"What are you doing with our navy??" Karp jumped up and clenched his iron fist to death.

"Navy? The navy is nothing more than an institution subordinate to the world government, and without the world government, where is the navy? Without a world government, where can the people be safe? In your mouth, is the world government so unbearable?? The square-faced old man also looked unkind, glaring at Karp.

"Karp..." Steelbone frowned, although he was slightly dissatisfied with the five old stars, he still pressed it down and deliberately pulled Karp's sleeve.

"World government? Oh, if it weren't for the sake of Li Min, the ghost would be willing to work for your world government! Karp shook his gloves, turned around in a rage, kicked the door open, and walked out of the door.

"Bastard! Hold it! The old man with his beard hanging down stood up from his stool and shouted angrily.

However, Karp directly ignored this order.

And Zefa, the Warring States are complexion.

The sudden change caused a dead silence in the hall.

Warring States bowed his head to the Five Old Stars and said, "My lord, Karp is a little reckless, so I'll call him back." "

"No need!" The old man with the knife had a cold gaze, and a fierce color flashed on his face, and said: "This kind of person who dares to contradict his boss, don't use it, steel bones, dismiss this person and expel him from the Navy Headquarters."

"Dismissal? Expulsion from the Navy Headquarters? "The steel bones are suffocated, this is the rhythm of driving Karp out of the Navy Headquarters.......

"Isn't it?"

Before the steel bones could plead, one of the five old stars who had never spoken frowned and said: "His whereabouts are unknown, and Deadpool is dead, Qin Luo and Liuyun who suddenly appeared are very tricky, and Qin Luo has the support of a mysterious family behind him, if he rashly expels a marshal-level personnel from the Navy Headquarters, I am afraid it will be shaken..."


The old man with the knife and the square-faced man were silent.

Karp does have marshal-level combat power, and this person is also the mainstay of the Navy Headquarters, if Karp is expelled from the Navy Headquarters, I am afraid it will cause a lot of impact, the reputation is small, and the key is that the combat power loss is huge.

It's a bit more than worth the cost.

"So what? Let him do whatever he wants?? The old man with the knife snorted angrily.

"Cyborg, what rank is Karp now??" The old man with the national character face was silent for a while, and then asked the steel bone in an instant.

"Lieutenant General."

"Lieutenant General? Okay, let him be a lieutenant general for life... Don't want to be promoted in the future, this can be regarded as a punishment for him. "

As a word was spoken, there was a sudden silence all around.

The five old stars nodded in unison.

And the steel bone and Zefa, the Warring States are face changed.

Lieutenant General?

A lieutenant general for life?

For Karp, it was like putting his future in the cradle.

In real life, people go to high places, water flows to low places, who doesn't want to pursue a better life? A more promising future?

Working in a company, 3,000 a month, or an employee, who doesn't want to be a general manager? Who wouldn't want to be a CEO?

Again, this is true in this world!

It can be said that the words of the five old stars wiped out Karp's life.

A lifetime of vice admiral, for the navy with dreams, this is the most painful blow, a soldier who does not want to be a general is definitely not a good soldier!

Salted fish have dreams, let alone people??

"No way!"

After thinking about it, the three of them directly resisted categorically.

"Karp must not be a lieutenant general for life! He now has enough qualifications and strength, and he is fully qualified to be a general or even a marshal! A vice admiral, this is the reward for Karp's lifelong service to the world government and the Navy headquarters? I disagree! "

"I don't agree with it either!"

"Me too!"

Steel bones, Zefa, and the Warring States are all unyielding.

"Disagree? Are you the supreme power or are we, but your naval headquarters will not be able to rebel! The old man with the sword showed his sword, and the cold was overwhelming.

"That's it! This matter is so decided, Cyborg, you go out and tell Karp about this in a moment, and if he agrees, let him continue to stay at the Navy Headquarters, if not, then let him take off his military uniform and leave the Navy Headquarters. "

The old man with the face of the national character replied categorically.


Steel Bone was in a dilemma, looking at the four old men and speechless for a while.

"Humph!" Warring States glared at the four old men and said, "In the future, you will regret this decision, definitely!" "

After saying that, Sengoku also turned around and left without hesitation.

"Cyborg, are these all your subordinates? That's the attitude?? "

The two of them, Steel Bone and Zefa, were still reprimanded by the five old stars.

Sengoku walked out of the tall building, saw the two guards in front of the building, and said, "See where Lieutenant General Karp went?" "

"Karp? Which way to go. "

One of the guards pointed in the direction, and Sengoku left without saying a word.


A mountainous area, this place is breezy and cool, and now a person stands on the top of the mountain, the cloak of justice blows in the wind, he looks at the endless sea, and his expression is depressed.


Suddenly, behind this person, a voice suddenly sounded, but this voice did not succeed in making the figure in front of him turn his head.

Warring States smiled sadly, and flew directly to this person's side with a moon step.


Two jars of wine fell on the grass, and Sengoku stood on the top of the mountain with Karp.

"Karp, there's something for you."

"Say, the old man is already ready, is it to be expelled from the Navy Headquarters??" Karp said with a flat expression.

"No, the five old stars did not order you to be expelled from the Navy Headquarters, but you will stay in the position of vice admiral for the rest of your life."

"Is that so?" When Karp heard this, his expression was flat, which made people a little unpredictable.

"What? Want to leave the Navy Headquarters? If you leave, then I won't stay at the Navy Headquarters for long..."Sengoku muttered as he tore open a jar of liquor and poured it violently, the hot burning sensation quickly rushed from his throat to his lungs, and in an instant, his whole body became hot.

"Leave? Why leave? The old man entered the Navy Headquarters just to do justice, who cares what the old immortals of the five old stars think, the old man is just for the people of Limin..... As for the position, if you want to go down, you can go down. "

Karp replied indifferently, and suddenly saw Sengoku pouring spirits, and suddenly said with some resentment: "Sengoku, the Navy Headquarters explicitly prohibits drinking?" Not only did you drink..... And dare to drink in the Holy Land ........"

"What's there? It's just a big deal to be removed by the five old stars, and I'm very happy about the dismissal. "

"Hahaha! You kid! Karp smashed his fist on the Hun chamber of the Warring States, directly snatched the wine jar, poured it down, and the strong and spicy suddenly spread from the taste buds, and the whole throat had a strong feeling of being burned, and the dissatisfaction in his heart, depressed, followed the spirits, and rushed in together.

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