Qin Luo opened his mouth word by word, and Capenbecky felt the substantial killing intent on Liuyun's body, and the whole person was silent, extremely panicked.

"I.... Don't kill me.... Don't kill me!" Capenbergi begged as he spat out a mouthful of blood, breathless.

"It's night!"

Qin Luo's eyes froze, his fingers were like knives, directly piercing Capenbergi's forehead, and his two fingers were deeply inserted, killing Capenbe~Ki.

"Uh....."Capenbergi took one last breath and died of shock and fear.


The corpse fell to the ground in a daze, and its body gradually stiffened.

For a while, all the people on Fish-Man Island held their breath, and those pirates were also extremely shocked.

"Kill ???"

"Just a simple death??"

"When did Capenbeck become so weak? He almost toppled Fish-Man Island, so vulnerable!"

"It's not that Capenbecky is weak, it's that the Flowing Cloud God is too strong!"

The eyes of the people of Fish-Man Island were full of adoration, and they looked at the tall and mighty figure in front of them, and they were extremely admiring.

And those pirates are also gasping one by one, although they have heard of Liuyun's name, but today they really saw Liuyun beat Capenbecki to a serious injury with one palm, they still couldn't believe it, at this moment Liuyun's gaze swept over, they suddenly lowered their heads one by one, their eyes were full of jealousy, and they didn't dare to be presumptuous at all.

If they inadvertently offend Liuyun, they don't even know how to die.

Qin Luo turned his head, swept them one by one, and finally stopped at Peach Rabbit and Tsunade.

"Peach Rabbit, Tsunade, tell me how all this came about..."Qin Luo frowned slightly and spoke.

"Hmm. "

Peach Rabbit and Tsunade gently pursed their thin lips and hurriedly walked to Qin Luo.

"The hosts. Tsunade stood here and shouted respectfully.

"Tell me, what's going on. "

"Master, today's business on Fish-Man Island was very good, and at this time, the so-called Big Mom pirate ship sailed into Fish-Man Island, this Charlotte Ningz, is trying to beat the Draconians, and paid the payment, because of the fun of the fight, there is no Bailey, let your men intercept it, and warn Charlotte Ningz not to beat again, after that, this Charlotte Ningz angrily beat the Squid Soldiers, and forcibly beat the Draconians, and even let his subordinate Cappenbecky destroy this place. "

Tsunade finished speaking word by word, and then Qin Luo's gaze became cold.

At the same time, lying on the ground unconscious, Lott Ninzi slowly opened his eyes, he was already seriously injured at the moment, and the slightest movement would pull at his wound, with heart-rending pain.

"How.... What's going on?"

Charlotte Nintz grabbed Capenbe's body in her right hand and watched it all with a dead face.

"Little ghost, are you the Charlotte family?" Qin Luo's gaze was indifferent and swept towards Charlotte Ningzi.

"Stream.... Flowing clouds!"

At this moment, Charlotte Ningzi came to her senses completely, the characters in front of her were not something he could provoke at all, turning his hands into clouds and covering his hands for rain, and they were seriously injured with one slap!

"Liuyun.... Let me go, I'll let my mother pay you, pay you what you deserve!" Charlotte Ningzi knelt in front of Qin Luo with palpitations, begging for mercy like a pug.

"Pay me, what pay?" Qin Luo looked down at the figure in front of him with interest, and muttered in a low voice.

"I beat the Draconians, and there is still some money that has not been paid, I will give it to you, and the houses destroyed by Capenbecki, I will compensate for them! Even the medical expenses of those fish people! I will also bear it alone!"

"Oh, you're a living bodhisattva... So, do you know what it means to repay debts and pay for your life???" Qin Luo raised his eyebrows lightly and said in a low voice, and an invisible killing intent suddenly erupted from his body.

"Murder pays for life....."

Feeling the strong killing intent, Charlotte Ningzi's forehead was suddenly covered with cold sweat, and her body continued to tremble slightly.

"Yes, killing pays for life, how many people of my Fish-Man Island have died, can you offset this life?"

"You can't do this! I'm Charlotte Ningzi! I'm Charlotte Lingling's one hundred and thirty-eighth son! You can't do this to me!!Can't! You kill me! Mom won't let you go!!" Charlotte Ningzi had already heard the killing intent in Liuyun's language at this moment, and began to speak incoherently, and even threatened Charlotte Lingling, the future Four Emperors.

"Are you threatening me?" Qin Luo smiled indifferently and said, "Charlotte Lingling, I will personally find her in the future and ask for an explanation! But now, you should repay it first!" Qin Luo slapped it, and Charlotte Ningzi's entire body was slapped into the soil, spurting blood from her mouth and breathing weakly.

0···· Asking for flowers...

Then, Qin Luo turned around and looked around, just in time to see the squid soldier he had sent to collect money lying on the ground, his face was blue and red, and he had obviously been beaten a lot.

"You... Come here. As soon as Qin Luo beckoned, he directly used gravity to pull the squid soldier over.

"Liuyun God....."The squid soldier stood in front of Qin Luo tremblingly, bowing his head, not daring to say anything.

"Is that what he hit you?" Qin Luo pointed to Charlotte Ningzi on the ground.

"Yes, sir. The squid soldier trembled and panicked.

"How he beat you, you can fight me back!" Qin Luo's voice was indifferent and majestic.


"This.... My lord..... Is this really going to work?" The Squid Soldier was obviously flattered, how could he be able to fight such a 20 million Bailey character? And this guy is still a member of the Charlotte family, and he really won't be blamed after fighting?

"If you want to beat you, you will fight, the sky will fall and I will bear it, my people, even if Charlotte Lingling provokes it, I will seek justice for you!" Qin Luo's eyes were like knives, and he spoke awe-inspiringly.


The Squid Soldier was shaken, feeling a strong sense of security, and smashed his fist directly into Charlotte Nings's face.

"Fuck you, fuck me!!Let you hit me!!Shelter an adult today!How did you hit me!I'll fight back!!" The Squid Soldier roared in the wind, and the tentacles on his body moved in unison, beckoning to Charlotte Ninzis.

The fist roared like a storm, all of which smashed accurately on Charlotte Ningzi's body, and suddenly, Charlotte Ningzi convulsed all over, and her face was extremely distorted.

"Bastard! I'm Charlotte Lingling's son!Despicable Fish-Man!Don't let me escape!Let him escape!Your Fish-Man Island will surely perish!! Mother won't let you !! damn bastard!!" Charlotte Ningzi's scarlet eyes burst with intense hatred, and between her teeth, blood gushed from her mouth.

"Keep fighting!"

Qin Luo looked at Charlotte Ningzi indifferently, this kid is just a mad dog now, and he can't set off any waves at all, as for Charlotte Lingling, hehe, before this woman comes over, Qin Luo will go over to find her troublesome door!_

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