activities on the edge of the jungle, not going deep into it. He knew very well that taking risks without sufficient strength was equivalent to being irresponsible with one's life, and was simply courting death.

He also knew very well that he only needed to wait until he had enough strength, and the mysterious veil would naturally be unveiled.

In general, his life had not been too turbulent this year, and it was relatively stable. He was just a little lonely, but he quickly adapted to it, and he was living comfortably. At least, he didn't have any pressure now, right?

"It's time to think about how to make myself stronger," Finn thought to himself, "With my talent among the best, it only took me one year to have the combat power of a navy soldier."

"Now that I have transformed into a gifted person, I am really looking forward to it. It seems that most people in the world have mediocre talents, and there are very few who truly have extraordinary talents. It's time to plan well, otherwise it will be a waste of natural resources and it will be unforgivable."

What Finn cares most about is the accumulation speed of transformation energy, so after his strength has transformed, he immediately started the experiment. After a few days, he knew that his daily maximum accumulation in the elite soldier state was only 6 points of transformation energy, which was really difficult.

At this rate of accumulation, he estimated that it would take about 5 years for his qualifications to break through to the next level under daily extreme training. Of course, strength will grow, and when it becomes stronger, the accumulation speed will also become faster accordingly.

The stronger the strength, the greater the consumption. This does not need to be explained. Energy is not created out of nothing. To maintain consumption, it needs to be supplemented from the outside.

Of course, Finn is nowThe strength of the navy's elite soldiers is already very important. Don't underestimate it. This may be the limit of an ordinary person's lifetime growth.

In the world of One Piece, the population is nearly 10 billion. As the ruling force of the world government, the number of navy must not be too small, otherwise how can it effectively rule the entire world?

It is estimated that the number of navy is nearly 10 million. And the number of elite soldiers is less than 200,000. They are distributed in major bases in the four seas and major fortresses in the Grand Line, serving as captains.

Of course, this strength is just a transition for Finn, just the beginning, who told him to open the cheat. He has just started to exercise, and it can even be said that he has not practiced seriously. What he does can only be called labor.

Of course, it is a bit too early to talk about strength now. Finn doesn't go out to play, so there is not much meaning. He just needs to stay alive now, which is the most correct direction.

After some thinking, Finn made a preliminary practice plan. After getting up in the morning, he would do running training, running 100 laps around the yard in the morning, activating the sleeping body, stimulating the vitality of the whole body, and also exercising his endurance.

Such exercise can also further improve metabolic energy, further digest and absorb food, and promote the accumulation of metamorphosis energy.

Then it is to prepare food for the day, which must be done in the morning, otherwise it will affect the plan for the day.

In the afternoon, Finn did strength training. He knew that when he was weak, strength training was the most effective way to improve overall strength.

He would continue to squeeze the strength in the yard, repeating simple stone lifting movements. Tirelessly, until his arms were exhausted, and then he would squat with weights, also until his legs were exhausted.

Simple things, repeated constantly, Finn spent all his time practicing except patrolling traps and preparing food, day after day.

Of course, it is very difficult for ordinary people to persist in doing such things for a long time, and it is almost impossible to accomplish.

But for Finn, who has the system, the obvious increase in combat power and hard work can bring rewards. Not working hard is disrespectful to life.

It only took half a year for Finn's strength to have a big breakthrough. The stones he used for training have changed a lot. The smaller stones before have disappeared. Now, they weigh at least several hundred kilograms. The panel has also changed.

Character: Jurent D. Finn

Age: 8 years old

Qualification: Lv3 Talented (10000)

Skills: None

Transformation Energy: 1100

Combat Power: Warrant Officer

That's right, the strength has transformed, and it has reached the level of warrant officer. Don't underestimate the strength of this warrant officer. It seems that it is not very good, but in some small bases, the second-in-command level is only the strength of warrant officer.

In a navy of tens of millions, the number of officers is very small, almost only close to 10,000. In comics, we often see the figures of vice admirals and generals, but don't mistake that for the norm. You must know that what you see in comics is the highlight of the whole world.

Finn knew that the rapid breakthrough in strength was due to the bonus of his talent.

After all, in the whole world, ordinary people are all ordinary people, and those with a little talent will stand out and stand out from the crowd, not to mention the gifted. As long as they don't die unexpectedly and grow up, they will all be strong.

We can also get a glimpse of this from Finn. Even if there is no systematic practice method, it is just a few simple movements, plus unswerving execution.

In half a year, his combat power has broken through, which shows the value of talent. Finn estimates that his current qualifications should be at the top of the world.

Of course, this progress is not enough for Finn to see, and he will not slack off. He will fully implement the previous plan. He has made a decision that as long as the current training does not encounter a bottleneck, he will continue to practice.

The idea is good, provided that there are sufficient resources to allow Finn to consume all the time. Obviously, Finn's dream was shattered. In just one year, fishing in a small pond can no longer meet Finn's consumption.

The problem of food was also objectively placed in front of Finn. After all, energy is conserved, and the maintenance of combat power requires food supplements.

"How to solve the food problem next? Should we explore the island in depth? Or should we go deep into the sea to catch?" Finn was a little unsure about this.

After a period of psychological game, Finn gave up the idea of ​​catching from the sea, because there are sea kings in the ocean, which is very dangerous, especially in the doldrums, where sea kings gather too much.

Finn knew that his strength was not enough to deal with sea kings, especially in the water, humansThey have a natural weakness against sea kings.

Exploring the island in depth, Finn believes that with the nearly 1,000-pound strength of his arms and the several guns in his hands, he should be able to deal with most of the dangers. Of course, facing the unknown, he still needs to be cautious.

Especially on such a large primitive island, it is unknown what kind of prehistoric beasts will survive. He knows that in the world of One Piece, there are behemoths that are more ferocious than lions and tigers.

Therefore, you must be more cautious and careful to sail for a long time.

Fortunately, after some exploration, Finn found many herbivores such as bison, wild boars, rabbits, kangaroos, etc. deep in the jungle edge of this island. Occasionally, tigers and cheetahs can be found, but for Finn now, these animals do not pose a danger.

Finn can easily use javelin to hunt in the surrounding area, but because there is no means to preserve prey, he does not hunt a lot at one time, but hunts once in a while to meet his own consumption.

During this period, a throwing event was added to the training method. In order to catch prey, Finn can only use javelin for long-distance throwing. This requires a high level of strength and accuracy.

Therefore, Finn added stone throwing to his training plan. And he also found that stone throwing can exercise the strength of the whole body, not only the strength of the arms, but also the waist strength, leg strength, etc., which can be combined, which is very comprehensive.

The daily schedule became: weighted running at sunrise, followed by stone throwing training, 10,000 times; then stone lifting and weighted squat training to exercise the strength of large muscles.

Day after day, the stones in the yard have been replaced several times. Now, the smallest stone weighs several hundred kilograms, and the largest weighs a thousand kilograms.

Time has passed unknowingly, and three years have passed in a flash.

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