The marshal of the Navy Headquarters made a big decision.

"All navies, must not provoke Qin Luo! Those who violate the order must be expelled from the Navy Headquarters! and be hunted down by the Navy Headquarters indefinitely!"

This order, issued by Marshal Steel Bone Kong, quickly swept through the naval headquarters, and Qin Luo's indifferent and chic photos were also widely circulated in the navy.

"Hey, did you see the order issued by the marshal?".

At the Navy Headquarters, a Navy on patrol said to another Navy.

"Of course, how could I not know about such a sensational matter as Marin Fando?"

"Then do you know who this Qin Luo is, can you make the marshal pay such attention!"

"How do I know? Could it be a Dracon?".

"No, don't all the Celestial Dragons have a holy word added to the back to show their otherworldliness! This man has no holy word in his name. "

"That's true, so who is he?".

"I heard that Qin Luo's identity is extremely mysterious, and even the marshal is afraid of three points....."


Conversations like this have not stopped at the Navy Headquarters.

In the end, there was even a navy spreading that this Qin Luo was the illegitimate son of Marshal Steel Gukong....

The news penetrated into Steelbone's empty ears, and he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

And the main owner of this matter is eating lunch leisurely on Zefa's warship at the moment, very comfortable, and he doesn't know what is happening in the outside world.

"Qin Luo....."

With a call, Qin Luo turned his head over and saw Zefa walking towards him with a smile on his face.

"What's the matter?Uncle Zefa?".

Qin Luo got along with Zefa for a few days and found that this Zefa was very approachable, so he didn't call Zefa uncle inhibitedly, but as a foodie, he didn't put down the food in his hand, but looked at Zefa while eating.

"The Chambord Islands have arrived, our warship is going to rest here, replenish it, and by the way, hand over those caught pirates to the naval branch, these days, you won't stay on this warship all the time, right?"

"Have the Chambord Islands arrived?" Qin Luo narrowed his eyes, and finally got out of the windless zone where birds don't, although the Chambord Islands are not very safe, but they are countless times better than that desert island, and even, in the Chambord Islands, if you are lucky, you can still witness the appearance of the mermaid!

"Yes, now that you're in the Chambord Islands, if you want to go out and see the scenery, I can give you some Baileys, not much, but enough for you to visit the Chambord Islands. Zefa smiled kindly.

There's no way, the steel bones are so co-opted by Qin Luo, and he can't fall behind, right?


To Zefa's surprise, Qin Luo happily agreed this time.

After that, Zefa gave Qin Luo eight thousand Bailey.

As he spoke, the warship had entered the harbor of the naval base.

The Chambord Islands, also known as the Soap Bubble Islands, are located in front of the Red Earth continent in the middle of the Great Shipping Route.

It is the meeting point of the seven shipping routes in front of the Red Earth Continent, and one of the two entrances to the New World.

It is an important hub for maritime communications, and it is not surprising that the Navy has a base here.

Since it was the only way to the New World, it was home to many pirates, merchants, and bounty hunters.

The most important thing is that in the Chambord Islands there are still world nobles, alias also known as "Draconian", they are the descendants of 20 kings who established the huge organization of "World Government" 800 years ago, and they are high on weekdays, abusing their power, in order not to breathe the same air as ordinary people, always wearing masks, if anyone dares to hurt the Draconians, the admiral of the Navy Headquarters will lead the army to come to the crusade, so the injury of the Draconians is the biggest news on this island and even in the New World.

Didn't Luffy beat up the Draconians in the Chambord Islands, causing several of their friends to be broken up by the Admiral?

But all of this is happening in the future.

Qin Luo knew how dangerous the Chambord Islands were, and at this moment, it didn't matter to Qin Luo.

Carrying the eight thousand Baileys given to him by Zefa, Qin Luo calmly walked out of the naval base.

During this period, countless navies cast shocked eyes, and Qin Luo felt awe and fear in their gazes.

This made Qin Luo a little puzzled, but he didn't ask, and stepped into the Chambord Islands.


This is the third watch! Kneel and beg everyone to collect and throw flowers.

Your support is my biggest motivation!

There is another more, which should be after the early hours of the morning, but it will not be owed!

Continue to kneel and beg for a wave of support, ah!!!

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