"It's rare that Mr. Finn has such ideas. Each territory, each development, non-interference, is good for everyone. Similarly, our mother, the Wan Guo established is a country with order."

Perospero smiled very proudly, and at the same time, there was a hint of appreciation and relief in his tone. He was not a brainless existence, but the military advisor of the Big Mom Pirates.

In this way, it can be regarded as showing their attitude, recognizing Finn's right to rule the island, and they will not fight for it in the future. It can also be regarded as their sincerity.

After all, Finn is now allied with Whitebeard. If a fight really breaks out, both sides will suffer heavy losses. Besides, Finn is now a well-known strong man, so this respect should be given.

If the strong man is offended to death casually, if they all do things in this way, such a large Wan Guo cannot be established. Destruction is much easier than construction.

So for them, it is best not to conflict over this matter. Besides, if the Whitebeard Pirates, Finn and his gang, plus Rayleigh, really fight, they may not have a chance of winning.

Living in peace, guarding their respective territories, and living in peace is the best outcome.

Besides, this island is actually a hot potato for Whitebeard and them, and it is impossible to give it up directly. This is related to the control of the sea area. If a base is established here, it will greatly expand the sphere of influence of the entire pirate group.

Therefore, it must be fought for. Even if it cannot be won, it cannot be given to the opponent, otherwise it will compress its sphere of influence. Large pirate groups are like countries, and they all need to pay attention to the control of airspace and sea areas.

Now that Finn has taken over, it can be regarded as a relief for them, and it can be regarded as helping them in disguise.

Although Finn and the Whitebeard Pirates are in an alliance, that is just a normal way to deal with the Four Emperors Alliance. They don’t think that Finn will consider everything for the Whitebeard Pirates.

Alliance means that when both sides encounter an enemy that they cannot defeat, they will fight together. It is based on the equal strength of both sides. If one side falls behind, the first enemy may be the original ally.

Everyone knows that only when the two sides start a big war, they have no choice but to intervene, so they don’t care too much about the alliance between Finn and Whitebeard.

Besides, the alliance between BigMon and Kaido was originally a means of confrontation against the rapid growth of the Whitebeard Pirates. The original intention was to protect themselves, not to start a mindless war.

The development direction of BigMon and the Whitebeard Pirates is completely different. Her Ten Thousand Kingdoms has long developed into an orderly, mature and unified country.

Whitebeard is still a feudal lord in the chaotic world. He is completely left alone, doing his own thing, without a unified plan, and relying entirely on a group of pirates to mess around. What does he know about territory construction?

Compared with Whitebeard, she is the one wearing shoes. No matter how she fights, she will suffer the greatest loss. If they really start a mindless war, what's the point of building? What's the point of building something that can be destroyed at any time?

And Finn is now a powerful third-party force with independent voice, but it is still a grass-roots team, and it also wants to take the path of development. It is not very offensive. Compared with Whitebeard, they are much more assured.

And because of Finn's existence, he stands between them and Whitebeard, which just happens to separate the conflicts that would occur from time to time, and they are also happy to see it.

Besides Finn himself, this force will not pose any threat to them for a while. The construction of the Ten Thousand Nations is not achieved overnight. It is the result of decades of joint efforts of countless people.

They are all witnesses of this process, and everyone knows that the development and growth of a civilized country is not so easy.

Especially now is not the same as the beginning of the establishment of the Ten Thousand Nations. They can still use force to plunder resources and develop themselves. Now the known territories are almost owned.

If they continue to plunder unscrupulously as before, it will be a challenge to everyone's common agreement, an act of turning the table over, which will inevitably lead to war and will likely be attacked by everyone.

Therefore, if Finn wants to develop further, he must rely on production and trade, and needs to trade minerals, daily necessities and living materials, otherwise where will the money come from for development and people can't be supported.

Knowing Finn's thoughts, the three of them looked at each other and had an idea of ​​how to maintain the relationship between the two sides.

However, someone here and now is going to be restless, it is Katakuri.

Katakuri looked at Finn and said very seriously: "I challengeYou, Jurent D. Finn. "

He wanted to see why this young man, who had been traveling on the Grand Line for less than two years, deserved the 3 billion berries reward from the Navy.

He has always been the strongest in the BigMon Pirates except for his mother. He even dared to fight back when facing BigMon. He thought that he would not lose to the admiral in strength and was the top strong man in the world.

Of course, there is no doubt that this is true. He is really strong. He knows that his fruit ability and domineering cultivation are both top in the world.

He also has the only one with both superhuman and natural characteristics, which is a superhuman devil fruit with similar natural elemental ability.

Although it is different from the natural elementalization, it can be attacked without the armed color. But with his foresight of the future The ability of observation Haki can play the same effect as the natural elementalization to avoid damage in advance.

In addition, his fruit ability has the superhuman amplification effect on the human body, and has more exaggerated ductility and variability than Nika. Years of combat experience have long allowed him to develop many moves that adapt to combat.

This is the confidence that he dares to challenge Finn.

It is difficult for him to understand how such a young Finn can be. Without any fruit ability, relying on physical skills, he has a combat power comparable to the Four Emperors. He can't understand it at all.

It's not his fault. How could he know what a cheat is.

But this made Perospero and Smoothie a little dumbfounded. This is not in the plan. What are you trying to do? The two of them are completely confused.

No But then seeing Katakuri's serious expression, and knowing each other after a long time together, he knew that this matter was non-negotiable, so he didn't plan to say anything.

Besides, they also wanted to know what kind of strength Finn had, so it was better for Katakuri to test it.

Finn didn't feel any hostility towards Katakuri's challenge. After all, the challenge between the strong on the sea has always been the beginning of men's friendship, and in many cases, it is the gay relationship that is fought out.

Katakuri is very strong, he knows it very well, but he is not worried. His observation Haki can foresee the future, his domineering is top-notch, and his fruit ability has the same ability as Luffy, and he has reached the level of awakening.

But even if the real natural system is matched, Akainu will be defeated when he meets the future, so what's the use of this . Can you dodge his large-scale armed color attack? Is your strength as great as his? Is your domineering as strong as his?

Although he does not have the ability to foresee the future, he also wants to know what it is to foresee the future, and he also wants to learn it.

But it is not necessary. Not having it does not affect his battle with masters. He is not a capable person. What can he do if he can foresee the future? He cannot avoid damage by turning into an ability in advance.

Especially since he is so huge, any change of shape or evasion will cause obvious fluctuations in breath and disrupt his own rhythm. Therefore, he does not like to dodge unless he has no choice.

He has long formed a unique fighting style. He does not need to foresee the future. He only needs to accurately judge the direction of attack. Hard, horizontal, and crushing are his beliefs.

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