After Finn and his team successfully destroyed the Demon Slayer Fleet, they quickly headed to the Sabaody Archipelago and easily completed the coating.

During the coating period, these people were cautious, fearing that they would be blocked by the World Government and a war would break out. Unexpectedly, it was calm in the end.

Finn also didn't understand. This was the last place where the World Government could intercept them, but they gave up in vain.

The new world after that will be a vast sea for fish to leap and a high sky for birds to fly. Don't even think about interfering with the current situation of the Navy.

Without interference, all ships were successfully coated, and then they easily passed through Fishman Island and entered the New World.

No ship dared to stay in the Grand Line. After all, the Navy's historic defeat could not be let go.

In the future, they will inevitably come one by one to settle accounts. Of course, that is a matter of the future. Now the Navy is busy with its own affairs, so how can it have the time to cause trouble?

However, as many pirates went to the New World, people began to feel an uneasy atmosphere and foresaw the coming of a bloody storm.

Although they are allies now and in the same group, they are all very clear that this is only limited to now and is temporary. They will be enemies in the New World.

After all, going to the New World is not for sightseeing, but for grabbing territory. In the face of interests, everyone is a competitor.

So the pirates from all sides went their separate ways as soon as they arrived in the New World, each going to different directions to find their own territory.

Crocodile, World Destroyer, Red Earl and others all went their own way, and none of them chose to form an alliance. After all, no one would submit to anyone, and the alliance would be unstable.

The Whitebeard Pirates suffered heavy losses this time, and almost half of their pirate groups have reached the point where they can no longer form a group.

One-third of them were because the captain died and the high-end military force was gone, and the others were because too many people died in various positions and the ship could not sail.

Nearly one-third of his crew members were killed, including Kingudo, Harta, Namur and other captains.

This made Whitebeard feel deep pain and resentment, which was also the reason for the full-scale attack in the war. He almost collapsed.

After all, they had been together for a long time, and they had deep friendship and ties with each other.

He is now considering redistributing and integrating personnel. Many territories are considering whether to give them up directly, because they cannot stand without strong people occupying them.

In addition, this time so many strong people entered the new world, and they all needed territory. The sphere of influence of the four emperors must be shrunk.

It can be imagined that the new world will soon usher in a round of turmoil and chaos, and new forces from all sides will emerge. The chaotic times are coming, and they will have to reshuffle.

Of course, the navy is definitely not included. The war was lost and the losses were heavy. They simply did not have extra forces to send into the new world, especially at this cusp.

The Navy really does not plan to continue to send personnel to the New World now. It is too dangerous, especially after this time, which is equivalent to completely tearing the face with the pirate forces.

In addition to the Ace incident, the Navy’s base in the New World has long been retaliated by Whitebeard. Basically, it is severely damaged and cannot be used for a while.

This also means that in a short period of time, the World Government has basically completely lost control of the territory of the New World and has no way to intervene in the situation in the New World.

But it is definitely impossible to give up so easily. After all, there are many member countries in the New World. If you ignore it, the prestige of the World Government will be greatly reduced.

The New World has indeed become a place full of hope and dreams. The competition among various forces has completely become a paradise for pirates.

Finn also went to Atlantis with two ships of pirates who were willing to follow him.


While the pirates were still celebrating freedom and victory and dividing up their own territory in the New World, the Navy and the World Government were busy and exhausted.

Because at this time, the news of the navy's disastrous defeat had swept the world like a hurricane. When Finn led a group of people from Impel Down into Marinford, Sengoku ordered the live broadcast of Den Den Mushi to be shut down.

As a result, people outside of Marinford did not know the specific situation of the war, but with the intervention of the news king Morgans.

Especially since so many pirates in the New World participated in this war, the specific situation of the war was quickly sorted out, and the beginning and end of the war were also made public.

People who make news and play with words will definitely not be satisfied with dry and straightforward narration, and they will inevitably add fuel to the fire.

So this war was described as an epic battle, especially when Finn ledA bunch of imprisoned super pirates have changed the direction of the war, and this is a big deal.

This news is a special issue. As the news bird is flying all over the world, the world government wants to stop it, but Morgans can't obey their orders at all. He is really a news maniac.

In order to restore some dignity, the navy can only use the bounty order again. After all, this thing can highlight their unique status.

They have greatly increased the bounties of pirates participating in the war.

The bounties of Ace, Crocodile, Barrett, World Destroyer and others have all been greatly increased. Those who have been forgotten before have been restarted again.

The conspirator of the times, 5 billion Baileys!

Finn's bounty at this time has reached a new height.

This shows the attitude of the navy and their fear of him. It is really that they have been defeated in several battles and they can't help but accept it.

As the news spreads, for countless civilians, it's like the end of the world is coming, and they can't sleep at night.

Because it was the suppression of the navy that gave them a stable life, and this was also the reason why they supported the navy.

At this time, ordinary people began to worry, and they had a premonition that the next period would definitely be full of chaos. After all, the navy's strength was severely damaged, and the intensity of the crackdown on pirates would definitely weaken.

Even many people began to doubt whether the navy still had the ability to continue to maintain the stability of the four seas and the Grand Line.

But the biggest impact of this war was not the above, but that it made everyone know that now it is truly the era of great pirates, and the pirate forces are stronger than the navy.

Those young people who yearn for freedom and dreams were once again encouraged, and the doubts in their hearts were completely swept away, and they chose to set sail.

And the protagonist this time is Finn, and the influence he brought is no less than that of the Pirate King Gol D. Roger 20 years ago.

Especially Finn's age, only 21 years old, was directly regarded as an idol by young people and became the banner for them to pursue their dreams.

I don't know who leaked the words he answered to Gu Gao Zhi Hong before. His bold words began to attract widespread attention.

"I want to build a peaceful country where everyone can get the status they want through hard work!"

"Wealth can be inherited, but status cannot!"

"Technology is not allowed to be used to develop weapons! Only one's own strength can gain status!"

"But property is sacred and inviolable!"

These words made the young people excited and yearning, as if the horn of dreams was blown.

Because the vast majority of young people have suffered more or less from the injustice caused by aristocratic and family-inherited rights, and have nowhere to complain.

No matter how hard they try, class, status, and life seem to have been destined and solidified, with no hope of breakthrough at all.

Finn's words are like a long-dried desert, bringing down delicious rain, which completely makes the young people's dreams take root and sprout.

All his achievements and experiences were once again dug out, especially the deeds of the draw with the Four Emperors Shanks and Kaido, which not only made others famous, but also made the young people excited.

Of course, there are also some ambitious people who think highly of themselves and want to go to the New World to fight for a family business, but more people still want to go to Atlantis.

Take a look at this place where everyone can pursue their dreams and realize the value of life.

One of the reasons why the Navy increased the bounty was the result of the war, but another more important reason was that Finn had ideas that ran counter to the World Government.

Ideas are what they fear the most. They are worried about the rise of another revolutionary army, because this can shake the foundation of the World Government.

Of course, the impact of the war cannot be ignored. If Finn had not broken through the Impel Down City, they would not have suffered such heavy losses.

However, the current situation is irreversible and the situation is in chaos. Obviously, the Navy cannot gain a foothold in the New World in a short time.

After all, the New World is about to enter an era of competition among heroes. If you enter rashly, it is easy to be focused and trigger new conflicts.

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