"Then Roger, we're destined to meet again, and if you're in trouble and have enough Devil Fruits, you can come to me!"

Qin Luo said a few polite words, then left the ship with the peach rabbit and the whole box of devil fruits, and flew towards the other islands.

After Qin Luo left.

Reilly stood beside Roger and said, "Captain, he has a lot of ability. "

"I know. Roger nodded, noncommittal.


At this moment, Reilly suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person's face turned pale in an instant, and then his center of gravity was unstable, and he collapsed directly to the ground.

The sudden scene surprised the surrounding pirate members.

"Hey, Reilly, what's wrong with you!"

"Ship doctor, show Reilly, what's wrong with him?"

"Vomiting blood, where did it hurt?"

For a moment, many pirates pounced and surrounded Rayleigh in surprise, their eyes full of concern and concern.

Even Roger, when he saw Reilly fall to the ground, was shocked and wondered if he had been injured in the Chambord Islands.

"How did !! get Reilly!!" Roger anxiously held up Reilly, looking shocked.

He has been with Reilly, if Reilly is injured, he will be the first to notice it, and during this period, no one has let Reilly get hurt, even the temptation of Reilly and Qin Luo just now, he is also present, Qin Luo is impossible to play tricks under his nose!!

All things being ruled out, Roger was surprised and shocked by Reilly's inexplicable injury!

"Captain, it's Qin Luo. Reilly hugged his stomach, and the long knife in his hand snapped in half.

"When did he make his move?" Roger was dumbfounded, he had been by his side, but he didn't notice it!

"Just as we collided, it seemed that I had resisted his repulsion God Cone, but in fact, in the God Cone, there was also a layer of more secret and domineering repulsion!

Roger lifted his clothes and found that a purple fist mark was dazzlingly visible on his chest.

"What an amazing destructive power!"

Roger glanced at it, and was directly creepy.

"Ship doctor, hurry up and treat Reilly!!" Roger ignored the shock of the other pirates on the ship, and hurriedly picked up Reilly and carried him into the cabin.

"Okay! I'll save him right away!" Culokas put down the medical box and followed Roger inside.

After Roger left, all the pirates couldn't help but gasp, and cold sweat broke out on their backs.

"This Qin Luo is so powerful?"

"One blow can hurt our co-captain so badly?"

"What's even more terrifying is that our captain didn't even notice it!

"Could it be that this Qin Luo's strength is still above our captain?"

"I'm afraid that's true!"

"On the sea of the new world, there is about to set off a storm!!"

Everyone couldn't help but marvel, looking in the direction that Qin Luo left, the members of the Roger Pirates couldn't calm down for a long time!


"Hey, hey, hey, big wolf!stinky pervert!!dead ghost!!Where are you going to take me!!"

At sea, Peach Rabbit cursed loudly and resisted hard, trying to escape Qin Luo's clutches, but no matter how she struggled, it was to no avail, Qin Luo's grip on her arm never relaxed.

"Sister, didn't my brother tell you, I want you to be my warm girl!"

"Get out of here! big rascal!!" Peach Rabbit writhed wildly, but this mysterious man's resistance was simply not worth mentioning to Qin Luo.

"You wait here for a while. "

Qin Luo threw the peach rabbit on the isolated island, and attracted her with gravity, the peach rabbit seemed to be stuck in the quagmire, and couldn't even lift her feet.

"What are you going to do!Don't leave me!! hey!!"

There is not even a bird on this desert island, it is extremely barren, and throwing the peach rabbit here is simply killing her!

"Huh, don't you want me to go, why brother, you can't bear it just after I left for a while?" Qin Luo stared at Peach Rabbit with a smile, and there was no provocative teasing in his eyes.

"Phew!hooligan!The ghost can't bear you!!"


Peach Rabbit's pretty face blushed, gulping down, and Hun Du followed his breath to puff down, feasting Qin Luo's eyes!

"System. "

"In. "

"Exchange these twelve Devil Fruits for me for points!"

"Please wait, host. "

"Didi, I have detected a mysterious power, and it is being exchanged. "


"Preliminary statistics on Devil Fruit species are underway. "

"Seven animal-based Devil Fruits, total exchange: 4900 points!"

"Four Superhuman Devil Fruits, a total of 3600 points!"

"One natural Devil Fruit, total exchange: 1600 points!"

"Twelve Devil Fruits, total exchange: 10,100 points!"


Although Qin Luo had already estimated how many points twelve Devil Fruits could be exchanged, when the actual value came out, it still surprised Qin Luo!

That's enough for him to max out several elements!!

Dominate the world in minutes!!

"Drop, if you detect a non-element, will you increase the full level?"

"Wait, what's the promotion this time?"


The system hesitated for a while, as if thinking: "Let's be regarded as the overlord of the sea!"

"Overlord of the Sea?"

When Qin Luo heard this, he couldn't help but wonder: "What is this sea overlord?

"In this way, the overlord of the sea is similar to the nature of the sea king, on the sea, the host is omnipotent, and it is not a star and a half that is stronger than the sea king Poseidon!"

Hearing the system's explanation, Qin Luo became interested again: "You keep talking!"

"Overlord of the Sea, when you reach the full level, you are invincible at sea, not only can you control the sea, but you can even master the weather at sea and dispatch the sea kings! You are the master of the sea! You are the dragon who calls the wind and rain!"

"I see. "

"Also, the host becomes the overlord of the sea, has absolute control over the water, you can also turn into an illusory body, blend into the water, as long as there is water, you can reach it instantly, for example, you are now in the new world, but you can merge into the water, you can reach any place in this world where there is water!"


When Qin Luo heard this, his eyes widened directly, the overlord of the sea was already awesome enough, but he didn't expect that the skill attached to this was even more against the sky!!

"The last question, when Poseidon the king of the sea appears, who is the master?


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