A few days later, Zefa's warships arrived in Chambord.

Zefa sat alone in the captain's room and dialed the phone, he wanted to report this matter to the top this time, after all, a person about twenty years old but with the strength of a general made Zefa a little uneasy.

"What's the matter?".

Marin Vanderdo's naval headquarters, the current Admiral Steelbold, sat in his office with a cigar in his mouth and asked.

"Marshal, our warship encountered the Lion Pirates, and after that, we went to war with the Lion Pirates and have captured the members of the Lion Pirates. "

"That's good, I just clicked on the Lion Pirates, but I didn't expect that in just a few days, they encountered you and were caught by you, not bad. "

Listening to the praise of the steel bones, Zefa was a little embarrassed.

"Sora, I have an important matter to report to you. "

Zefa's glasses flashed with a hint of composure.

"What's important?" Steel Bone Kong also fell silent, Zefa would normally call him a marshal, and only when answering important things would he change the title to Kong, Steel Bone Kong knew very well what this meant, so Steel Bone changed his lazy attitude just now, and a sense of seriousness and spirit also emerged in the whole person.

"It wasn't us who annihilated the Lion Pirates. Zefa paused for a moment, then spoke.

"Oh, not you?" Cyborg looked puzzled, waiting for Zefa to continue.

"Yes, the one who destroyed the Lion Pirates was a young man less than twenty years old, and at that time, our army was fighting against the Lion Pirates with all its might..."

"Grab and explode the pirate ship with your bare hands, so casually annihilate the Lion Pirates, I'm afraid you have to have the strength of a general, isn't it a Devil Fruit ability?".

Compared with the navy, the steel bones are relatively calm and mature.

"Conservative estimates, this person has the strength of a general, and his ability is unknown, as for whether he is a Devil Fruit ability, I have been investigating for the past few days, and I have not gained anything, but this young man himself said that he is not a capable person. "

"Isn't it a capable one?, that is, he used his own to catch the pirate ship?" Cyborg looked incredulous, "This can't be! Is he lying?".

For Zefa's answer, it is still difficult for Steelbone Kong to accept, at the age of twenty, he has the strength of a general, and he is not a person with the ability of a devil fruit, how can he have such a demonic genius!

"I was skeptical at first, but there was not the slightest flaw in this young man, and I surmised that he was not lying. "

Steel Bone Kong clearly knew Zefa's keen insight, so he also believed Zefa.

"Didn't lie? That's a little tricky. Cyborg extinguished the cigar cigarette that was about to finish his cigarette, and his face became solemn.

If Qin Luo is a Devil Fruit Ability, although Sora is a little shocked, he is still within the acceptable range, because this person has risen by relying on the ability of the Devil Fruit, and the Navy can also clearly grasp which ability it is, and moreover, the Devil Fruit Ability is afraid of the sea and the Hailou Stone, which is the weakness of the Devil Fruit Ability and the place where the Navy breaks through, so even if this kid makes a sensation in the Pirate World in the future, Steelbone Kong has a way to suppress it.

But for a demonic genius like Qin Luo, who was not a Devil Fruit capable and still had the strength of a general, the steel bone empty showed an anxious look for the first time.

"Zefa, find a way to keep this young man, at all costs! We must let this young man join our navy, if he is allowed to become a pirate, then there will be endless troubles!"

"Hehe..." Zefa smiled helplessly when he saw the almost roaring phone bug.

"What's wrong? This young man refused?" Steelbone Sora instantly thought of something based on Zefa's wry smile and his previous way of acting.

"Well, refused. "

"Is the position given too low?" "If it doesn't work, let him be promoted to lieutenant general directly." "

"Neither can a lieutenant general. Zefa still smiled wryly.

"Lieutenant general is not good, then give him a promotion to general. The steel bones gritted their teeth, and their faces were a little ugly.

"Hey, I promised the general, but he still refused!"


Steelbone's empty fist slammed into the table, directly smashing a fist print.

"I don't know how to promote, neither can a lieutenant general, nor can a general, does he want me as a marshal!!" The steel bone air burst out in a hurry, not suppressing the anger in his heart.


Kneel and beg to collect flowers. There are three to four more today, kneeling and begging for collection. Kneel and beg for flowers, flower collection is very important to the author! Kneel and beg for everything, !!!

For the sake of the author's hard work, give it all to me!!

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