Steel Bone said in a panic: "My lord, we can't help it, that guy Qin Luo actually has the ability to summon sea kings, at that time, our warships were overwhelmed by overseas classes, and most of the sailors died in the hands of that group of beasts." In addition, that guy can even set off a tsunami, hundreds of meters high waves one after another, and he can't cope with it at all..."

Hearing the scene described by the steel bones, a few of the five old stars who were doing it couldn't help but gasp, except for the bald eight-character bearded old man, of course, after all, he was the one who witnessed everything.

"Are you sure you didn't just make it up to fool us in order to escape punishment?" The curly-haired old man sneered, what kind of virtue is the navy, he knows it very well in his heart, he is full of justice on the surface, and he doesn't say anything about the situation secretly, he can only say that he is not much stronger than the pirates.

When Gang Gukong heard this, he couldn't help but be angry, and his voice couldn't help but raise a few points: "My lord, there are so many survivors, if you don't believe it, you can just pull out someone and ask, I'm standing here, I dare to pat my chest, I just said that what I said just now is all the truth, and not a word will be false!"

For the appearance of the steel bone empty, the curly hair sneered, and secretly pretended to be!

Just when the scene was embarrassing, the bald head of the eight-character beard spoke: "Everyone, I can testify that what I just said is the truth. "

Although I hate this guy to death in my heart, I also know very well that now is not a good time to solve personal grievances, and I can't be rash, otherwise there will be no good results for others.

Everyone knew that the bald eight-character beard was captured by Qin Luo, and they must have known some secrets, so they recognized what he said.

"How is this possible?" the old man with a scarface exclaimed in surprise~.

They all knew that Qin Luo was not a Devil Fruit powerhouse, but how could he exert such a powerful natural power.

"Okay, okay, it's all in the past, and there's no point in talking too much, so it's better to calm down and think about what to do in the future. The bearded old man sighed slightly, and stroked his forehead, apparently something had happened recently—he was a little upset.


"Now that I think about it, if it's really Qin Luo's guy, maybe he can really control the Sea Kings. Scarface, who had calmed down, said in a muffled voice.

"Oh, how can you see that?" said the bald beard, raising his eyebrows.

"You must know that he can summon the existence of four giant beasts at will, and what can he do to control some sea kings, not to mention, at that time, the four of us had a lot of effort to fight him, and we couldn't take advantage at all, so you can imagine how terrifying this guy's strength is!" The old man with scarface was stunned, and his palm slapped the table hard, and he gritted his teeth and said.

Hearing the analysis of the old man with Scar, several people present all fell silent.

Yes, that guy's strength is so terrifying, it's not easy to control some sea kings?

For a moment, the small conference room fell into a dead silence, as if they were all pondering something.

However, the atmosphere of silence was interrupted in an instant.

"My lord, has that bastard Qin Luo really been to the Holy Land?" said that the steel bone hollow already had an answer of eight nine and ten, but he still wanted to get more accurate information from the five old stars.

"Could it be that Qin Luo's strength is really so strong, that several adults have not been able to capture him?" Gang Gukong asked with some surprise, in his opinion, the five old stars can be said to be the most powerful existence in the world, and a few people joining forces is enough to make his fight go up in smoke.

However, from the conversations of several adults, Cyborg heard an earth-shattering news, because the news was too sudden, too terrifying, so that Cyborg Kong was a little suspicious of his ears.

The five old stars did not answer the question of the steel bone empty, but were silent.

"My lord, what about that guy Qin Luo, is he already seriously injured and imprisoned in Advance City?"

At this time, Steel Gukong was still lucky, thinking that the five old stars had already caught Qin Luo.

"That guy ran away!" Scarface muffled.

Steel Gukong didn't know that the old man with scarface used the word escape in his sentence, in fact, it was just to whitewash the strength of the five old stars, the real situation was clear in the hearts of those present except for Steel Gukong, but at this time, no one would be stupid and depict the situation at that time meticulously.

"Damn, that bastard just ran away like this, ruined my holy land, injured so many of my sailors, how could he let him escape so easily and get away with it!"

0···· Asking for flowers...

"Order, sir, I'll get that damn bastard back this time!"

For Steelbone's request, several five old stars secretly exchanged glances, but did not immediately reply.

"Your Excellency!"

Seeing that the five old stars did not answer, they thought that they did not believe in their own strength, and just as they wanted to open their mouths to defend themselves, they were interrupted by the long-bearded old man.

"Marshal Kong, now I order, with the supreme authority of the World Government..."

Saying this, the long-bearded old man paused slightly, as if he was pondering how to use words.

When Gang Gukong heard the five old stars speak to him in such a serious tone, his heart suddenly became excited, thinking that his example had worked.


"All personnel of the Navy must not provoke Qin Luo!"

In the end, the long-bearded old man's voice suddenly rose a little, and there was even a hint of threat, as if he really said, if anyone can't get along with this order, don't blame me for not being merciful!

"This is a death order, everyone will carry it out unconditionally!" Immediately after, the bald bearded old man added.

What? How is this possible?

For a moment, Steel's face changed in shock, with a shocked expression.

That's right, this order is even harsher than what I gave before!

What will be the consequences if this order spreads? Don't the five old stars know it?

As soon as he thought of this, Steelbone's eyes began to become bloodshot.

"My lord, think twice!"

"That's enough!" The old man with the scarface turned pale, and said in a cold voice, "Steel Bone Kong, if you don't want to be a marshal, don't be a marshal, you don't even carry out the orders of the five old stars, I think you are the end!"

Hearing the words of the scar-faced old man, the steel bones' empty breath suddenly stagnated, as if the strength of his whole body had been drained.

At this moment, the long-bearded old man came out and made a round and said: "Marshal Kong, this matter is over, you just strictly follow the order, don't talk nonsense, besides, quickly send someone to clean up here, we must rebuild the holy land within five days!"

After speaking, the five old stars stood up, couldn't even look at it, pushed the door and walked out of the door. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - receive

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