In just a few moments, from obscurity, to such a speed, it is certainly not an ordinary person.

"What kind of power fruit is this?"

The well-informed whitebeard frowned, now that he had calmed down, his anger at Qin Luo's blackmailing of his Devil Fruit was also suppressed, and he rationally analyzed who Qin Luo was.

"Daddy—" Diamond Joz covered his mouth and walked over to Whitebeard.

He was kicked away by Qin Luo, and his serious injury had not healed, and it was already very strong to be able to stand here with difficulty.

"Joz, how about the power of Liuyun's kick?" Whitebeard didn't try to make fun of Joz, but asked how hard Liuyun's kick was.

"Strong, outrageously strong!" Joz clenched his diamond fist with palpitations, saying this for the first time.

Joz is a Devil Fruit superhuman ability, able to diamond body parts, and has the strongest physical defense in the world. Under the hard body, Joz, who can still kick him, is injured, which is terrifying to think about.

"Tell me to go down, gather intelligence, I want to completely grasp all the news of Liuyun... From obscurity to fame! There must be something greasy among them! "

This was the first time Whitebeard had heard of the name Liuyun, and if it weren't for Marco, he still wouldn't know the name.

"How's Marco?" Whitebeard asked, looking down.

"Temporarily unconscious... As strong as him, he was so resilient that he was tortured and weak, and he didn't know what kind of abuse he had received! Diamond Joz's eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth.

Today's World War I is destined to go down in history, and Whitebeard was deflated in the New World... And it was deflated at the hands of one person.

"Let's go....."Whitebeard's expression was a little decadent, and he was no longer the fearless man he had been.

"Daddy..."Diamond Joz noticed the decadent momentum on Whitebeard's body, his nose soured, and a sense of guilt suddenly grew.

"I don't blame you, stupid son, it's okay if you're okay, my whitebeard has fought all my life and become one of the three great pirates, in order to protect you stupid sons..... Those riches, statements, prestige to me ..... It's simply not worth mentioning... All I need is a home. "Whitebeard rarely shows emotion, and his father's love is like a mountain.

"Daddy....."Diamond Joz couldn't control it anymore and burst into tears.

Thatch, Foil-Bista, Bramanque, Laqueo were equally impressed.

"Stupid sons......."Whitebeard was speechless, and took everyone into his arms with one hand, silent.


In a space in the New World, Qin Luo lay on the stone bed and woke up for a long time.

opened his eyes, rubbed his slightly numb head, and muttered to himself: "System, how long did it take you to update the system this time, I feel that my arms are stiff..."

"Host, it took three hours, twenty seconds, and fifty-seven..."

"Three hours??"

Qin Luo's expression was bitter, it only took him less than ten minutes last time, and this time it took him three hours.

"System, be reasonable, I used to be like gold, you cost me three hours, don't you plan to make up for it??" The corners of Qin Luo's mouth hooked, revealing a wicked smile.

Hearing this, the system suddenly had a bad premonition, and hurriedly said: "The upgrade is to optimize the system, in order to make the host more enjoyable, if you don't upgrade, the system will be completely unable to keep up with the host's pretending rhythm, so, in order to keep up with the pace of the host's pretense, upgrading is the top priority!" "

"Huh? Will you still be a sycophant? But...... This sycophant, give you a point. "

Qin Luo smiled evilly, and continued to blackmail: "System, I have an inch of time and an inch of gold, some people say that it is difficult to buy an inch of time, if I know who said it, I will definitely go up and slap it to death, this he. Mom, is it hard to buy? I can't buy it....."

"Time is a wonderful thing, use a part of it to reduce a part, and.... Do you understand the preciousness of my time? In just a few dozen minutes, I blackmailed Whitebeard with forty Devil Fruits, and even asked him to sign an IOU for sixty Devil Fruits, and I took a few minutes to get the Navy to take out twenty-five Devil Fruits and exchange them for points, a total of more than 50,000, let's calculate according to 50,000, I used thirty minutes, and exchanged 50,000 points, do you say my time is precious? You directly cheated me for three hours this time, and it is completely unreasonable not to give me hundreds of thousands of points! "

Qin Luo looked leisurely, he blackmailed the system last time, but he extorted some oil and water from this old fox, and if he didn't blackmail this time, would he still be Qin Luo?


The system was silent for a while, speechless.

After a while, the system sounded: "What the hell do you want to do?" "

"Me! Qin Luo! Hit the money! No, it's a score! "

"..., how many points?" The system is almost speechless, how did you encounter such a host.

"More than 100,000!" Qin Luo waved his hand and said.

"No way..."The system refused, and there was a flurry in his heart, you snatched the Whitebeard Devil Fruit, snatched the Navy Devil Fruit, that's not a prerequisite, everything is laid out, if you really want to count, Qin Luo has earned these 50,000 points in ten days at best, and this thing is brazen and only counts the time to trade the Devil Fruit...

Damn it! Profiteer!

"Eighty thousand!"

"No way...", the system still refused, but the voice was much weaker.

"Uncle Draft, 10,000 head office."

Seeing Qin Luo frenzy, the system fell silent again.

10,000, forcing blood loss, loss of blood is lost.

The host that other systems eat is dead, how did it get here, it came to a big turn, and the host ate it to death, and the system wanted to cry without tears!

"Five thousand..... Five thousand! "


Seeing the points extorted from the system, he nodded with satisfaction.

Of course, Qin Luo knew the loopholes in his calculations, and the system must also understand it, but it was definitely not wise to be able to pit points and hundreds of thousands of points.

Therefore, five thousand points were also within Qin Luo's expectations.

If you don't do anything, you can get 5,000 points in your account for three hours, how easy and comfortable.

Seeing Qin Luo's expression, the system suddenly regretted it...

The coke has already been opened, and it's too late to regret it!

"Hurry up and give me points!" Qin Luo wanted to be a debt collector and roared arrogantly.

"Here you go..."

The system is as weak as a little daughter-in-law, and she doesn't dare to resist at all.

In an instant, Qin Luo's points panel changed rapidly, climbing directly from 51,400 points to 56,400 points!

Seeing that the blackmail was successful, Qin Luo recovered his expression and said, "It's time to arrest that bald old man." "


Qin Luo's eyes were illusory for a while, and the whole person was twisted and sucked in.

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