With the addition of Nami, sailing on the sea suddenly became easier. This shows the importance of the navigator on the pirate ship. There may be no captain on the sea, but there must be no navigator.

No wonder there is such a saying on the sea: "The pirate group changes, but the navigator is always there". However, this kind of high-tech job is not easy for ordinary pirates to do, and it is a scarce resource on the sea.

Navigators are usually senior cadres of the pirate group, because he can control the life and death of the pirate group to a certain extent, and his professional skills and knowledge are crucial to the successful completion of the voyage.

After a short week of sailing, the pirate ship arrived at the last stop in the East China Sea-Rogue Town. 20 years ago, the Pirate King was executed here. It was the place where the great pirate era began and the beginning of the dreams of countless young people.

After the ship docked, Luffy and the others went to Rogue Town. Some were responsible for purchasing, some just went to worship, and some went to play. Only Finn was not interested in this and chose to stay on the ship alone.

People who have died once always cherish their lives. Finn has been thinking about how to further break through his strength and how to achieve transcendence of life, but he has no clue.

Besides, immortality already exists in this world. As a system holder and a traverser, he does not pursue it as the ultimate goal, but seeks temporary glory. Isn't this a complete fool?

Although he knows that there are pure gold and surgery fruit as means of immortality, these are not what he desires. They are all means that rely on external objects. In his opinion, such immortality is just a lingering survival.

Finn does not want to rely on external objects. He firmly believes that only the transformation of the essence of life can achieve true transcendence, and from mortals to extraordinary people, the eternal immortality of life can also be achieved.

Especially for Finn, whose qualifications can be transformed all the time, relying on external objects is equivalent to giving up the essence and pursuing the end, which is completely not worth the loss. Since he is in the world of high martial arts, the peak of martial arts is truly worthy of the talent transformed by the system.

With such unique conditions, if Finn does not pursue the peak, he feels that he will look down on himself. Unconsciously, he has already strengthened his belief, that is, to pursue transcendence and freedom.

As his strength progresses more and more slowly, of course, the slowness is relative to Finn himself. If others hear it, they will definitely point at Finn and curse, "You are simply not a human being. This is called slowness. Then what are ours? Aren't we ashamed to death?"

Finn has been thinking about how to further improve his combat power. He studied those strong people who do not have devil fruits, and what they rely on to compete with those fruit abilities like mobile disasters.

Finn analyzed Roger, Shanks, Garp, Rayleigh, Hawkeye, and other famous strong people on the sea, who are also representative figures. His conclusion is the domineering color. He believes that these people definitely have the domineering color.

Finn also believes that the name "domineering color" itself may be biased. Perhaps there are very few people who have this ability, and it usually only appears in those big pirates who dominate one side, so it is jokingly called the domineering color domineering.

For this speculation, Finn thinks it is very likely the truth of the matter. Of course, he does not intend to correct the existing statement, and as for what it should be called, Finn does not intend to delve too deeply.

The name "Domineering Color" also directly reflects the power and scarcity of this ability. In some ways, it can also be regarded as an explanation of this ability. He is more concerned about whether the domineering color domineering is innate?

For the general perception of this world, it is believed that this ability belongs to the qualification of the king and is recognized by destiny. Finn completely sneers and does not believe a word. Because this speculation is too fantasy and has no persuasiveness at all.

For example, if the domineering color is innate, then there should be more of them in the navy, after all, the scale of the navy is much larger than that of pirates. Are people with domineering color destined to do kingly things and split one side?

But the world has determined this statement. Finn believes that the reason is that the scarcity of Conqueror's Haki leads to survivor bias, which in turn creates cognitive illusions in the world, because there are no conditions for effective observation and research.

How can a powerful person who dominates a region allow a weak person to scientifically analyze his mythical ability? Aren't the qualifications and destiny of a king the reasons why those powerful people who dominate a region can win the hearts of the people and occupy the territory?

Finn believes that this deep-rooted cognition is nothing more than a misconception misled by existing facts. As for whether Conqueror's Haki is innate or acquired, he prefers the latter.

Perhaps this ability is awakened in extreme environments, orIt takes a long time of practice to have it. However, this is just his guess, and the truth may be more complicated than he knows.

Finn remembered the research on psychology in his previous life. People with extreme personalities usually emit a strong aura, which is too strong, impulsive or extremely specific. This strong aura can have a substantial impact on the people around them.

Some people may be attracted by the enthusiasm, determination or persistence of people with extreme personalities, and feel that they have strong leadership or the power to inspire passion. On the other hand, some people may feel uneasy, alienated or threatened.

This is exactly similar to the domineering color of this world, which is also a kind of mental shock and control. Through the domineering color, the user can directly penetrate into the depths of the other party's heart, making them feel fear, obedience or worship.

Therefore, Finn believes that the domineering color is a product of sticking to one's own beliefs and a transformation of extreme beliefs. He believes that this belief has existed since childhood, just as the old saying goes, "You can tell a person's future from the age of three."

Once some personalities are formed, it is difficult to change, just like Luffy's yearning for freedom and adventure has existed since childhood. Whitebeard's belief in protecting his family runs through his life.

Therefore, Finn believes that this strong belief will be completely erupted and transformed after being stimulated. If it can be materialized and can really affect the real object, it is the awakening of Conqueror's Color.

Finn believes that this is also the principle of martial arts will such as sword intention and fist intention often described in fantasy novels. Since he has experienced such a strange thing as time travel, Finn has reason to believe that these concepts are likely to be some authors who have intercepted some cognition through mind resonance or dream wandering under certain accidental circumstances.

This explanation can indeed reasonably explain why people like Garp and Hawkeye have Conqueror's Color, but do not have the obvious external characteristics of Conqueror's Color, because their Conqueror's Color should be accurately called fist intention or sword intention.

Otherwise, it is difficult to explain how they fight against Roger and Shanks who have Conqueror's Color. Is it just relying on Armament Color? This is obviously unreasonable. Conqueror's Color is obviously a more advanced power system compared to Armament Color.

But obviously, compared to the deterrence of the will of the Conqueror's Haki, it is more difficult to attach the will to the fist and sword to change the attack. It is very likely that there is an ability to match the entanglement of the Conqueror's Haki.

He also guessed that Whitebeard's Conqueror's Haki should be the belief of protecting his family that he has always implemented. He was able to die calmly in the war on the top, and he was ready to die for his sons.

Luffy's Conqueror's Haki is the belief of pursuing freedom, adventure and protecting friendship. Since he was a child, he liked to explore the unknown world, become a pirate, do what he wanted to do, and protect his friends.

The belief is pure. Even if it is the pursuit of One Piece, the purpose is to invite all his friends to hold a big banquet. For this, he has experienced countless battles and hesitated between life and death several times.

After some analysis, Finn is indeed a little worried now. If the Conqueror's Haki is innate, then Finn first asked himself whether he has the Conqueror's Haki. He could answer confidently that he definitely had it. After all, his talent was unquestionable. If he didn't have the Overlord Haki, it would be too cheap.

However, now that he found that the Overlord Haki was similar to a state of mind, Finn's heart began to become uneasy. If this power depends more on understanding, it depends on chance and the state of unity between man and nature.

For someone like him who had rich experience in his previous life, thought erratic, and had many distracting thoughts, this was obviously a natural unfriendly. Relying on liver, Finn can be said to be no less than others, but relying on understanding, Finn is not so confident.

This uncertainty did put some pressure on him, because he was used to achieving success through practical efforts and labor. Now, he is facing a more abstract and elusive power, which is a new challenge for him.

What Finn didn't know was that his belief in pursuing transcendence and freedom was slowly growing as he accumulated strength, quietly waiting for the moment of transformation.

Although he still had no idea about the Conqueror's Haki, fortunately, after some analysis and thinking about the source, Finn was no longer completely ignorant of this power. He had some of his own insights, and it was no longer so mysterious.

As for how to stimulate spiritual transformation, this involves Finn's knowledge blind spot, or more broadly speaking, the knowledge blind spot of this world. In this world, the correct interpretation of this power has not yet been fully clarified, and it seems that it can only rely on chance and coincidence.

To let the spirit influence reality, materialize, and turn the virtual into the real, it does sound full ofMysterious. But the Conqueror's Haki is obviously a very attractive power, and he is fascinated.

Finn couldn't help asking himself, "What is my belief, and what can make me risk my life for it?" After thinking for a long time, there was still no answer.

Finn's current stage plan is to train step by step, slowly break through himself, and turn his qualifications into strength. Because his qualifications that are unrivaled in ancient and modern times have only transformed not long ago, but have not yet been fully transformed into actual ability. Finn may not realize that his so-called gradual accumulation and breakthrough are all subconsciously for the pursuit of great freedom and great freedom.

Perhaps it is precisely because of his extraordinary qualifications that Finn is not as passionate as other people in this world for his dreams. He clearly knows that what he has to do is not to fight blindly, but to transform through accumulation. There will always be a time when the challenge of crossing the level will overturn. For him, only strength crushing is the right way to open it.

Perhaps this rational way of thinking is also one of the reasons why his Conqueror's Haki is difficult to awaken.

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