
The pirates standing on Fish-Man Island rolled their throats in surprise and were shocked.

"Hang..... Hang up?hang up the big mom phone?" A pirate stammered in surprise, he didn't expect Liuyun God to be so reluctant to give Big Mom, and even, on the phone, Liuyun God's tone and attitude were very tough, and he was not afraid of provoking Big·mom's terrifying existence at all!

"It's over!This time it must have completely angered Big Mom, a terrifying being, will definitely follow the Flowing Cloud God endlessly!!"

"This is Big Mom, she's already made a name for herself in the New World, who dares to provoke her!"


For a while, the pirates had different opinions, and while they were shocked by the strong attitude of the Flowing Cloud God, they were even more worried about the future of Fish-Man Island!

Meanwhile, far away from Fish-Man Island, Cake Island, an unusually large room, it was rather dark, with no light except for a few dim candles hanging on the walls.

And in this big room, there is an unusually large round table, on the table, full of all kinds of desserts, and next to the table, there is also a huge chair, on the chair sat a person, this person is huge, countless times more than a normal person, at this moment, this person is opening his big mouth, the corners of his mouth are dripping with corrosive saliva, the huge palm is grasping the cake on the table, frantically sending it to his mouth.

This person is one of the future Four Emperors.


And next to Big·Mom, a girl in her teens stands in place and watches Big·mom gobble!

"Mom, hang up the phone!" the girl said to Big Mom with a hint of anger on her delicate face.

"What? hang?" Big Mom said, suddenly stopping his movements and saying angrily.

"Keep calling, old lady, I want to ask clearly!" Charlotte Lingling paused, frowned and issued an order.

"Yes! Mom!" the girl nodded, tapped her fingers, and continued to dial.

"Hey, I said you're bothered..... Didn't I tell you?Charlotte Ningzi has already been killed by me!" Qin Luo's lazy words came into Charlotte Lingling's ears.

Hearing this, Charlotte Lingling's eyes were calm, her mouth was open, and a row of terrifying teeth were exposed.

"Little ghost, what's your name! Anyone who dares to talk to my mother like this, except for Whitebeard and Roger, there is only the golden lion left, you are the first one who dares to be presumptuous in front of me!

"I'm a celebrity! It's the shelter of Fish-Man Island, and if you want revenge, you're here. Qin Luo replied indifferently, his tone was flat, and he didn't take Charlotte Lingling in his eyes at all.

"Okay, little ghost, you wait for the old lady army to destroy Fish-Man Island! The old lady will ask you another question! Fish-Man Island, is it rich in desserts?"

"Exactly, if you want to eat, take it, of course, if you can get it, if you don't dare to come, then wait for me to come to the door, slaughter you, etc!" Qin Luo sneered, he had already cast a trap, planning to let this Charlotte Lingling fall into the net!

Hearing this, Charlotte Lingling's originally fierce eyes suddenly burst out with a bloody color, and then her big mouth rose and let out a piercing and ugly laugh.

"Bastard, that's ugly, damn!" After a shrill laugh came from the other end of the phone bug, Qin Luo frowned and cursed, and hung up the phone again!

"Toot toot toot....."

"Mom, hang up again....."

Charlotte didn't pay any attention to the little girl's answer, but was self-absorbed on the dessert of Fish-Man Island.

"Everyone says that the desserts on Fish-Man Island are the best, and I must taste them with my own mouth! Marina, tell me to go down, tidy up the battleship, and sail to Fish-Man Island! This time, I will wipe out the entire Fish-Man Island!"

"Yes! Mom!"

For Charlotte Lingling's order, Marina didn't dare to resist at all, nodded, and hurriedly retreated.

"Desserts, desserts, it's all mine, hey, Fish-Man Island, it will also belong to my Big Mom thief group in the future, what a flowing cloud!I'll make you a dead cloud!!" Charlotte Lingling's huge ugly face erupted with a murderous look, and the grim laughter was transmitted far away.

She sent Charlotte Ningz to Fish-Man Island this time, just to get the information that Fish-Man Island has desserts, and even Charlotte Lingling gave her this kid 300 million Bailey, planning to buy some back, if it is delicious, Charlotte Lingling will set off to occupy this Fish-Man Island.

Charlotte Lingling didn't think about Charlotte Ningzi at all, she had dozens of sons, and only one son died, which didn't disturb Charlotte Lingling's mind at all.

Qin Luo hung up the phone, and slowly turned around to leave, and the people of Fish-Man Island and the pirates who were watching on the sidelines immediately gave way when they saw this, staring at their patron saint, the Flowing Cloud God, in shock and adoration.

Originally, they thought that Big Mom, one of the future Four Emperors, was too powerful to be offended, so even if her subordinates were powerful on Fish-Man Island, the people of Fish-Man Island would swallow their anger because they were afraid of Charlotte Lingling.

But now that he saw the scene in front of him and heard the unruly conversation between the Flowing Cloud God and Big Mom just now, although the hearts of the people of Fish-Man Island still had a trace of fear for Big Mom, under the powerful protection of the Flowing Cloud God, even this bit of fear turned into powder.

As long as the Flowing Cloud God protects Fish-Man Island for one day, they will not have a day to be slaughtered!

"Flowing Cloud God!" the mermaids and merfolk shouted at the same time as they watched their gods pass by, their eyes already flooded with adoration.

"Flowing Cloud God!" more and more people shouted, and the surging crowd kept repeating the name—the name of their patron saint!

The discrimination and oppression, enslavement and injury suffered by mermaids and mermaids for thousands of years, and their dignity has long disappeared in the long oppression, but at this moment, everything is different!

It's time to show the world the power of Fish-Man Island in this chaotic age of pirates!

Qin Luo heard the earth-shattering crowd shouting his name, but he only bowed his head slightly and waved his hand a little coldly.

Because of his strength against the sky, it was not surprising to defeat this Charlotte Lingzi, and he hadn't paid attention to this kind of small role.

His real target is one of the future Four Emperors, Charlotte Lingling.

What he said on the phone just now, Qin Luo was definitely not just bluffing, before she could find him, he would go to her for trouble. _

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