After some probing, Finn had a clear understanding of the strength of Kidd and his group, and his interest gradually faded.

For him, such a battle was just a simple warm-up, and his goal was far from defeating an opponent or pursuing the title of Pirate King. What he longed for was to constantly surpass himself.

Kidd, Law and others did have some talent and strength, but compared with him, they were far from enough.

Similarly, looking at the whole world, no one was more talented than him. He could proudly say that his talent was unmatched. This was also the reason why he could maintain a calm and calm confidence.

However, he did not kill them all.

These people were just young people who did not know the height of the world. They were just starting out and did not accept anyone. They wanted to challenge the strong to prove themselves. He could understand their ideas.

After all, the characteristic of this era was passion! Otherwise, how could so many people venture out to sea for the illusory One Piece?

Besides, if there is no group of talented young people in the new era, wouldn't it be too boring?

As for whether they will surpass him, defeat him, and finally let the tiger go back to the mountain? He just wants to say, think too much.

However, he wants to let this group of people see the gap, otherwise where will the motivation come from to practice?

After all, he also wants this group of people to contribute to the new era and contribute to the cultivation culture.

This is Finn's current spirit. Anyone with talent can practice. As long as there is achievement, there will naturally be status.

He will not suppress it. He is looking forward to more people participating in it, discussing, deducing, and innovating, and finally pushing up the height of practice in this world. He knows that this is not a short-term thing, but he yearns for such an era.

Now, under the guidance of his thoughts, the cultivation atmosphere in the new world Atlantis Federation is particularly strong. Everyone knows that as long as the cultivation is successful, there will naturally be status. There is no need to fight and grab, just do it yourself.

Cultivation has also driven this industry, and countless martial arts halls and kendo halls have sprung up everywhere.

This directly led to the gradual strengthening of the national strength of each member state of the Federation. Coupled with Finn's open immigration policy, the entire Federation is thriving.

But now these young people who don't know the height of the world should bear his blows the most. As the price of provocation, everything has a price, right?

Under the four-style troll god, he did not let them go at all. Finn punched one by one, and in a few breaths, all of them were knocked down.

Under the fear and admiration of the crowd, he solemnly declared to everyone again:

"Fishman Island will be included in the sphere of influence of the Atlantis Federation in the future, and it is my ally. Any evil deeds against Fishman Island will be dealt with mercilessly!"

Looking at everyone around him who was very solemn and serious, it seems that his deterrent effect is not bad. He was very satisfied, and then he continued:

"As you can see, Fishman Island has a unique beauty in the world. If it is destroyed, you will never see it again. I hope everyone will cherish it."

"Finally, welcome everyone to visit Fishman Island, and welcome everyone to go to Atlantis to experience the different system and unique atmosphere."

As his voice fell, countless fishmen cheered and shouted Finn's name. Because this was the first time that a human strongman so solemnly recognized them.

"Master Finn, thank you so much!" Neptune and a group of people said solemnly.

They really felt Finn's sincerity. Such a solemn statement has a far greater effect than a flag can match.

"Luffy, Nami, Yamanaka, Usopp, Zoro, and the new members, come together and go to the Dragon Palace to have fun."

Finn waved to Luffy and his group. They are all acquaintances, and they haven't seen each other for a long time, so they want to meet.

In the Admiral’s office at the Navy Headquarters, the atmosphere was heavy.

“Euronte D. Finn is now on Fishman Island. With his personality, he will never let this go, especially after occupying Wano Country, where he is now in full force.”

The top naval officials gathered together, frowning, arguing endlessly about how to deal with Finn.

The powerful Finn made everyone feel apprehensive.

When they thought of that godlike and devilish figure, they couldn’t help but shudder.

Too strong, they really didn’t want to fight.

If they bumped into him, they would either die or be disabled. Except for a few admirals and Akainu who could barely fight him, they couldn’t even think about fighting him alone.

However, Akainu’s attitude now was intriguing. Everyone looked at Akainu, wanting to see what his intentions were.

After all, he was beaten by Finn and lay down.Months ago, many people witnessed the tragic situation.

However, since becoming the admiral, Akainu seems to have changed into a different person, no longer as impatient as before, but calm and steady.

It seems that the extent to which his observation Haki can foresee the future is not luck. Perhaps, this seemingly irritable man is actually as calm as ice in his heart.

At this time, Garp and Sengoku have already retreated to the second line. They have gradually withdrawn from the power structure of the navy and no longer participate in such meetings.

However, they are still serving in the navy, which is regarded as the navy's retirement for them, and at the same time, they also retain high-end combat power for the navy to prevent accidents.

Finn's actions have aroused speculation, and they are talking about it at this time. They really can't figure out why Finn is taking the risk to come to Fishman Island at this time?

"Let's not talk about whether to fight or not, we must first figure out why after Whitebeard got into trouble, he didn't think about revenge on us, nor did he go directly to Blackbeard, but went to Fishman Island? This is very strange!"

Akainu calmly raised his doubts.

"Yeah, this is too weird!"

"What does the stability of Fishman Island have to do with him?"

"Or is there something on Fishman Island that we don't know about?"

Everyone was talking about it, and finally some people smelled the key to the problem. The benefit of brainstorming is that it can inspire more thinking.

What secrets are hidden in Fishman Island?

At this time, everyone's mind kept analyzing what information they didn't know about Fishman Island. However, it was obvious that they knew nothing.

Akainu also reacted, and the current situation was obviously not optimistic. The two sides have already clashed, and Finn dared to be presumptuous in front of the navy. Is this a life-threatening thing?

If Fishman Island really has something he must get, then everything will be clear at a glance. Next, they need to continue to pay attention to what Finn took away from Fishman Island.

The discussion ended here, and everyone left.

However, from their seemingly relaxed expressions, it can be seen that for Finn, they will not deal with it if they can, and will delay it if they can, and no one wants to fight with him.

After all, no one would joke about their own life.

However, Finn's behavior on Fishman Island has attracted great attention from the Navy, who want to know what secrets are behind this weirdness.

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