One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 417 The Hammer That Subverts Smoker's Cognition

"What? Are you shocked by the power?"

Looking at the two people with wide eyes, Tiechui had no expression on his face.

"For you, the Hammer Hammer Fruit should only be able to launch hammer attacks, right?"

"What if this is the case?"

"Heavy Hammer Sparks!"

The Hammer struck out again, but this time it was not a hammer attack, but a large piece of flame.

The originally blue sea surface was instantly rendered into a sea of ​​fire.

"Fire... Fire? Why is it fire?"

Smoker and Sanji widened their eyes, and their eyeballs were about to fly out.

This situation was enough to show the shock in the hearts of these two people.

In their opinion, if it was the Hammer Hammer Fruit, it should be just a hammer attack, how could there be flames.

"Did you see it? Even if it is the Superman Hammer Hammer Fruit, as long as it is developed properly, I can still rely on hammer attacks to generate different attacks."

"Flame? It's just one of them."


Another hammer appeared, this time the atmosphere was directly cracked by the hammer, and the terrifying vibration force erupted instantly.

The sea surface that was originally covered by flames was instantly shattered.

"How is this possible..."

"The power of vibration, isn't this Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor Fruit?"

Everything that happened before their eyes completely overturned their cognition.

"Do you understand now? The development of devil fruits depends entirely on one's own mind. Only when you develop in the right direction can you truly make the devil fruit your power."

"Your smoke fruit is a mess after you developed it."

Iron Hammer judged Smoker's fruit development mercilessly.

"But, I am smoke, shouldn't I turn myself into smoke to fight?"

Smoker didn't understand. In his opinion, since he was a smoke man, he should become smoke to fight.

"Yes, you are a smoke man, you can turn into smoke, but what about your attack method after you become smoke?"

"Isn't it still relying on your fists and feet?"

"Why is that? Because your smoke can't kill people?"

Faced with Iron Hammer's criticism, the young Smoker actually nodded.

This made Iron Hammer mad.

"Are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? I said smoke can't kill people, do you think smoke can't kill people?"

"You idiot, keep doing push-ups! When you figure it out, stop!"

I thought this kid was a smart guy, but now it seems he is just a fool!!!

Sanji laughed out loud, he couldn't help it.

"What are you laughing at! Then do you think smoke can kill people?"

Smoker was afraid of the hammer, but not the yellow-haired kid in front of him, roaring while doing push-ups.

Sanji ignored him and exercised on his own.

"You are stupid, and you don't allow others to say you are stupid?"

"You are so stupid, your smoke can only be simple smoke?"

"Even if it is simple smoke, if the concentration reaches a certain level, it can choke people to death."

"What about you? In addition to making a lot of smoke that will be blown away by the wind, what else do you have?"

Smoker was confused, completely confused, simple smoke? Smoke concentration?

What are these? Why doesn't he know them?

"Hey, poor kid, let Shuzo give you a good lesson later. If you want to develop the fruit well, you still need to learn from it."

"Look at Borsalino. The Sparkling Fruit can develop lasers."

"Sakaski can discover various forms of magma. Kuzan... As expected, people like people. Kuzan plays with ordinary ice. Alas."

As for the Dorag who never passed the cultural course, he is also wind, but he is strong in physical skills.

After all, Garp's genes are not exaggerated.

Smoker was completely dumbfounded. In his opinion, strength is enough, why is there a cultural course?

By the way, what is a cultural course?

Sanji couldn't help laughing again when he saw Smoker's dazed look.

But this time Smoker ignored him. He was thinking about what the hammer had just said.

The form of smoke? And the concentration?

It is indeed a good direction of development...

The Warhammer was traveling neither fast nor slow. It took a day to cross the Red Earth Continent and arrived at the Grand Line.

Of course, when crossing the Red Earth Continent, it flew directly over.

This move shocked Smoker and Sanji again.

When they heard that Hammer had mastered the Float-Float Fruit, the two trained harder.

The climate here is different from that in the New World when they came to the Grand Line.

Feeling the sea breeze of the Grand Line, Hammer was very comfortable.


Suddenly a shell exploded on the side of the Warhammer, and the splashing waves hit Hammer.

Even Smoker, who was training, did not escape. He was not in good condition with the seastone, and was splashed by the seawater and fell on the deck.

"Damn! Where did the bombardment come from!"

"Report to Vice Admiral Hammer, it's a pirate."

Hammer shook off the seawater on his body. After so many years of training, although the seastone and seawater would make him lose his ability, the load on his body was not so serious. At least he would not be weak to the end.

"Damn it, why are you fine when you touch the seawater, Vice Admiral Iron Hammer..."

Smoker, who was lying on the deck, saw Iron Hammer being soaked in seawater and looking fine, and once again felt that there are always people who are better than you.

"Just exercise more."

"Smoker, do you want to fight pirates to vent your anger?"

Smoker instantly became alert when he heard that there was a fight.

Although he wanted to develop the fruit that day, he couldn't use his ability with the seastone.

Now that he had a chance to use his ability, he would definitely seize it.

"Yes! I want to fight the pirates."

Tiechui took out the handcuff key and unlocked his handcuffs.

"Come 20 people, follow him and sink the pirates to the sea!"

"It's unforgivable to disturb my rare leisure time!"

Under Tiechui's order, 20 navy soldiers quickly stepped out.

When Smoker heard that Tiechui only sent 20 people, he felt something was wrong.

"Aren't 20 people too few..."

"Even if I'm here, it's still too few."

"Besides, how are they going to get through?"

Smoker asked, but no one paid any attention to him.

Each of the 20 soldiers had a Han sword on his waist, and then faced the direction of the pirate ship and waited for Tiechui's order.

"Don't hesitate, follow them, a little devil, chirping and screaming."

"Let's go! Kill them!"

The next second, Smoker was shocked again.

20 soldiers instantly took off into the air with moon steps, and then rushed towards the pirate ship at a very fast speed.

Tiechui looked at Smoker who was standing there in a daze, and grabbed his collar.

"Why are you standing there in a daze! Go fight the pirates! Idiot!"

With a little force, Smoker was thrown out by Tiechui.



The new book [I am not a human being, cholera the entire ninja world] has been released. The Naruto I wrote before was a little insufficient, so I learned from the lesson and wrote a new one. It is currently updated steadily. Friends who support me are welcome to read it.

I ask for likes every day, write a paragraph review, and give a five-star praise if possible.

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